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Lever action

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    Chenango county

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  • Hunting Location
    Chenango County
  • Hunting Gun
    Marlin model 336 30/30
  • Bow
    Excalibur Matrix 310
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. They are also sending a message to any outsider that is thinking about running for President. If you don't play by our rules this is what will happen.
  2. https://michaeljlindell.com/?fbclid=IwAR3-sbLoor4yUQON9On6q5FO0ajoPc87Iupuns6s1IsIVR_phT65xEbWbUU
  3. Been a rough year for me this year., took last week of crossbow off and 1st 3 days of gun with a total of 110 hours in treestand and no shot opportunities.Only saw deer in 2 of those days.Took my climber yesterday and went on the state land that borders my property and found a swamp with lots of sign and found a perfect tree to watch from.Got there today at 2:30 this afternoon and this buck came out at 3:45.
  4. This is my 1st buck 8pt, shot him with a Bear recurve bow November 17 1978. I was 18 yrs old and it was the last Friday of bow season. I went out early before school started and shot him 7:30 am and was late for school.
  5. I have been hunting the woods. Yesterday was the 1st time I have seen a deer this season.It was at 605 am , just when you are able to make out shapes and see the trees.It came within 5 yds of my stand but I couldn't tell if it was a buck or doe.My guess was it's a buck being that it was alone and I was saying to myself why couldn't you wait another 30 mins when I could see better.I hunted all day and at 1155 am I turned my head to look down the logging road to my right just in time to catch a very large bodied deer crossing the logging road. Another second or 2 and I would have never seen it. Unfortunately I didn't get a good look at it's head.No doubt a buck cruising.I am on vacation until Nov 23rd and plan on hunting everyday all day. The weather forecast looks pretty good. Good luck everyone.
  6. One of the many great things Trump did was expose the Left and made them show their true colors. Anti American, they absolutely don't care about the American citizen, all they care about is power and enriching themselves at our expense.Joe Biden is a prime example.47 years in Gov't and didn't do anything but enrich himself and his family.
  7. Okay Einstein , since when do they stop counting on election night ?
  8. Oh really, explain how they found 138,000 ballots in MI and none were for Trump.
  9. It's true, he was on his way to win with a landslide. He was way ahead in all the states he needed to win.700,000 in PA with 75% of the vote counted, then at 3am something I've never seen before in a election, 3 states quit counting that had Trump with a large lead, PA being one of them.Guess what? when they started counting again Biden was ahead in 2 of those states and within a couple days he caught up with Trump in PA. You say there's no voter fraud. Really?
  10. Thanks, Yeah the hole makes him unique. My taxidermist also said it was caused by a fly.
  11. Picked up my mount last night.Definately was worth the wait. I call him my Hole in the Horn Buck after that famous Buck from Ohio.
  12. Oh, I want to, I just can't seem to find the time.Someday it will happen, Right now I just enjoy seeing what's down there.
  13. I've bought this property 2yrs ago and I have yet to hunt it.
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