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Everything posted by ants

  1. Years ago, when I was way into upland hunting, a friend raised a small number of Hungarian Partridge (pretty sure thats what they were) and stocked them along with Ring necks, in his fields. Every now and then the dogs would flush one. They must be the fastest game birds on earth. We never killed a single one. Not only were they lightening fast but they always seemed to hang at the edges of fields, close to the tree line. The dog would turn on, there would be a flash of the bird, and he would be in the woods and gone before you realized what happened.
  2. "Honey..Im going to the mall for a few hours with the girls" One of my favorites.
  3. It was a joke. my point was , its impossible to find 22 ammo to reload your GUN with…..Sorry..not that funny. No rimfire cases cannot be reloaded.
  4. Sure you can…Problem is finding the ammo to do it with……..I finally found a Winchester 94/22 a few weeks ago, but Im afraid to take it out because I only have a little over a brick of 22's and don't know if I can replace the stuff I shoot up…What the hell?? Finding 22 ammo use to be like finding ugly women in a field day beer tent. What happened??
  5. ants

    How many

    One older sister, one younger brother. I was stuck in the middle but I always could and still can take both of them…LOL!!
  6. I don't know what it is with 22LR. At one point, after Lil King Andy lifted his leg on us, you couldn't find anything other than shotgun ammo. 9mm, 40cal, 380, 45. 30-06, 30-30, 223 ….. name it..it was gone. Pretty much everything else came back other than 22LR. I hear of guys selling bricks on line and at gun shows for 2 to 3 times what they paid. That may have a lot to do with it.
  7. Sorry I misunderstood. But the top two posts sound to me like you were a little pissy with the cops, who did nothing wrong and like it or not were given permission by the driver to search the car. They still should of cut him a break IMHO.
  8. I think it the same everywhere. When the local Gander gets them in, they keep them behind the counter and put a limit on them. They sell out in minutes.
  9. At the end of the day the guy told the police that he had the flintlock and he gave them permission to search his car. According to the little information in the article, the police did nothing wrong. Although I think they could have used a little discretion, given the type of pistol it was, and the age of the guy.
  10. My guess it that he consented to at the search because he thought having an unloaded 18th century flintlock pistol (which in NY isn't even a firearm) was no big deal. But yeah the answer should have been no.
  11. I don't care what the laws are in New Jersey . That is one lame ass charge. I would be too embarrassed to even try to charge someone with weapons possession for having a 300 year old unloaded flintlock. Something ain't right.
  12. Gotta love the old Smith's.. I have a model 15 Combat Masterpiece. Pinned barrel. No new revolver can touch it.
  13. Took a drive by about a 1/2 hour ago. close to 20 out there about 100yds. A doe and a smaller one were just heading out of the woods towards the others. They were around 60-70 yards from the road. They all seem pretty healthy. The little one looked good. Had that full puffy look.
  14. I guess anything is possible but I think that when it comes to all these alleged sightings its less of a Mountain lion and more of a Mountain of Lying.
  15. Been seeing them almost every night out in the crop fields. They're digging down to get the left over cabbage stems mostly. But I also see them in a cut corn field searching for any left over tie bits.
  16. Yup ..what about " you'd complain if someone shit in your lunch box"
  17. She is from the middle East (Lebanon) I think?? and has a lot of first hand experience of the ones who act in the name of "the religion of peace".
  18. HE DID!! LOL!! The Brass Bra was his favorite tho….He starred saying it around Halloween and stopped around Easter..LOL!
  19. Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra….LOL! the old man use to say that all winter long..
  20. I think its faster and the blades stay sharp. I still have the original blade set on mine and the last time I used it, after doing tons of fish, they still work good. You have two serrated blades going in a sawing motion as opposed to one thin straight edge being pushed through bones. No nicks and dings on the blade.
  21. ants

    It's cold

    -17 last night. Blew the old record out of the water…or should I say off the ice..
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