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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Just proof of the fact Democrats NEVER follow the Rule of Law and ALWAYS follow the Rule of Men. That is called collectivist tyranny.
  2. That wasn't an attack. It was an observation of an unconscious revelation. What point? Conservatives have facts and the left either attacks the facts or ignores them. They hate the truth. Don't think your posts not addressing Pelosi's wall have gone unnoticed. All you do is attempt distraction and misdirection, when you're not throwing insults that is.
  3. What's a wall on public property, when most of your freedom has already been removed?
  4. Here we have confirmation of the reason for the altered reality the man lives in, as well as the inability to understand basic concepts and truth.
  5. How is it paranoia when it is happening and it's all true? It's called observant and informed. Your view of the world is controlled by denial. Leftists love people like you who swallow whatever they tell you to.
  6. Currently, leftist "civility" is calling for a political lynching, rounding up Trump supporters and putting them in re-education camps, black listing people who worked for him and silencing all who speak in favor of his administration or his accomplishments. The hypocrisy is laughable.
  7. Couldn't answer any of my questions, could you? If that's your idea of civil, in order for you to insult me, I would first have to respect your opinion.
  8. New York Senate Democrat Leadership in Albany continues to prove just how out-of-touch they are with reality. On Tuesday, amidst a pandemic that continues to rage, the Senate Majority passed “ghost gun” legislation on an almost straight party line vote. S.13, by Sen. Anna Kaplan, and S.14, by Sen. Brad Hoylman, would attach felony penalties to anyone who sells, transfers or exchanges incomplete frames or receivers. For transferring a hunk of metal, an honest citizen could be faced with some of the stiffest penalties under law. These bills passed the Senate last year, however they did not clear the Assembly in 2020. “Ghost gun” is an invented term intended to scare. Ghosts are imaginary, and so is the problem this bill is trying to address. There is scant evidence that these types of firearms are used in crimes in New York. Criminals are not interested in costly equipment and the time consuming and laborious process of manufacturing their own firearms like hobbyists when they can simply remove serial numbers by defacing crime guns. The issue is really a non-issue, considering that in 2019 Attorney General Letitia James put out a decree forbidding online retailers from selling unfinished receivers in New York. Out-of-state FFLs simply won’t ship to New York. Ultimately, this week’s legislative action is only about grandstanding and political pandering. The real problem in New York has become the growing crime rate as a result of failed policies and laws coming from anti-gun politicians dating back to the completely ineffective 2013 SAFE Act. Crime in New York City has spiked this year as a result of “bail reform” and the Left’s continued efforts to defund law enforcement. While New York has gone soft on criminals, they have continued to persecute law-abiding gun owners. New Yorkers are headed for the exits. Roughly 1.5 million state residents have packed up and headed for greener pastures since Gov. Andrew Cuomo was first elected. The Legislature has once again creatively pivoted away from focusing on real problems and instead is deflecting and pretending there is a ghost gun problem.
  9. If one doesn't care to see it here, they probably don't care to see it anywhere.
  10. I would love to see them try. At my age, a life sentence doesn't scare me one bit.
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