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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. If you're in the woods after dark or before light with a gun how do you prove you're not hunting? If your gun is unloaded do you just load it at legal light... It's real quiet to load my browning.

    well, what do you do with your bow and arrows? the same laws apply........I assume you walk in to your stand well before sunrise and don't get down until legal hours are over.

  2. I was unable to connect on opening weekend not for lack of deer but lack of good shot opportunities etc.


    What are your opinions on the next few weekends pertaining to deer activity due to the opener, shooting etc.?


    In your experience do they go back to a normal routine or become less likely to move or go into thicker cover?


    Have your success rates been high after the gun opener?

    the last few years I've had better opportunities after opening weekend...and I find it more enjoyable after the majority of hunters are gone, if I had one week of gun hunting to choose from I'd pick late muzzleloader.

    • Like 2
  3. You guys got this all wrong.  Xbow hunters are the subculture. 



    I kid I kid.   Seriously though you guys know what Gun Hunters and bow hunters have in common?  They are both HUNTERS.  There are idiots amongst both its the way it has been since the begining and the way it will remain.  You cant fix stupid its embedded in there DNA.  How many of these types passed there hunter ed course? They know better yet choose not too.

    yep, these people are the same obnoxious jackasses who can't shut up at the movies, get kicked out of the shooting range for breaking the rules, get out of hand when they go to a bar, become involved in road rage incidents and annoy everyone at the checkout line at the supermarket and the list goes on and on..........and unfortunately some of these types enter the hunting world and bring their primitive social skills along with them........their behavior has nothing to do with the weapon they pick up or what season they hunt.......like you said you can't fix stupid and it's so far embedded in their DNA they're beyond hope.

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  4. The one that "might" impact the image of hunting also "might" impact it in a positive way or not at all. The arrogant, pretentious one definitely affects the image in a negative way, both to non hunters and hunters alike. There was an article written by Oak Duke that was posted in one of the AR threads, and he made a good point in there about how hunting is seemingly driving the average Joe out now days. The arrogant, pretentious, you aren't a real hunter attitude displayed in this thread is one of the reasons for that trend.

    yeah, the guy who looks at a small buck taken by a new hunter and makes an offhand, jackass comment about it being small is 10x's worse than the guy who pumps gas in his hunting clothes...........that's the guy I hate.

    • Like 1
  5. so, it's been a few years since opening day went to Saturday from Monday, how does everyone feel it has worked out? I for one have not seen an increase in hunter participation due to it, but I can say it has put a hurt on the local businesses. Back when we had the Monday opener people would come up the Friday or Saturday before and spend money buying food at local markets, eating out at local restaurants and having a few drinks with friends at the local bars........know it seems everyone shops at home and brings the stuff they normally would have bought near their hunting grounds up with them. Instead of dumping money into the local economy for a day or two it's right to hunting.........

  6. beware the gas pumping hunter, odds are he'll wind up shooting you........and we've all seen the path of death and destruction left behind by the youth hunters during their special early deer season, quite the horror show, right Belo?

  7. You all have picked out one little point I made about gas stations, yet fail to address the Hunter safety issue I've brought up 3 times.

    I think people are going after you're anti gun hunter comments......the gas station one was just so comical that it was an easy target to pick on.

    • Like 1
  8. Try doing it on an iPhone... What was your contribution to the topic?

    I stand by my statement regarding gun hunters, their subculture and how they're bad for the sport.

    hey wait a minute, didn't you post a picture of yourself on here with a gun kill? nothing worse than a reformed gun hunter...........have you completed the 12 steps yet?

  9. do you honestly think the average non / anti hunter sees someone dressed in hunting clothing, pumping gas, smoking or eating in a smelly diner, and bases their distaste for hunters on that? of course not. Those are reasons that other hunters who think the way they go about hunting is superior to all other ways of doing it.....we need two threads..."why people hate hunters" and "why hunters hate hunters".

    • Like 2
  10. No issue pumping gas after the kill. And for the final time I'll state that no group is perfect, but per capita there is a difference. And again, which group shoots more hunters?

    gun hunters shoot more.......and from what I hear they have a much higher recovery rate as well.

    • Like 1
  11. I always thought that an accident would be something like falling and having your gun discharge or maybe having a round travel through a deer and strike an unseen target beyond................taking deliberate aim at something and shooting it as you intended, somehow doesn't seem like an "accident"..........

    • Like 4
  12. In your example the check station sunrise posting is the one I would go by since I assume that is how the regulation is going to be enforced.


    If the check station sunset time was 10 minutes earlier than GPS time, I may stay put until GPS sunset as a courtesy or for my safety and not hunt those last 10 minutes. That seems like use of common sense to me.


    Like I said earlier, I would understand the discrepancy and plan accordingly.

    they were all within 3-5 minutes of each other...........my point is that I can't see anyone having to be overly concerned with a few minute variation either way, I go by my watch and or gps and would be surprised if you would be held accountable if you were acting with the best intentions and not intentionally going over the time by 10-15 minutes.

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  13. common sense and knowing what the law is goes a long way........I saw 3 different variations to a sunrise time last week, what my gps said, what I figured on the DEC chart and what they had posted at the check station.

  14. That other thread on this subject is full of assumptions.  You think people would love hunters if there were no slob hunters?


    Wrong.  People hate hunters because they kill animals.  No matter how pure and ethical you believe you are, anti-hunters are going to hate you because you are a hunter.


    Throwing the slob hunters to the wolves doesn't change their minds.  A sanctimonious attitude is wasted on folks who hate hunting.

    exactly anti-hunters would dislike hunters if they wore Tuxedos while hunting and got dropped off in limo's.............it's other hunters that determine who and what a slob hunter and it's a hatred that is within the hunting community.

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