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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I don't see an issue with that. He bagged a deer and needed some gas.

    but he had breakfast at the local diner in his hunting clothes prior to going out in the morning, and rumor has it he shot the deer 45 seconds before sunrise according to someone else's watch.......

  2. I saw a guy pumping gas in his camo during archery season with a bloody deer strapped to the hood of his car with the body cavity propped open for all to see, slob archery hunter..........fast forward to this weekend, same scenario, slob gun hunter........the average person doesn't distinguish between the two, and neither should we.

  3. and for all you public land hunters, urinating in public is against the law.........if you gotta go make sure you leave stand and go somewhere private, would hate to see you get nailed for breaking that one.

    • Like 2
  4. next time just guzzle 2 or 3 before the trek home, that should hold you over............just hope you don't have to stop and urinate on the side of the road on the way, that's another violation they could get you on.

  5. Not very often that you fling multiple arrows at a running deer. No Hunter is perfect. And I've never barb able to hear a miss it gut shot from any weapon. Again, don't be silly. You know who my comment is aimed at.

    you've never heard a gunshot that resulted in a miss? or someone have to shoot a gun more than once to finish off a deer that is flopping around after a bad first shot? of course you have, that's what some of those multiple gunshots are for....to suggest that Archers are more responsible than gun hunters is silly...I had a tracking dog for years and tracked a lot of deer for Archery hunters, much more than gun.........and after getting my fill of bad shots that should never have been taken,  and B.S. stories to drag me out in the middle of the night, I gave it up. It's not until we expand outside of our little world where we like to think that everyone acts like we do, that we get to see what really goes on.

    • Like 4
  6. calling out a sub-culture is not a win for the anti's. It's an attempt to police ourselves before they have to do it for us. You can deny and act ignorant to the fact that there is a different breed of hunter who enters the woods for 1 or maybe 2 weekends a year. Often with a hangover and a cigarette in his mouth. If you believe it's a shot to all gun hunters then you're being silly too. You know who it's aimed at and why.


    it's no different than a sports team trying to weed out their bad apples before they make the rest of the team look bad. I'm sick of the stigma a sub-culture gives the rest of us.

    too bad bows don't make noise when discharged.......I bet if we could hear every miss, multiple shots at spine and gut shot cripples, etc,  they would be no better than the gun hunters, would they?

  7. Outside of the irresponsibility of gun mgmt. or breaking laws, everyone should be super careful about complaining about these "casual" people. These people are the foundation of license sales - the casual hunter, the weekend warrior, or just the opening day/weekend hunter.


    Who cares if they smell like bacon. Maybe the group puts on drives? Maybe they sit for the first hour or two, head in to get coffee, watch some ball, and then head out again for the last hour. Not a thing wrong with it.


    Whining about the people who make the up majority of license sales just doesn't make sense. If you're on this forum, chances are you more dedicated to hunting that 90-95% of hunters in this state. But again, there's nothing wrong with being a casual, recreational hunter who enjoys hunting and what comes along with it for a few hours a year. They buy their license just as you do.

    while that is entirely true, there is no place for the irresponsible hunter who buys a gun the night before he intends to use it and the first shot he takes with it is at a deer.

  8. Easy 20-30 minutes of light on each side of those numbers and from the sounds of it from where i sat, Many,Many hunters use that extra light at each end of the day.

    yeah, I could have easily and safely shot deer well before sunrise and well after sunset on Saturday.......but, I didn't.

    • Like 1
  9. Chatter overheard on the 2-way radios on opening day:


    "I shot at that f**king buck 5 times and the bullets didn't hit the snow so I must have hit the deer. The buck kept running like a b**tard."

    that's why hunters hate other hunters.....other people hate hunters for a whole slew of other reasons, and after some of the hunters I encountered this weekend, I don't blame them.

    • Like 3
  10. sometimes something as petty as a brake light out will get you stopped, and unfortunately that may lead to bigger things....keep your car up to snuff and all you're paperwork organized and easily accessed, to many people have to fumble around digging through piles of crap to find that stuff....not very advantageous to the driver and occupants of the vehicle.

  11. I disagree... the fun of deer hunting is what keeps us all doing it... AR's serve only a small portion of total deer management... without the hunter numbers to deal with population control you will never have truly healthy herds... the constant loss of deer habitat makes it imperative that we control population to prevent rampant disease that could be devastating to herds across the state... as much as I'm for young buck protection... AR's without all the rest of deer management serves only the trophy hunter who really cares nothing about conservation... good deer management needs lots of hunter participation...and really if you think that deer hunting is all serious business then you're missing out on all the fun the rest of us are having.

    I was being sarcastic....my opinion is totally the opposite of my post.

    • Like 1
  12. There you go. Regulate them right the heck out of the sport if they aren't fanatical enough .... right? Hey that's another way to get bigger bucks to hang on our walls. Fewer hunters. That idea sounds like a winner. New game management concept ..... lol.

    Hey, deer hunting is serious business, no room for guys who think it's supposed to be "fun"...............you know what they say "go big or go home"

  13. there is plenty of other places to hunt in NY that don't have AR's.  If they quit because of the ARs they in my opinion didn't have a passion for hunting here.

    these guys are in their 70's, I don't think they have the resources or are in the best of health to go out and scout new places.........let me know when you get to that age how you would feel about it...and let's not bank on passionate hunters keeping the hunting tradition going in this state, my guess is the amount of casual hunters far outnumbers the amount of truly passionate / die hard deer hunters.

    • Like 1
  14. just like dmp's ARs should be based on zone/wmu. notice the ARs i posted from Mississippi are different as the delta generally grows bigger deer so their ARs are greater.




    economics 101. supply and demand. shoot too many small bucks and some hunters give up and stop buying tags. grow big bucks and more hunters buy tags and even your out-of-state sales go up. No better examples then the mid-west for your proof.

    so far I know two hunters who no longer hunt due to antler restrictions, older guys who routinely made the trip to NY from FL every November to deer hunt.......I'm willing to bet it'll discourage a lot of new hunters and older hunters who have to pass on what they would have been thrilled to kill before we see a turn around of guys running to NY and dumping money into the economy because of the monster deer that may or may not eventually be around.............just my thoughts.

  15. We're using our money for a buck tag so obviously we should be able to shoot whatever makes us happy. It could be a spike for a hunter like myself, or wait all season for a "shooter" that may never come by. Voluntary is the answer.

    or buck tags in mandatory antler restriction zones should be deeply discounted.....why should we pay the same and have restrictions on our tags while others still have a free for all and can shoot any legal buck on their tag?

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