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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Holy crap, looks great. Sent from my Android.
  2. http://www.njsp.org/news/pr051713.html http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/jets-rb-goodson-arrested-weapons-drug-charges-article-1.1347027 People are so dumb.
  3. Welcome! Sent from my Android.
  4. So only if you quote someone it says that? There is a bug update I have to do, perhaps that is one of the items that are covered.
  5. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9191.html
  6. If you have some time, here is a good read: http://www.scribd.com/doc/141696938/130514-Sheriffs-SAFE-Amicus
  7. I saw one in 3j 5 years ago during bow season. Cool looking things. Sent from my Android.
  8. Feeding Deer and Mineral Licks are illegal 24/7, 365. http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7197.html * Unless your in Sullivan County (that is still a grey area until the DEC amends the law due to a lawsuit). http://www.outdoornews.com/November-2012/Feeding-ban-appealed-struck-down-in-Sullivan/ Still blows my mind how many people don't know the laws. I suggest you get rid of the feeder and licks before you get yourself into trouble. Everything else your doing sounds good, clover is awesome. Planting tree's is great providing you can keep them alive till they get big enough to produce fruit.
  9. This is just one of many lawsuits against the unsafe act though right? Sent from my Android.
  10. Guess who is coming over ? Sent from my Android.
  11. Best thing for crabcrass is more seed and letting the grass grow high so the other weeds get choked out by the lawn. Going to try to cut mine higher this year.
  12. Mowed today. Reseeded about a month ago need to hit a few more spots. Front triangle area is where a big tree came down during sandy, that's why there is new Crete too. Back Yard Front Today Front beginning of April (after seeded and spreading 2 yards of dirt) My lawn was torn up between a small loader taking a stump out, new concrete from the tree, etc etc.
  13. Do they offer firmware upgrades? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
  14. Keeps the wife out Sent from my Android.
  15. Welcome Sent from my Android.
  16. Access denied. Still have some organizing to do, however I'm in no rush since its my area. AC
  17. I am detecting some Rage here.
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