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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. With the movement to defund police all the rage, gun-control activists now don’t trust police with guns. The Trace, a Bloomberg-funded outlet dedicated to gun-control advocacy, is probably at odds with police in part because officers are so overwhelmingly in favor of gun ownership. When a 2016 survey by the National Association of Chiefs of Police asked 15,000 chiefs and sheriffs if law-abiding citizens should be able to buy guns for self-defense, 88% answered yes. PoliceOne surveyed its 450,000 members, and 77% answered that legally armed citizens are extremely or very important to reducing crime rates. https://crimeresearch.org/2021/01/the-gun-control-advocates-mantra-police-violence-is-gun-violence/
  2. As if Biden wasn't cut from the same cloth. He has a 48 year record that proves it, but the media gives him a pass because he is a tool of the leftist progressive Marxist totalitarian party. And all of his indecency and vindictiveness has been attacking American citizens through the power of elected office. When Trump was in office, he stood up to attacks against the American citizen by the likes of vile, vindictive Biden. Now that Biden has power again, he spends his first few days in office attacking American citizens like never before. How does any citizen, with any idea what's happening, vote for a man like that?
  3. You cannot rescind a right you were born with. The 2nd A is about self defense. You will always always have that right. The founders put the word "ARMS" in the 2nd A to be clear you can defend yourself with weapons. Anyone who thinks they can rescind a inalienable right, is a leftist. BTW, the right to self defense was always considered a "God given right", until leftists banned God from America.
  4. God gives you the right to life, which may require self defense. Some people don't need a weapon to defend themselves, but leftists frown on killing an attacker with your bare hands too.
  5. The 2nd A was never an idea, nor is it a tradition. It merely enumerates an inalienable God given right to self defense and prohibits the government from infringing on the right to self defense. The founders believed it to be something men were born with and the government had no right to mess with. That is why it was listed, in the 2nd spot, in the Bill of Rights. Liberals do believe in change. Changing laws is often what they seek to do. Conservatives believe in the Rule of Law as set forth in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Liberals cross over into the leftist arena when they believe individual rights are subject to change. They aren't.
  6. The hard core "liberals" are not liberal at all. To be liberal means to allow liberty. If they support repeal of any right, they are leftists.
  7. The .54 caliber ML is popular out west for hunting big game like Elk.
  8. I think it's important to realize conservatives and liberals actually support many of the same things. They both support the Constitution and individual liberty, but liberals extend their support to many things considered fringe rights, or even radical rights, by conservatives. They both support the 2nd Amendment, though liberals may be more open to infringement, based on the misguided belief it improves safety. The problem is the leftists. They do not support the Constitution, individual rights, the 2nd Amendment or hunting. They are the people who think the government should be bigger and all powerful and dictate how everyone can live their lives. At best, they might support European style aristocratic rule over all hunting. These leftists have infiltrated the liberal groups to the point of hijacking many of the issues they get involved in. That's why the Democrat party has taken such a hard left turn of late. Leftists and hunting do not mix well at all.
  9. That article actually bashes the Democrats more than the GOP. It seems to settle the debate about which party best represents hunters by saying some things a few GOP members have proposed, but never passed, have aggravated some hunters, but the Democrats are far worse.
  10. DEC is hoping to increase the Moose herd right now, but no plans for Elk at this time.
  11. These anti-gun elected hacks are just longing for a "safe space". They perceive opposition to their oppressive agenda as a threat to themselves. Maybe they should consider not attacking everyone's freedom at every turn. The enemy of the people is in the House of Representatives and they are Democrats.
  12. "What happened on Jan. 6 was not an 'insurrection.' There was no serious attempt to 'overthrow' the United States government. Was there a riot? Yes. Was it deliberately disruptive of government business? Definitely. But an attempted coup? Ridiculous on its face. ... The target of the 'insurrection' propaganda campaign is not so much Donald Trump as it is the 74 million-plus people who voted for him. Americans were stunned when Hillary Clinton referred to only half of Donald Trump's supporters as a 'basket of deplorables' in 2016. But Trump had millions more supporters in 2020, and now all of them are being demonized by Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media as threats, as 'seditionists' and 'white supremacists' who need to be 'deprogrammed,' 'reprogrammed,' imprisoned in 'reeducation camps' or subjected to 'Nuremburg trials.' ... This is beyond political difference. It is a sickness." —Laura Hollis
  13. But they do it at the point of a gun and threats of fines and prison. It also seems to be one political party that loves doing it, not both.
  14. I don't know about anyone else, but it will be a cold day in hell before I will comply with any of that crap.
  15. Blame the leftist main stream media for that. They pushed the leftist agenda and attacked the opposition, because they are pushing their opinions, not being journalists seeking the truth. They covered up a lot of info they knew about too.
  16. AOC looks at her globe and says it has not moved at all.
  17. Power and control folks. Power and control of every facet of our lives. BTW, who is pushing this stuff on all of us?
  18. Nobody talks about it because Communists always control the flow of information. Leftists are in control of the media, and have been since Obama was first elected. You will see people who promote this info being cancelled and silenced. That shuts them all up.
  19. "Global warming and carbon emission/pollution are two separate and distinct things. We cannot do anything about the former. The latter we can, particular because it is exclusively a result of man." Except for massive volcanic eruptions and huge wildfires like last year's west coast fires, which put more carbon into the air than a decade of man's fossil fuel use.
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