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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. And you live to tell about it?  I would guess you caught the right guy not to get any payback for that one. I can promise ya if that same thing happened today in my neck of the woods and the same thing played out as you explain...Well lets just say you would hear from them again. Right or wrong..I can tell ya 2 stories that happened years ago that had a little bit of the same stuff happen and if you were to talk to the 1 fella that ratted and another was a CO officer himself and a bar room bathroom, I am sure they would say they would like to forget about those days. Some things are better left alone.

    wow, that's pretty scary stuff......was the movie "Deliverance" filmed on your property?

    • Like 2
  2. And you live to tell about it?  I would guess you caught the right guy not to get any payback for that one. I can promise ya if that same thing happened today in my neck of the woods and the same thing played out as you explain...Well lets just say you would hear from them again. Right or wrong..I can tell ya 2 stories that happened years ago that had a little bit of the same stuff happen and if you were to talk to the 1 fella that ratted and another was a CO officer himself and a bar room bathroom, I am sure they would say they would like to forget about those days. Some things are better left alone.

    I guess in your neck of the woods nothing good ever comes out of a bar room bathroom.....do they have holes drilled in the walls between the stalls?

    • Like 1
  3. nobody can really give you advice without knowing your financial situation or goals in life......personally, if I had any intention of staying in NY and my main concern was what you mentioned, then it would be a no brainer, if you came straight out and said you're already strapped for cash and this would really be a burden on you and your family then I would say don't do it....if you said you can swing it and it would only be a minor burden, then I would say jump on it.

  4. I get it,we're hunters ! But he's already saying, 1. Money is tight 2. Taxes are high 3. He has two young children and he already owns 24 acres he can hunt .

    How much does he fund his retirement or kids 529? His business I know, but speaking from a purely financial aspect it's not a move I'd be very comfortable recommending .

    This is why one of my advisors is big on pre nups for women, men buy mostly rapidly deprecating assets,boats,Harley's ,big 4x4 trucks. Then want half of the wife's 401k when divorce comes . Altough the land may go up,but frankly it's sounds as if it has little value other then recreational .

    Good luck .

    true, as much as I'd like to buy more land, I'm more concerned with paying for my kids education and putting away for retirement which is right around the corner.........if the things mentioned are real concerns then don't do it.

  5. keep in mind that if you do buy with the intention of subdividing, you may be selling to people who do not want you hunting near their homes.......add the 500' discharge distance and you'll lose a lot more hunting land than just what you sell to them.

    • Like 2
  6. Also the shot is very important to me I'm only 24 and I love hunting but I also want to me a good shot so the deer doesn't suffer sounds stupid but I respect what I'm hunting

    I wish more people felt that way.........congrat's on the buck.

  7. They serve a purpose I guess. Myself I pride myself on being decent on the lost art of knife sharpening .

    Here is one of my Syderco Enduras after a light pass across my leg,and it's seen a bit of use since I last touched her up.

    since you shave your legs, you may want to give the Havalon a try.....probably get less razor burn.

    • Like 2
  8. If i ever have packs of pigs running around like i did yotes then i would deal with them also. Like i said. Pigs have been in some areas for years and years.in Ny state! Do you see many?  Many Pics?  Dead on highways?  Thousands of hunters in the woods, you been hearing any words on sightings?  Didnt think so?  Ny is not Texas or any other warm states. Pigs could not and dont thrive here like in warmer climates. Ny would be an awesome pig hunting state, If the state had a clue how to manage them. As is shown with their work on Whitetails in most areas of the state... They would blow it!


    As you have seen..People lose to facts most times they try to bait me and 99.9% of the harassment comes from pure Jealousy on their part and i love every second of rubbing it into the losers that do. 

    Jealous of what? now that's funny......hahahahaha!!

    • Like 3
  9. I live on LI, but don't hunt here. Not sure if things might be a little different. Also pretty new to this.


    Last year I bought a combined license (Supersportsman?) which included regular+bow+muzzleloader. That gave me a regular season tag and two bow/mz tags (either sex).


    This year, the license types are different and you must buy everything a la carte. I don't do MZ, so I bought regular+bow. That gave me one regular season tag + one bow season (either sex).


    If you used your bow tag already on that doe, you should still have your regular season tag. You can use that all through regular season, no matter what implement you use to take the deer.


    If you only have a regular+bow license, you should only have 1 regular + 1 special season tag. If DEC said you should have 1+2, they were wrong (unless you also added MZ to you license). 


    Either way, based on what you wrote, you should still have your regular season tag.

    the two bow/muzzleloader tags you get with purchasing those options are not both either sex........one is either sex and one is antlerless only.

    • Like 1
  10. oh, my formal complaint was regarding the feeder and a hunting stand within 30 yards. 


    I told the DEC I would be following up on his report. 


    I expect that every time I hunt this property this year me and anyone in my party will be checked 


    For license, tags, loaded weapons, pistol permit (he only asked for that once). 


    I would also anticipate traffic stops. I am more than ready and hope this guy knows he's now being scrutinized.


    All over deer... unbelievable.  

    how do you know there's a stand within 30 yards of a feeder, did you go on his property and find it? earlier you just claimed to be able to hear it go off..........gotta suck to have something like this consume you to the point of it becoming an obsession.

    • Like 1
  11. Right that's why it says learning from bad shots so you don't continue to take them..

    now I would think that shot placement and shooting safety are things that would be fresh on the minds of new hunters and that in turn would make them take less risky shots.........

  12. As I said in an earlier post, a number of people here would turn in their grandpappy.


    One guy saw an old hunting picture of his grandfather dated Oct 28, 1939.  The grandfather had one rabbit above the daily limit and the grandson immediately whipped out his cell phone and dialed the 1-800-TIPP DEC that was already programmed in his phone.  Talk about having some respect for your elders?? 

    did they investigate?

  13. I hunt deer to eat them. I butcher my own deer and the damage done when hit in the hind quarters is amazing. I think if hunters see what a high powered bullet does to a thin skinned deer, their shot placement choices would change. 

    I doubt it

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