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Everything posted by bubba

  1. just please make sure it is all not pick and choose.
  2. I have no opinion as it should be
  3. wooly of this were true you would quit posting back. It seems ot me and many others that you sit and wait for a response from me so you can try to rip it apart. So I would think the mpre I type, the more you listen. Now I need to go to work so you can sit home and live on my taxes. Have fun dissing me all day
  4. I am always ahead. It gets boring waiting for yo uto try to catch up. Have a nice life.
  5. there is no walking away. It was stopped on the other site and the woolydave gang had to rehash it all here. Oh wooly you poor sad pathetic wannabe. Get a life so you do not have to live it here and taking your personal inadequacies out on others to make yourself feel an equal. It will never happen. You better consult with Dave as to what your next move will be before you get in over your head. Ooop too late Sad when a small group make it their personal endeavor to mke others life miserable. Guess what ol buddy it isnt working. I laugh at your foolishness. I thought you were more of a man than to follow someone blindly and do what they say as they sit back and act innocent. Sad t think Dave thinks for you. Or maybe you are just that stupid. Now this is the last I have to say on this subject. I will walk away and you can claim some pathetc victory, so you feel better. But within a week you will start on another thread as you need to feel manly on here as you aren't in real life.
  6. careful guys we are way outsmarted on this one
  7. and dead is dead. I also disagree about th elimits if the 25-06. I have a good friend who has killed 3 elk and one moose with the 25. The elk one shot kills, the moose 2 shots. But that is common with most calibers and a moose.
  8. burt go back and look at the entre thread and then tell me I stirred the pot.
  9. well if you were to actually go back and look closely, I have argued with antler more than any of you. So if your little posse feels it is the thing to is attack others because of their opinions, then I feel sorry for you. Outwit outlast outplay. I see how it is now and am ready to play the game.
  10. wooly, Could you please explain this post. I have to say I do not understand what you are trying to say. Thank you very much for your input.
  11. Quote from: bubba on March 27, 2011, 21:25:56 <blockquote> I use my T/C New Englander sidelock 12 gauge single barrel. My buddy reamed it and theaded it for Remington chokes. I shoot 80 grains of black powder with an ounce and a quarter of #4 and #6 mixture. That is avolumetric load. I use the felt wads and an over shot card and have great patterns with the extra full turkey choke. I have taken two turkeys with it. The bad part is you have to remove the choke to reload it. here is my last intelligent post wooly. I thought I would save you some time. </blockquote>
  12. I am taking mine to the range this weekend and see hw she is shooting
  13. this will be my last post ok. I did not start the pissing match, but am more than willing to end it in any way you choose. Subject: The Pastors Ass The Pastor's Ass The pastor entered his donkey in a race and It won.. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey That he entered it in the Race Again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT. The Bishop was so upset with this kind of Publicity that he ordered The Pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local paper headline Read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS. This was too much for the bishop, so he Ordered the pastor to get Rid Of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a Nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted The following headline The Next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to Get rid of the donkey, so she Sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10. This was too much for the bishop, so he Ordered the nun to buy back The Donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run Wild..The next day the headlines read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE. The bishop was buried the next day. The moral of the story is . . Being Concerned about public opinion Can bring you much grief and misery . . Even shorten your life. So be yourself and enjoy life. Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and You'll be a lot happier And Live longer! Have a great day!
  14. I quoted it again. Look at the thread. nah why bother adios.
  15. go look at this thread and show me where I attacked anyone until my name was ran around and around? I would like to see it. I know the answer go look yourself why should I put the time in? You will not have to look far to find the last intelligent post. Look up about 4 posts when I called you a jerk. Now you let it go and I will also. If you want to keep up the posts like the last one insinuating I am a wimp I will keep responding. The ball is in your court. Bring it or drop it. It is up to you internet man. Notice I didnt say anything about your big typo, I guess that makes me a bigger man that you huh.
  16. I opened the door? You better go back and read the whole thread. Did I say I needed to act different due ot being a JP umm nope , or only type when I am asked anything? again nope. Did I say anyone sat at their puter with their pants around their ankles again no. I simply returned fire to those who fired first. I have not said a word to any of them since the end of the other thread. As you said rocket, I do not lay down for anyone including these ass clowns. If I get barred from the site, oh well.
  17. ok so now I am supposed to be quiet unless asked a question. As I remember you werent such a jerk back then either. But I guess we have changed. Your opinion about me matters not a bit to me wooly. Just like Dave say what you want about others, but call foul when people return it. So I guess life goes on. As I stated I had not had a single post on this thread and was ran into the ground and mentioned a lot of times. So when I read it and respond I am supposed to lighten up. To those who ask for help or my opinion, I give it. Then there are those who just want to make lame attempts at being funny. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. But when you want to make cracks about me, expect a response.
  18. yeah I read it then you kept posting and going along with the crap. Please stop the holier than thou innocent attitude. it is as phony as you are. Typical throw all your darts run out of ammo then cry cease fire before any one shoots back. You sure seem to want to judge me, but it i against the rules fo rme to judge you. When you START being civil, so will I.
  19. Robinson my apologies for ranting, but it gets tiring that some can throw stones and pass judgements on everyone else, but are above reproach.
  20. Make sure you wear gloves Pat. I think I remeber something from another thread about them sitting in front of their computers with the lights on and pants around their ankles, lol 370 some odd posts in the latest thread.....I think if anyone hasn't gotten their point across by now it may be a little too late. It's turned into a big pissing match and some of you aren't even facing the right way to play along anymore. ??? Wolly thanks I needed a good laugh, priceless. A good laugh is way better than listening to antler.Dave [/quote ok so it is hilarious when rocket says we sit in front of our puters with pants down, but not ok when I say something back. I see how hypocritical the little mindless clique is. clique means group of idiots in french. I had not posted a damn thing on this thread and have been raked over the coals at least three times, but I am the trouble maker go figure.
  21. What makes matters worse is that Bubba is a magistrate (Justice of the Peace) One would think he would have better judgement. I agree it has to stop, not having too much fun on this site anymore. Whole site is being hijacked by a few with very strong opinions.Dave so let me get this straight. because I fulfill a civic duty in my township, I am not allowed to have an opinion or answer when others lash out at me? Is that how you see it Dave? When I mentioned i was a jp, it was said I was a judge roy bean wanna be I believe by you and that because I was a jp I was no better than anyone else and I was getting awolen head. I am paraphrasing. Now because I am a jp, I am supposed to act different than everyone else. Which way you would prefer to make the argument against me? It seems no matter which way I am the guilty party. you go first dave you seem to want us to think you are a big man.
  22. Some people live for drama, and so I do not get accused off topic, which by the way this one has been hashed out before. There seems to be deer for hunters to take even if the estimate of a kill is flawed at best. Let it go. We all as arm chair quarter backs think we have the answers. If we do, then we need to go to work for the dec and fix it all.
  23. and the cavalry comes to the rescue. hilarious
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