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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I don't doubt for one second, that there are those who would should a buck that is standing broadside and motionless, straight through the hips, just to put it down if that is the only shot presented............no doubt at all.

  2.  You know  I just read and re-read that statement.  To make sure I really read it correctly. I have to say stunned...just shake my head stunned ...lol

    why? bullets travel an incredible distance...nobody can ever be sure of where their bullet will eventually come to rest..........like I said gun safety should never be taken lightly, but once that bullet leaves the barrel NOBODY has control of where it lands, we can all know our immediate perceived backstops, but we can't always be aware of unforeseen obstacles between us and beyond our targets.

  3. I don't know...Sounds like your one darn lucky man...for you were on state land and from the sounds of how fast the action was...didn't have a lick of time to see the back drop of where your ammo would be going in a miss..... yep you and what ever other person that could have been using that same area...darn Lucky I think...

    unless you own a HUGE parcel of private land, nobody has any idea of what lies beyond the path of the bullet they just fired......not to make light of gun safety, but that's just a fact.

  4. work on extending your effective shooting distance...with today's equipment many people regularly take deer out to 40 yards. I would hunt the outskirts of the thicker stuff, some deer are warier when they detect the slightest change inside of the areas they feel most comfortable, and as mentioned above, don't be ashamed to take a buck that is a little less than you're hoping for. There's many, many hunters who aren't even getting chances at young bucks

  5. Know what your shooting at anyone?? You aim your rifle when your hear a noise?? Were did they teach you that ?? Smh, WOW

    I actually stared at this for awhile trying to figure it out myself..............what's Smh?

  6. Question regarding antler restrictions:


    With a bow license, you receive a tag for antlered or anterless deer. Regarding using that tag in an AR area...


    Obviously, a doe is fine.

    Obviously, a buck meeting the AR criteria is fine.

    What about a buck with antlers not meeting the AR criteria? Is that considered "anterless" and legal to take, or does it fall under the AR rules and thus not legal to take?

    no good, not considered antlerless.........only buck you can tag as antlerless is a button, spikes less than 3" or shed bucks.

  7. Personally, as long as they are hunting only their property I would prefer that they were close to the line as opposed to 50-75 yards off shooting with our property as the back stop.

    good point, I'd rather someone sit with their back directly on the line shooting away from me then to have them 100 yards away shooting towards me......and unfortunately there really is nothing that can be done about fence sitters except to get pissed and if the chance ever arises deny them access to track or retrieve a deer, but that's not something I would do if the deer was legally shot on their property.

  8. OK- I did not know where the deputies stand was on his property on my north end. I simply placed a stand within 20 yards of the line FACING my property.  He does not bow hunt. When I sent a friend over to my stand he found that one and sat in it for the opener. Deputy was mad, called wood company and complained. They never even called me. They only told me when I had another neighbor dumping on the property. I only use that stand during bow season, there's another stand about 50 yards down that is perfect for gun. 


    The guy on the other end, near my "go to" stand for opener of gun has fewer options for trees but can move down some. I have no choice and its within 15 yards of the line but I have no other options. It's a huge funnel moving up and down the creek. 


    My point is that both these guys want me to move so they can hunt the line.  I'm not moving and I'm not looking to screw anyone. 

    if I'm reading this correctly, your friend went onto the neighbors property and sat in his stand? and you take issue with him getting pissed?............interesting.

  9. the crossbow issue was something i am not and was not in favor of. what i don't like is that people don't put in a lot of time and effort and then they bitch about their lack of success. There's at least a dozen active threads about people complaining they didn't see any deer or never see any big deer. Some of them might be the same guys who don't believe in scent control, or don't spend a minute in the woods in the offseason. Guess what? this sport is hard. It's a challenge. that's the amazing reward part that we all love. So yes, I do get annoyed when the hunter who does not put in the effort wants a crossbow to make it easier, or legalize baiting or is vehemently against ARs. You may call this elitist, I do not. Why does the sport have to change? When did it become broken? Why must we alter to accommodate those less willing to put in work?


    I have a full time job taking at least 50 hours a week. A 2 year old and another due the end of January. I live 16 hours from any family. Guess what that does to my hunting time? But you don't here me bitching that they should make it easier for me.

    this thread is titled "why people hate hunters", the general non hunting public could care less about anything you're mentioning and probably have no clue what you're talking about......those are reason's why YOU hate other hunters, and that's fine, but it certainly has nothing to do with why people hate hunters.

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  10. But weren't they legal in prior years?

    short period of time.....this is the first year they were able to be used in the archery season. The past they were only allowed during regular gun and the late season, I don't think that would provide and good info since not many would pick up a crossbow when you could use a rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader during the same time.

  11. you are giving the youth of the world too much credit. There was a story on facebook thats going around about the killing of dolphins in a small town. If you read the comments it'd blow your mind. The article portrays them as endangered and killed for fun, when in fact they are not endangered and the small town eats and uses almost all the animal to survive the winters. Jim Shockey's daughter killed a nice bear. People want her dead. Some even said she should kill her dog... makes sense right?


    The internet/social media world that we live in is full of misinformation and ignorance. DO NOT believe that people are smart enough to make a good decision. The anti-hunting crowd has sunk millions into web campaigns. It's no different than the ignorance regarding gun laws. Money will persuade the sheeps.


    And I wouldn't let priests off the hook. Religion has steadily declined in this country and molesting little boys isn't helping.

    oh, I was more or less speculating.........I'd rather not offend anyone with my thoughts on the Church.....and believe me, I spend way too much time dealing with the general public to doubt the amount of ignorant people out there.

  12. I understand the point he's trying to make, but I don't agree with it.


    I don't believe people in the middle convert to anti-hunters because of a few bad apples.


    Those in the middle don't hate people who kill animals.  That's why they are OK with hunting.  They do, however, hate azzholes, no matter what group they belong to.  They are not going to become anti's simply because they run into a few jerks that hunt, because they are usually open minded enough to believe the rest of the hunters out there are good people.


    Self policing is good,but only if kept within the hunting community itself.  If we are going to start publicizing all of the bad apples for the general public to view, thinking we are helping our own image, I think we'll find our own image will be the one that suffers from it, because the anti's will do their best to lump us all together for political gain.

    right, do people hate Dr.'s, Teachers and Priests because a few have made the News doing heinous things?..........I don't think so, I like to think that the majority of people are smart enough to separate them from the rest of the group they are part of, But, then again there are those who hate no matter what the reason and or will take one incident and that's what they use to fuel their anger.

  13. I was speaking to one of my contacts in the Division of Wildlife et. al. yesterday about things unrelated to deer hunting. While we chatted, we compared our opening weekends. He is in an AR unit. I am not. I asked him if he was hearing anything within the agency about expanding mandatory ARs to 4F. He said he did not think we would be seeing any more mandatory ARs in the state. The impression he gave was that DEC currently considers mandatory ARs as only serving the interests of a minority of hunters.

    too bad not all the people hunting in the AR zones are part of that minority...........did he mention any possibility of that plan being reversed?

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