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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. what's the fine for shooting a deer a few minutes after sunset......I may shoot a few more deer if it's cheap enough.....if you ask a silly question, you gotta be able to take the silly answers.

  2. reading my latest edition of NY Outdoor News, on page 34 is a picture of a guy proudly displaying his 13 point buck.....instead  of just displaying the deer and himself, he has to put every gadget, gizmo and scent he used on top of the deer......is he hoping to get a major endorsement out of this kill? 

  3. is the term "poaching" open to interpretation?..........if someone breaks any law, no matter how small, screwing steps into a tree on State Land for instance, and it results in the harvest of an animal did they "poach"? I think we can all agree that shooting an animal on another's property, with a spotlight, over bait, out of a car and the likes is without question poaching....but what about the rest?

  4. WOW another thread turned into a swollen head, look at me, your all stupid, do you know who I am thread. Quit polluting the sight with your crap spewing bs. I dont even have to call you out either cause you know who you are. Mr. Facts lmao

    couple kicks to the head while sucking semen from a deer through a straw will do that to you..........

  5. I know, I should really update but i believe i am going to revamp the whole site.  Trust me that anybody that has anything to do with whitetails from here to Texas knows about this site. Company?  Nah..Just a hobby that throws a few extra 00000's in the ckecking account every year!  Dont drool on yourself to much!

    my goodness, why would anyone have a user name that can be linked back to a website that has the name of their business and the names of their wife and kids along with their address on it? I could see if it was for the furtherance of the business as one thing, but for the purpose of going on a website where you may possibly engage in conversation with strangers is beyond me.........just a thought.

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  6. ever notice that every tag and season thread ends of sounding like a rerun of "who's on first" skit? LOL

    yeah, it's painful to follow.....which brings me back to a post I threw out a while back about the amount of illegally tagged deer that must slip through the system(and I caught hell for it)...........opening weekend one of the guys I hunt with ran into a guy dragging a 5 point off of State land in an antler restriction zone and commented on the small 3rd point on one side, the hunter said "oh, man I forgot about that"...probably one in a hundred cases of the same.

  7. Did u have the right answer? I wanted to know what was the penalty where do you come up what I want to hear?

    you have no idea who gave you the right answer, so just do what you want to do.

  8. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Mine is that the picture the OP posted is that of a coyote which weighs under 50lbs. I assume the guy in the picture killed this coyote, so why not just simply weigh it?

    because that wouldn't generate a story and 5 pages of debate to go along with it.

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