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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Just curious, with all these crazy products out there... What deer scents / lures do you use (if any) and what works for you? I've always used tinks, I've only had a few deer actually go up and sniff the area where it was. I'm not sure how many might have actually come over due to the smell..
  2. Hehe... My Dad is pretty good with that stuff... He is actually going up there tonight to setup another trailcam on the property that is going to point @ the cabin build. Figured that might be cool.
  3. Alternative, Classic Rock, and some metal. Never got into country, but ya never know.
  4. burmjohn


    I noticed that on my way to Walton over Memorial Day. Must have seen at least 8 deer along route 17 on the side of the road.
  5. Yeah I guess you guys are right, it just feels odd. I don't grip it per say except when pulling back on the strings.
  6. I will if I can get up there, I think have family parties that weekend (that I do not want to go to, sweet 16, shoot me).
  7. The grip on my brute feels like its lacking, like there should be more there to actually grip. Any recommendations? As for the string silencer, I was looking @ this one http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp;jsessionid=BTDKLEVRXXB2BLAQBBKCCN3MCAEFKIWE?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat21424-cat20078&id=0004484413921a&navCount=8&podId=0004484&parentId=cat20078&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=QL&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat20078&hasJS=true Seems like is has good reviews, something basic.
  8. Yeah but you got toilets in your tree condos. Speaking of which, I need to write down how ya built those.
  9. SteveB sent over this deer butchering / processing video to share... It's pretty big, so let it load. http://huntingny.com/forums/videos/deer_processing.wmv
  10. Kinda surprised you didnt see anything during muzzle after what you saw before that
  11. Odd question no? But.. Do you take a leak out of your stand or in a bottle? I tend to bring a bottle But I know others just let it rip.
  12. Sounds good, and easy to make. Love crock pot cooking.
  13. I checked the outdoor channel's website for the show lineup, I couldn't find it. After googling around I found this - > http://www.themanagementadvantage.com/
  14. Doc, Agreed, and personally I'd like to see more hunts where they come close or don't take a deer. Its not all about the kill, I like watching more of the preparation and land management. I wish there were some land management shows, I have yet to really see one except last year. And I cant remember the name of the show now.
  15. Last year, we took the liver, cleaned it off, and cooked it about an hour after the deer was down in butter and onions. I'm not a liver fan, I did have a peice, it wasn't bad... Not sure if I'd eat it again though
  16. So, who wants to share some of their Venison recipes. We bought a book, and havn't really had a chance to take advantage of it yet, so I am not sure is or isn't good. Most of the venison I've made has been simple cutlets, steaks, and sausage. I'll have to dig out and find what i used to make the last roast.
  17. Hunt Masters is on now, on the Outdoor channel, its a pretty good episode. Never saw the show before, so going to add it to my DVR list.
  18. Check out the other post I put up about the study that was one on Whitetail Deer in Central New York
  19. Your own property or? Just wondering if those were your food plots, because I want to feed my deer whatever those are eating.
  20. After doing some reading.. It seems most recommend Rectangular food plots? The more cover, the more the deer would use the food plot because they will feel safe. It makes sense. What are your thoughts?
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