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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Maybe shot at night by poachers who took off?
  2. Sometimes you only get a quick second to guess the age. What you want to see is short ears that look small on the head, not long like those on a German Shepard. Then you want to see a fat, low hanging belly, almost dragging on the ground. Not a flat belly like you see on a German Shepard. The bear should appear to have short legs and short snout also. If you see all that, shoot!
  3. This is my idea of blaze orange. Says just how I feel if they make it mandatory too!
  4. Well, this is the politics forum and it was getting a little slow in here. We need to keep something going just for laughs. The religion part was tacked on to it because we don't have a religion forum.
  5. Don't forget a lot of hunters don't have the skill to successfully track a deer. They will expend the effort to find a deer they shot, but because they have never taken the time to learn how to do it well, they can't find the deer, even after hours of trying. I see this more often than I see guys not trying to find it. It's all part of being a hunter. Know your weaknesses and work on improving them. It all helps you bag more game. Also, if you can't find it, get on the phone and call someone who can. Ask them to come and help you.
  6. Mr VJP

    New Member

    Welcome to the forums. Chime in anytime you like.
  7. Cuomo’s office said Lee will have no state staff or state support for her work. That's a classic line of political double speak straight out of Orwellian teaching. Notice the phrase "for her work". That line refers to her food and hunger efforts, it doesn't say the state has not budgeted money for her that she will have for "official" expenses. It also doesn't say she will not have a paid staff. I can see this all coming back to bite Andrew in the butt in the very near future. As for the Catholic Church, what happened in the past happened because Catholics weren't voicing any outrage about it. Well, it's time the outrage comes out whenever anything goes against the faith. Start kicking people out and get things back on track, or just give up and shut the doors.
  8. She has her own money, true. So why are taxpayers being soaked for her expenses now? What's the budget for her in 2011? Any man can go astray. But if he takes responsibility for it and does not repeat the sin, his religion forgives him, and so do I. You are not forgiven as a Catholic if you continue to break the rules. Besides, I don't believe he's ever asked for forgiveness anyway, he's convinced he's not doing anything wrong. I suspect we will see the same pompous attitude when he forces unwanted change and higher taxes on NY, that the people don't want. Heck, he's Obama's friend too ya know.
  9. Did you just get your tax bill? Love to see him stick to his guns and not raise any more property taxes. I don't think he making a mockery out of his religion, who died and left you Pope?? Let it play out, give the guy a chance. The man has his girlfriend living with him and his daughters. Talk about a bad example. How did he ever get custody of his daughters anyway? What man in NY state ever gets custody of his kids? Unless one is politically connected, the odds are slim, and the fight is very expensive. Yeah, I did get my tax bill last week and of course it went up. Always does. And with a tax and spend liberal in the Governors office, I expect taxes to get worse. And don't even get started on gun control with this guy. I see he went to church over the weekend with his daughters and his girlfriend. If he went to communion he committed a mortal sin according to the Catholic Church. Supporting gay marriage and abortion is also against his church. Doesn't seem to matter to him who the Pope is or what he says, he does whatever he wants to. Why not just drop out of the church then and stop giving Catholics a bad image? Remember, this guy was also a member of the Clinton administration in Washington. He's had plenty of chances as a public official. He proved his character many times over in the past, and a leopard doesn't change it's spots!
  10. Culver, I was referring to the set where both rings twist in 1/2 turn, front and back. Those are usually used on magnum rifles. I find the standard set, where only one ring twists in and the other one has side grips, to be fine on most standard rifles.
  11. First, the question need to define a "fenced" hunt. Are we talking 10 acres here or 1000 acres? Also would that be for native game or exotic?
  12. I think unless the rifle is a heavy recoiling gun, the standard Leupold bases and rings are good. The double twist type can be very expensive.
  13. If you are really into hunting, you really need some land of your own.
  14. Good point. It seems the office has some booty money in the budget these days.
  15. Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend? They are not married, so why is she considered the first lady of NY, and why are taxpayers not rebelling against being billed for her living expenses? This governor is a Catholic in name only, as he obviously doesn't respect any of the teachings his religion holds dear. Actually, he is making a mockery out of his religion. Some role model, huh? Can't wait to hear what he says when his daughters shack up with their boyfriends.
  16. No, what bothers me is the stereotype of hunters these guys portray to the rest of the people in the world. Here we have evidence that some hunters are boorish morons with no civilized graces who take sick delight in killing, not hunting. They display no hunting ability or outdoor skill of any type. Their deer was pure luck for them and total bad luck for the deer. They show no respect for the hunt, the deer, the image of hunting, or themselves. They provide fodder for all the enemies of hunting to use against the rest of us. This video certainly turns the stomach of non-hunters. But they will not see two morons, they will see two hunters. To the uninformed, the assumption will be that this is what hunters do when they kill a deer. This is something that should not be tolerated in civilized society. This is something that should be stopped. If this was done to an animal without a hunting license or a hunting season, there would most certainly be animal abuse charges filed against these two. With a hunting license comes responsibility. We are responsible for the way we hunt, the way we kill, the animal we have killed, the way we use it afterwards, and the image we create for the rest of the world to see. I do not want idiots like these covering me with their stench, causing me to suffer attacks from critics, who lump us all together. It's the attitude that is in need of correction here, and if they were within arms reach of me at the time, I would have adjusted their attitudes immediately and with all due extreme prejudice!
  17. Take a trip to the range before your next hunt and check your zero.
  18. These types of laws are being forced upon gun owners all over the country. Since it would be unconstitutional to ban handguns, the anti's are using a strategy of legal bombardment. They are passing so many laws about guns and ammo that most people and dealers don't even know if they are breaking any laws anymore. There are already thousands of useless ineffective laws on the books that can be applied to almost any firearm or ammo transaction. These laws also cost dealers too much money to bother with, so they are throwing up their hands and saying, "To heck with it. It's no longer worth the risk!" Our rights are being nickeled and dimed to death! The object is too make it so cumbersome and risky to buy ammo, you won't want to bother with it either. I can imagine the day the cops come to your home and demand a complete inventory and accounting for every cartridge you have in your home. The anti's have already proposed limits on how much ammo you can have at any one time. The scary thing is, a lot of legislatures think that would be a good law. Already you are seeing attempts to ban any ammo with lead in it. This is designed to force gun owners to dump all of the ammo you currently have stockpiled, not protect the environment. Keep yourselves informed at all times. These things happen fast. And with Cuomo in the top seat in NY now, you need to be extra vigilant, as he is no friend of ours.
  19. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    LOL, you're right. :-\ I actually meant an oven temp of 375 degrees, as that is what my bear recipes call for. But they all say be sure the meat is no longer pink in the middle before you eat it. Otherwise it is risky.
  20. I keep the reloading bench in the basement in a locked room. The powder remains in it's original container locked in an old large wooden crate. All of my ammo is locked in another large metal container. There is no danger unless the whole house catches on fire.
  21. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    Culvercreek, it is always advisable to cook bear meat well. Bear meat is known to carry trichinosis and other parasites that will not die in the meat if not cooked to an internal temperature of 375 degrees. In this respect, it is also a lot like pork.
  22. Outdoorstom, that's what the winky face is for.
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