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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Wake up folks. This is the leftist plan for America. Biden wants to hang on for just over 2 years. Then the Dems will insert Harris. Then she will be elected to her own 4 year term in another fraudulent election and since she served less than 2 years of Biden's term, will be allowed to run for another fraudulent re-election to a 2nd term. That would mean 10 years of Harris! That would be the end of the USA. Are you getting the clear picture of the 2020 COUP now?
  2. The left isn't done trying to take Trump out. They are going to go after him with all sorts of legal shenanigans to try and convict him of something at the felony level, wasting millions more tax dollars in the process, and costing Trump millions in harassing legal fees. It's political abuse of power by evil people. They want to insure the man can never be elected to a public office again. That's how much they fear this man. That's how much of their corruption he exposed. That's how much of an obstacle he is to their drive to bring us all under their tyrannical control. Here's a man who went into politics to save the country from the massive corruption in our government, and the corrupt government is trying to destroy him for doing it, while 80 million clueless useful idiots cheer them on to their own demise. America has proven we either have experienced a fraudulent election or we have an idiot electorate. Either way, the future looks bleak for our freedom and liberty.
  3. This is so spot on to this discussion. The American Animal Farm Douglas Andrews Eric Blair warned us, but we didn't listen. And today, we're seeing his nightmarish allegory played out before our eyes. Blair is better known by his pen name, George Orwell, and his Animal Farm, which was published in 1945, has never seemed more relevant. If you haven't yet read Orwell's little masterpiece but are still planning to, you might want to set this article aside. It contains, unavoidably, one spoiler after another. As historian and classicist Victor Davis Hanson writes, Orwell's little short little novel uses farm animals to replay "the transition of supposedly 1917 revolutionary Bolsheviks into cynical 1930s Stalinists. Thereby, they remind us that leftist totalitarianism inevitably becomes far worse than the supposed parasitical capitalists they once toppled." That's the gist of Hanson's article — to say that today's American Left, or the New New Left, as he calls it, has taken on the role of those decades-old Stalinists, completing their final Animal Farm transformation from pigs to men and finishing their long march through our American institutions. What were once young and idealistic '60s revolutionaries are today's reactionaries. Those who once championed free expression are now stomping it out. As Hanson writes, "The First Amendment was said by them to be sacred, even as the 'free speech movement' transitioned to the 'filthy speech movement.' Leftists sued to mainstream nudity in film. They wanted easy access to pornography. They mainstreamed crude profanity. The supposed right-wingers were repressed. They were the 'control freaks' who sought to stop the further 'liberation' of the common culture. In those days, the ACLU still defined the right of free expression as protecting the odious, whether the unhinged Nazis, the pathetic old-Left Communists, or nihilistic Weather Underground terrorists. 'Censorship' was a dirty word." Hanson notes that professors began dropping F-bombs in class, dressing like their students, getting to know them on a first-name basis, and encouraging them to do their own thing. The point of the 1960s, he writes, "was to tear down the rules, the traditions and customs, the hierarchies of the old guys." He adds, "The targets were supposedly the uptight, short-hair, square-tie, adult generation who grew up in the Depression, won World War II, and were fighting to defeat Cold War Soviet Union." Today, however, the downtrodden farm animals have finally ousted Farmer Jones from our Animal Farm, and they've absorbed all the institutions of American power: Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Business, the academies, K-12 education, pro sports, and entertainment. "We are now finally witnessing the logical fruition of their radical utopia," Hanson writes. "Censorship, electronic surveillance, internal spying, monopolies, cartels, conspiracy theories, weaponization of the intelligence agencies, pouring billions of dollars into campaigns, changing voting laws by fiat, a woke revolutionary military, book banning, bleeding the First Amendment, canceling careers, blacklisting, separate-but-equal racial segregation and separatism." The term "Orwellian" is made for today. All of us may indeed be created equal, but some of us — those on the Left — are clearly more equal than others. As Hanson writes, "The Left demands not free-speech areas anymore, but no-speech 'safe spaces' and 'theme houses — euphemisms for racially segregated, 'separate-but-equal' zones. 'Microaggressions' are tantamount to thought crimes. ... No one is spared from the new racists, not Honest Abe, not Tom Jefferson, not you, not me." In today's Animal Farm, 74 million Trump voters need to be deprogrammed, the "new and improved" ACLU fights against "hate speech" rather than for free speech, our nation's capital is militarized, and our federal law enforcement and intelligence services are now embraced by a Left that once hated them. Who'd have imagined it? Orwell.
  4. What were those deer propped up on to make them look as if they were standing up?
  5. If the Republicans had won and the left was screaming about voter fraud, leftists would be calling for a hanging. Such partisanship with regard to the destruction of election integrity, is why we have the huge divide we see in this land today. The fact one feels a need to post a mocking comment about it is sad and shows a complete lack of understanding of the issue. "Suppose Biden and other Democrats really want to unify the country and heal the wounds. They should avoid the political theater of impeaching someone who is no longer president and offer to investigate whether vote fraud occurred. They should have nothing to fear if they are right that there is no evidence of fraud."
  6. Yet, despite the media continually labeling claims of any election fraud or significant fraud as “false,” there is a lot of evidence of significant vote fraud. What has been misleading are the claims that the courts have examined this evidence. https://crimeresearch.org/2021/02/at-townhall-trumps-senate-trial-rests-on-the-claim-that-he-lied-about-vote-fraud-he-didnt/
  7. Nailing hypocrisy: "Restricting the right of Americans to travel freely throughout our country while allowing illegal aliens to pour across the southern border unmolested would be a ridiculous but very damaging farce. It would not be based in science. It would purely be a political attack against the people of Florida." —Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Nailing hypocrisy II: "The day after Donald Trump issued a travel ban on China, Joe Biden said that this is no time for his xenophobia and that sort of thing. And then, a month later, he actually tweeted out that banning travel from anywhere did not work. So, to now read that they're considering actual restrictions on Americans inside the country, I think, is unconstitutional, I think is going to be challenged in court successfully. But I think it also gives you some insight into who we're dealing with here: hypocrites." —Marco Rubio
  8. This bill, were it to become law, would provide an easy way for the Biden administration to turn millions of ordinary, law-abiding gunowners into federal felons — which of course is the point. Democrat Illinois Representative Bobby Rush has sponsored a bill — already referred to the House Judiciary Committee — that would criminalize many previously acceptable practices. https://bearingarms.com/patrick-richardson/2021/02/11/gun-trafficking-cripple-legal-market-n40310
  9. You're just taking one line in his sarcastic humor out of context. Reading does not always equate to comprehending.
  10. He wasn't talking about pot. He was talking about censorship.
  11. I don't give two sheets if someone wants to smoke pot or drink. It's a free country and if it doesn't hurt anyone else or infringe on their rights, it should be legal. But disrespecting the elders in this country is not something I will tolerate. Young folks who do that have had a major negligence in their upbringing.
  12. The Biden Administration is advancing a divisive agenda that seeks to treat individual Americans unequally by pursuing a redefined “equity.” In its new use, equity (which used to mean equal treatment of individuals) has been corrupted to mean unequal treatment in order to obtain equal outcomes as measured among racial, ethnic, and gender-oriented groups, and other identity categories. This approach leads to an unequal application of the law.
  13. This is a show trial, designed to satisfy the left’s ravenous base that is out for blood and to teach anyone who thinks he (or she) can reform Washington to think again.
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