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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Can you list any ELECTED officials on the conservative side who do it? How about any conservative celebrities? Media people? Wake up. When did the left practice civility? https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/01/28/liberals-want-a-return-to-civility-when-did-they-practice-it/
  2. With all the clueless citizens watching our country become a hell hole, I think we do. And I don't post nearly 15 a day. Cut the hyperbole. Why would it bother you anyway? You are not forced to read any of them.
  3. "People keep calling Serena Williams the greatest female athlete of all time, as if Caitlyn Jenner didn't even exist." —Michael Knowles
  4. Democrats never practiced civility. We listed only some of the race- and Nazi-based insults used for decades by Democrats against the very Republicans with whom they now seek “healing.” https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/02/08/the-lack-of-civility-on-the-left-has-a-long-history/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CapitolBell&utm_content=httpswwwdailysignalcom20210208thelackofcivilityonthelefthasalonghistoryutmsourcerssutmmediumrssutmcampaignthelackofcivilityonthelefthasalonghistory&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkRJNU5UZG1OV1JoWWpNNSIsInQiOiIxRzFKNmMzcUxSTE42UGg2bkh5Zlc1ZWt6WlZTVGxMbVJxWXN2WHZcL1hYQnpVQTZVaXdTZ1wvUlUxR2k5OFN4QjF0SW80eWsyNmhvOWllejdBZVJ0Ulk3Y1p5U0xWQnFnUFhNRHhpazVPN29FeFJLOFlsbXhIRjRnZW9oWG5odjgzIn0%3D
  5. She won't allow a wall to keep invaders out of the country, but is all for one that keeps protesters far from her office. Only people who know their constituents hate their policies would be willing to do this.
  6. R.I.N.O.'s are not Republicans. They're self serving idiots. They vote to screw Americans all the time.
  7. Leftists always say stereotyping is wrong, but they are the worst offenders.
  8. No Bush started Iraq again. 9/11/2001 started Afghanistan. And wolc was talking about wars started that we did not win.
  9. Compared to a Marlin 336 or a new Henry, the price is very good. Also an option for a man who doesn't want to pay as much for a bolt gun.
  10. He did. The fact we kept a military presence there for years doesn't mean the US did not win. It just means the Taliban kept trying not to lose.
  11. I agree, but it says it is drilled and tapped for scope mounts so it must be designed to clear a scope or else it will scratch it up. It appears to eject at a slight angle.
  12. Yes, and though they were made by Winchester, they are not Winchester designed rifles.
  13. Just another option for anyone looking for a .30-30 levergun. With a $610 MSRP, it may find some buyers. https://www.americanhunter.org/articles/2021/2/7/sundaygunday-mossberg-464-pistol-grip/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=insider&utm_campaign=0221
  14. This thread has taken more turns than a road on Switchback Mountain and managed to get us all lost in a wasteland. We started out asking if stopping the XL pipeline was a bad idea and managed to get distracted by all of this other crap for a total of 8 pages. Seems to me this is exactly what happens in all current political discourse and the reason nothing ever gets addressed. If we ever expect to come to any unified conclusion on any issue, we best learn to stay focused on the issue and not allow ourselves to be distracted by special interests that don't want these issues addressed after they achieve control over them for their own benefit.
  15. Leftists want everyone to believe there is no evidence while they spend all there time suppressing it. Anyone who exposes the truth is in real danger too. If there was nothing to worry about, the left would allow all of this to be freely spoken, knowing the truth would show it's all propaganda. Preventing this discussion from happening proves they are hiding something.
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