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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by apoallo

  1. what did you do? the camo wrap?. if so look pretty good.
  2. NIce video I enjoyed that. The grass wasnt that bad afterwords just looked a little muddy.
  3. apoallo


    NYS Law states that if you own any livestock used for a purpose example. milk from cow/ goat meat from them as well etc.. you have a right to protect them even if it is a neighbors dog chewing them up. I work at a vets office that worked on livestock as well and someone came in with their goat all torn up. puncture marks in the bark puncturing the intestine neck all ripped showing everything your neck has to offer under the skin. This poor goat was still alive and had to be put down due to injuries. We referred the goat owner to the police whose response was. if this happens again to another animal of your yopu can call us or handle the problem...
  4. well if your wife isnt into firearms that much then you can say either i get a dog or a few more guns. or you can go the big man route and said because I am all that is man and I said so, thats why .!!!! idk good luck
  5. I second this.. but mine is in a 4-12 zoom thats what I use for the yardage you are speaking of
  6. I wouldnt mind this program but I agree with the above If my family member whom lived with me was unstable and police came knocking on my door.... I would not be okay with that. Now If I had my firearms in a Safe not a gun locker but an actual gun safe and that was behind another locker door.(in a closet etc...) and my family memeber did not have access then I should be able to keep my firearms.
  7. I want to move to texas. any gun I want, full auto, and supressors oh my!!
  8. Below I copy and pasted an article that was send to me from the NRA. The important area of NEW CONCERn is located in paragraph 2 and 3 ..... unbelievable!!!!.: Gov. Cuomo and Anti-Gun Legislators Admit SAFE ACT Mistakes - But Continue Assault On Lawful Gun Owners NRA Files Legal Challenge in Court New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and state legislative leaders have now publicly admitted mistakes in their rush to pass what is arguably the worst gun control law in the country – the SAFE ACT. After intense public pressure, the state’s chief executive and lawmakers discussed including amendments to the SAFE Act this week during the state budget negotiations. Specifically, much of the focus was on the seven-round magazine limit. However, the prospects for making the law more lenient disappeared when a rough budget agreement was reached this week. Many of the provisions of the SAFE Act are set to take effect April 15. Even after acknowledging the flaws in this overreaching gun control law, Cuomo appears determined to continue his assault on law-abiding gun owners. Just this week, a toll-free “tip line” was launched that enables any person with a phone the ability to initiate an investigation on any unwitting gun owner. This state program was outlined in a letter sent out on March 19 by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Upon receiving a tip from “an anonymous tipster," the State Police will route the information to the appropriate police agency in order to initiate an investigation. The tipster, who can remain completely anonymous, is entitled to a taxpayer-funded reward of $500 when an arrest is made in connection with their tip. Placing a bounty on gun owners for simply exercising their constitutional rights is an extreme abuse of power - and a reckless and wasteful misuse of taxpayer monies. Cuomo would do better to serve the people of New York by using those “bounty” funds to actually catch, prosecute and punish violent criminals. Cuomo has turned a deaf ear to the thousands of New Yorkers who have protested the SAFE ACT. Dozens of county legislatures have now passed resolutions condemning the Draconian gun law. In fact, 52 counties (of New York’s 62 counties) have either passed or have pending, a resolution opposing the SAFE ACT. This week also saw the NRA and its state association, The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA), file a complaint in the United States District Court for the Western District of New York challenging the SAFE Act. The NRA will continue to stand by its members in New York and push for repeal of this unconstitutional law, and will continue to actively support litigation that challenges the SAFE Act. Please continue to follow NRA-ILA Legislative Alerts for updates.
  9. sounds like he was very board. however no excuse for unhooking the gun from the holster and sliding it up and down. I have a CCP and when I carry in public I never touch the firearm. I dont wanna draw any attention to the area where it is. I have a friend in NJ who is a town cop and their department tkaes rotations being at the schools in that area. He says its the worst assignment ever and extremely boring.
  10. was just gonna post the link to this. I seen the update today. The article also stated that the officer resigned....
  11. only because they want to be re-elected and they know if they make a move right now then the people they represent will not reelect them. Just wait untill after election then they will try again
  12. read the link posted above. the only people exempt from background checks are spouse, children and step children. basically family members. its all in the link
  13. funny how kids and others are questioning why the officers gun was not on safety and why it was loaded.. Think people of course a cops gun is gonna be loaded at all times. it is suppose to be while on duty. Just shows how little people educated about firearms yet still feel they show question the topic as if they know
  14. I read this in the local newspaper. link below to the article. thanks god noone was injured. http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130306/NEWS/303060337&cid=sitesearch
  15. you need to do a background check for all private sales for any firearm. below is a link to NYS government website for any FAQ on private sales and background checks http://www.governor.ny.gov/2013/private-sale
  16. shotgun. Although I found throwing a spear from a tree stand a very interesting stradagy. However I think I would miss more then not so Im hands down with gun season
  17. not to critize but.. to me 4 people shot dead is not a mass killing shooting.That kinda S*** happens everyday between gangs but these nobody hears about..
  18. January of this year, 2013, the weather stayed so cold in Hinckley, Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie & Rocky River. that the bald eagles were cruising over houses in hopes of a quick meal.They could not access fish that were at the bottom of the river and had gathered together. Some kind souls decided to feed the eagles so they would survive the cold spell. They gathered fish and started feeding the group of eagles huddled on the shore. The photos below show what happened. A former teaching colleague took these photos in front of his home. Incredible! Feeding the Eagles! http://f1214.mail.ya...ahooMailClassic A beautiful morning feeding the eagles, Jan. 2013 http://f1214.mail.ya...ahooMailClassic Once the fish were thrown, the eagles did not seem to fear the good Samaritans and word spread fast! http://f1214.mail.ya...ahooMailClassic Eagles vying for the fish. January, 2013. http://f1214.mail.ya...ahooMailClassic No zoom lens used here! The photographer was this close! http://f1214.mail.ya...ahooMailClassic http://f1214.mail.ya...ahooMailClassic Here are the men who were feeding them. So close!! As you know, it was not too long ago that the American Bald Eagle was an endangered species.
  19. People want remington to stop selling to the government (boycott) because of the recent gun ban. A bunch of other firearms manufacturers stopped selling to govt their theory is If i cant sell to the civilians then I wont sell to govt.
  20. everyone is def allowed to have their opinions on this topic whether for or against however. you calim you support Freedom in america but then turnaround and say someone doesnt have the right to abort.... its like saying. You as an American have the right to own and operate firearms but Then should be banned because they are dangerous. Someone on another page on this topic wrote too bad your daughter had sex and got pregnant she shouldt have had sex. #1 so does that mean we should ban sex? #2 what if a women was raped and got pregnant from the attacker.. now not only does she have to live with the fact that this happened to her but she also will have a daily reminder(a child) of the event that happened to her. Then the child goes unloved and resented through life and becomes one of these crazy nut job school shooters..... its a personal choice
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