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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bubba

  1. and I thought I was the only freak left lol. Good luck to all
  2. I use my T/C New Englander sidelock 12 gauge single barrel. My buddy reamed it and theaded it for Remington chokes. I shoot 80 grains of black powder with an ounce and a quarter of #4 and #6 mixture. That is avolumetric load. I use the felt wads and an over shot card and have great patterns with the extra full turkey choke. I have taken two turkeys with it. The bad part is you have to remove the choke to reload it.
  3. I am planning ti attend the Syracuse show April 16th. If anyone is going, let me know. Maybe we can meet while there.
  4. See....,just what I'm talking about. If you knew the position I was in right now to take you up on that offer, you'd have never offered. I'm game....PM me my so I know where to forward my new mailing address and I'll see ya in the mornin bubba. Seeing how I'm the new poacher in town, by what's percieved here, we may as well head out for some turkey and trout before anyone else gets a chance eh? Joe, go ahead and drop my story from your site as well. I'd hate to see you associated with someone like myself. :'( Ahhhh, never mind, I got thick skin! ;D no thanks I will wait for the LEGAL season. My offer was for legal hunting times. And Rocket as far as me being an internet tough guy, that is very funny. I didnt say hilarious because I doubt you know what that means. What I say on here, I would say to yours or anyone elses face. I still find it funny that a thread gets started about hunting legally and those who do not hunt legally by their own admission attack those who do hunt legally. Says a lot about those who call themselves hunters. Please do not contact me for bail money because you will waste your one phone call. Now I am done baiting you fools along. You are getting too easy, plus I am sure you book of one liners must just about be to the final chapter by now, as none of the tree of you have an original thought.
  5. now that would be a meeting of the minds right there. A true think tank.
  6. Bubba invite all of us for opening day. Dave that might be a bit too much Dave but I never turned down anyone who wanted to hunt. Archery starts 9/27.
  7. like I said wooly pick the place to hunt I will show you how it is done legally and I will put you to shame. In fact I iwll invite you to my private place for a weekend, put you up and you will not have to worry about any 12 year olds ruining your hunt. Free room and board over 400 acres and all private. Let me know. I will put you in sem great spots, but the only rule is you have to follow the law. Let me know.
  8. must be your turn arrow. I made him look stupid so now he needs a new target. I am still waiting to see the posts he says I did. He is a moron and he just keeps proving it.
  9. Until you put up these supposed things I said you are not worth my time. I will wait.
  10. Post these supposed replies. I look forward to seeing them. Like I said all mouth.
  11. yeah how original. Use the same thing I said. When and where is all I ask
  12. I will even do so on the public land you are limited to. Put up or shut up.
  13. wooly I will out hunt out drag and out smart you every time. Just name the time and place mouth all mighty.
  14. I look forward to seeing any post where I advocated for illegal hunting methods. Grab the handle and stir the shit some more, but you do not need to eat anymore you are full of it already. We both know you are just displaying diarrhea of the keyboard, but if it makes you feel good go for it. When people have no logical or legitimate argument for their side, they start the personal crap and saying others did it too, hoping no one sees show stupid they look. Umm it isn't working
  15. Oh? Do tell........ please point them out I am anxious to see them.
  16. As I have stated, anyone who says they hunt for the need to feed their family is stretching the truth. They could take the money they spend on a license, gun, bow and other equipment and the gas they spend to go hunting and buy food, which would be much more food than a deer equates to. They could also take the time they dedicate to hunting and get a second job to bring in money to buy food. When a person says they need to hunt to feed their families, I picture a family of 15 with no food in the cupboards. If that was the case, they could not afford a license and would be hunting illegally to feed a family. Nor would they be affording a computer or internet to say they need to hunt to feed their families. And believe me, I would do the same if I needed to, but not use it as an excuse to break the law under supposedly hunting.
  17. I never said you were an internet tough guy. But since you seemed offended by it, I have to wonder. The bottom line is as I said before. 10 minutes after legal time is the same ofense as doing so at midnight. If you are willing to chance having a criminal record follow you the rest of your life, that i sfine with me. Your mind is already made up, so there is no sense confusing you with the facts. I will abide by the law and sleep well at night knowing I did not commit a crime. I can not wait to see the post where you complain some hot shot wannabe eco ticketed you and you pay big fines and lose your hunting priveleges for 5 years or so. And as far as stopping over for a steak, no thanks because saying to my face you shot illegal deer would only make me turn you in and I would make the call right in front of you. So I guess that would not be good.
  18. ok my final thoughts on antler restrictions. Antler are only restricted by genetics, feed, and the age if the buck.
  19. I find it hilarious that people can sit here and justify breaking the law, and calling people who follow the law liars. But the best part is they do it on an internet site where they are anonymous (this means no one knows who you really are). But in a room full of people you would not admit to your actions. Do I speed yeah I will say that since my new truck does not have cruise control, it slides up over the posted limit. And when I have my bike out it surely goes faster than 55. However, I do not justify it, and if I get stopped, I take the consequences and not complain about it. However I feel that a vehicle and traffic law violation is not quite the same as a misdemeanor or felony of hunting befor or after legal hours. Any deer you take during the times it is illegal is poaching plain and simple. Whether that be 10 minues after legal light or midnight, the crime is the same, the penalties are the same, and losing your privelege to hunt is the same. If you so choose to do so, you are taking the chances.
  20. hey Pat, Is it too much to ask to spell chek your posts?
  21. if you prefer them any differently, do not read them.
  22. I check it overy day when I check weather.com. It gives sunrise and sunset for my area every day.
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