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Everything posted by ants

  1. Must have about 8 -10" so far with a lot of wind. There is about a 3 ft. drift running along the entire drivers side of my truck. Heading out now to play in it.
  2. Why did they pass???? Anyone??????
  3. A real Super Bowl so far….
  4. When the $h!t hits the fan and your life, and your families lives are on the line, ...when its up close and personal, the average person, no matter what training course they have gone through, will not know how many rounds they have fired, will stand in the open and probably not think to grab another "clip". When faced with an intruder actively coming at them, the average person will have tunnel vision and concentrate on the attacker only, and protecting themselves and family. I have seen it more than once.
  5. Im sure it will all work out for you . good luck
  6. Pretty damn sad….no way these jack offs thought the horses were coyotes…….If they actually did then they are way..way.. beyond jack offs and have even less business anywhere near the woods…….
  7. I was 12 or 13. I remember me and my father walking in knee deep snow, around the corner to my grandparents house. My uncle lived in the top floor and wanted to get his car out of the driveway to go somewhere. We started to shovel the driveway and then pointed out to my uncle that is was useless because there was still 3 feet of snow in the street. Then all hell broke loose when my father, grandfather and uncle all started arguing about it. Italians tend to be loud. My grandmother called me in the house for hot chocolate and cookies. My uncle ended up staying home.
  8. Seattle ..It should be a good game. I think the line is only 1.
  9. Less than an inch here but its real cold and windy.
  10. I use to do the same thing, but unless the snow is crazy deep my dog just hops through the snow, kicks out a spot and drops anchor where ever he wants …………...
  11. Sounds real good……I'll try it,,,
  12. Yup…..If you have a carry permit , that you got for self protection, you still cannot carry a handgun into the woods while bow hunting…….That would make no sense…No way you would need a hand gun to defend yourself, while out in the middle of the woods, anyway…..I mean you have your bow…so…..ya know
  13. I have carried .22, 380 ACP, 9mm, 38, 357, 40S&W and 45 ACP. ….But never during bow season…….that would make no sense……There are no bears near me but If I were thinking Bear protection (Black Bear) I would a stick to the 357 or 45ACP. But never during bow season….that would make no sense..
  14. Long term investigations like this involve a lot of surveillance on the suspects. Law enforcement will often confirm and document illegal activity but not necessarily make an arrest at the time they see the violation, in order to build a bigger case. They will document weeks, months or even years worth of illegal activity and then make one big sting at the end. If law enforcement saw these guys using the truck to transport hunters to illegally take game, time and time again, or use the truck to illegally transport poached game or the firearms or other equipment used in an illegal enterprise… the truck is gone. A legally tagged deer in the bed of the truck at the time of the arrest would have no bearing on the overall investigation.
  15. It says it was a five year investigation. If at anytime ,during that five years, the truck was used in any way, to advance this poaching ring then the truck is gone.
  16. His archery skills are amazing but he throws a ball like a girl…….LOL!!
  17. Awesome!!! I haven't hunted bunnies in a while, but I remember how fun it was. My buddy had beagles for years and to hear them sounding off was something else.
  18. That is odd..I've never seen something like that.
  19. The shading under the first ducks eye needs to be a bit lighter………………..Just kidding!!!! It is beautiful !! Congrats.
  20. I just hope he rolls on the little king or at least a few other dirty players.
  21. I was seeing two different flocks during bow and gun season, out in two different fields but lately just singles or twos and threes once in a while. ??????????
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