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Everything posted by apoallo

  1. i am 6 foot 1 and I put my cam at an arms length higher then my height pointing down at an angle towards a trail. I am more concerned about the people whose houise butts against the wooded lot. I noticed a large brush pile from someone dumping yard stuff the peoples sheds are against the wooded edge. I went in around 930am Monday morning in hopes that everyone left for work and nobody would see me go in or out.
  2. I didn't lock it up or anything. I figure I'd give it a week then check on it. I know the less I go the better but the area is small I just wanted to see if anything is in that area
  3. Does any one else get paranoid that a trail camera they just put into a new spot will get taken?? I bought one finally and just put it out yesterday now I can't stop thinking about it and wanna check on it to make sure it's still there
  4. Even thou I dont care for Obama It would be cool to meet the president and maybe take a picture.. I wouldnt go out of my way for him thou
  5. I wouldnt be surprised if they use some type of EMP for cell phones in the area where the President is in. Kinda like the type they put in schools to keep the kids from using the phones. this way nobody makes a call to a box and BOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!
  6. Holy crap!! where were these 2 at. Part of NY state that is
  7. work it baby work it. Oh you look better from this angle ? ok now your close up. haha That was a cool video made me smile thanks!!
  8. I have 2 indoor ranges open to the public by me on is 30 yards for pistol only and the other is 100 yards However its about a 2 1/2 hour drive south of Binghamton Im about an hour from NYC
  9. did just that and its a little blurry for me but I can see a black tip also
  10. I got the itch very early this year. usually im still all about fishing. but I took my rifle out last month to the indoor range by me and made sure it was still sighted in and then wouldn't you know my whole body got covered in an invisible rash and all I do is itch... now fishing is way out of mind the poles are in the basement and boat is away....... its all about the deer now.
  11. if and when you find the answer please post it back on this thread! Id like to know as well. I have an interest in hunting deer with a pistol but never really looked into it at all
  12. I think Id rather trust the guy who says you can make $ from home stuffing envelopes. My dad said when I was younger if you have to pay someone to make money then its more than likely not worth it.
  13. you could use Frontline. When I went to Vet School the Professor of the parasites class said that a lot of people use frontline when hiking or in the woods. She didn't specify if it is harmful for humans thou. It is fragrance free .. I am sure the manufacturer would not recommend it . maybe worth looking into
  14. wish it was that easy to get a message across
  15. how much do one of these "homebrews" cost??? and where can you find people that make them?
  16. I usually only go on that site to lookup what certain guns are going for now a days. I order my firearms from my local mom and pop gun store. They don't have anything I ever want in stock but can get anything with a low price that makes me and my wallet very happy. I like giving the local shops my business before I go to a chain or throu an online site
  17. works fine for me.. However the rattling IMO gets their attention. you have to follow it up with a grunt call and switch back. I believe its the same concept as for turkey hunting. They say for turkey you should have a few different calls. Example. locator cal (usually an owl or crow) then you have you gobbler call that you shake and it makes a toms gobble. the mouth piece and a scratch box or scratch thing with the stick....lol sorry for not having the right terminology having a bit of a brain fart right now. but you get the idea. I usually start with a bleet can for a few minutes. wait then rattle bag followed by a grunt then rattle some more.
  18. messed up!!. 3 kinds of people you don't pick on or make fun of in life. Vets, the elderly, and disabled people (mentally or physically).everyone else is fair game........jk
  19. take a picture and upload it. If you have doubts you can report It to the DEC and Im sure they would test it..
  20. I was going to buy them originally but when I found out how much I have to pay out of pocket I changed my mind. In sure ill do just fine with te glasses if not then ill just go to the old way and take them off
  21. so I have never tried heart before. I though about it with my last buck because it was sssooo big but changed my mind last minute. However this pictures looks like the most juiciest mouth watering hearts and straps
  22. I just have a package of reflective thumb tacks my phone and a knife
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