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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. It was actually a lot of work. 4 in one day. I do it to help a friend, use the meat myself, and give out the remaining to those who want it. I made offers here to whoever wants it too. I guess no one took me seriously.

    nothing worse than having to deal with dead deer on a bug infested 100 degree night, I've been there............I won't say it wasn't fun, but sometimes the last thing you want to deal with.

    • Like 1
  2. Same could be said about folks that toss the ribs and other undesirable parts back to nature. I don't see anyone busting their chops for it.

    I don't view the deer the same this farmer does, but if it needs to be done it needs to be done. I just happen to be the one he asked.

    yup, that was my train of thought, if you didn't want to do it, they will find someone else........got more than one phone call telling me if I didn't want to do it he would find someone else....had a lot of fun doing it and have no regrets.

  3. The "moderator" just fuels the fire and trashes bowhunters. The majority does not want xguns in archery season, just the gun hunters who don't want to take the time to learn a vertical bow. The only ones who should get a say what goes in archery season are those that have archery licenses. 

    Otherwise its like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coup.

    I would hope moderators would be allowed to express their opinions too...........as long as the discussion is kept on track and people don't resort to personal attacks all should be good.

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  4. I've been on a couple nuisance permits, some where the farmers partook in the killing....the one's he killed got dumped and buried..........wasteful, but totally legal and understandable . He looked at them like rats who destroyed his profit..........and I've also shot deer and brought the entire thing to a wildlife refuge and they feed them to the animals they are rehabilitating, didn't feel wasteful at all to me.

  5. I would not think the present old growth management of the Adirondacks could support many elk. I would love to have them but I would love more to see the Dacks managed properly first.

    yep, they should invest the time and money into what needs fixing first...........not too familiar with the Adirondacks, but from what I hear they are well suited for moose.

  6. I will tell you all how I am going to use this record. Those in my district that voted for the Safe Act will be voted against regardless of who is running against them (I have one of each). They will receive an e-mail and a letter explaining why. Those that voted against the Safe Act in my district will receive my vote ... again, regardless of who their opposition is. Democrat, Republican, independent, Liberal, or Conservative be damned. This vote will not be cast for or against any particular ideology other than against those that made it clear that they think the 2nd Amendment is dead. Gun owner supporters will also receive an e-mail and a letter explaining my vote. There will also be "letters-to-the- editor" published to further explain my vote in a more public way.


    It's really that simple. A single issue vote (for this coming election anyway). I want my vote to send a message to all NYS legislators that a vote against gun owners rights has consequences to their future in politics. I want them to feel the pressure of the NRA, and the understanding that it costs dearly to disregard gun-owner rights and the 2nd Amendment. We need to assert our strength and bring a fear of the gun-owner vote again. If large quantities of gun owners did the same (for this one election), there would be a powerful message sent that would ensure that people like those that callously voted in the dark of night for an action that was clearly aimed at gun owners, would never again dare to pull such a stunt.


    I realize that by the time the election rolls around, most of those who were so enraged will all be calmed down again and worrying about many other things that are more current or more in  tune with their own personal ideologies. I also understand that there are those that feel they must vote party affiliation regardless of whether the recipients are truly working for us or against us. I can't control their votes, but I can control mine. And this time I have a single message for those guys and I am going to make sure they understand what that message is. And hopefully there will be many others that join me in sending this message to Albany and all those that intend to ever get there as legislators.

    that's a good point ,and I agree, tell them why you're voting against them and if worst comes to worst you're voting in another with the same view..........so nothing really lost.

  7. Man, how many of these threads do we have to have?  It's clear that the vocal minority oppose xbows in the current "archery" season.  It's also clear that no one's mind is changing.  Y'all can argue until you're blue in the face and the opinions have not and will not change.  I know what side of the fence I'm on, I certainly know what side of the fence Belo is on.  


    I WAS hoping this thread would be a place to read about the facts of A283 - and it was for a while - but I guess that's not gonna happen any longer.  :-(  Seems to me the only reason it didn't pass is because one idiot representative made sure it didn't happen.  I hate it when the minority wins, same thing happened with the SAFE act.


    Guess another year of wear and tear on my shoulders won't be that big of a deal.  Hopefully we can use xbows in 2014.


    Zhe Wiz

    I wouldn't go as far to say that one idiot didn't make it happen, there has to be a driving force behind him............does anyone know if he's even a hunter/

  8. It also includes physical injury caused to a person and things like blood and blood stains found at a scene or on a person. as well as things like  grass stains on a persons clothes.

    yes, but Zimmermans clothes looked like they were just taken out of a closet....that's why I say the physical evidence was not pivotal in his acquital....it was more based on the testimony of the police and character witnesses and Zimmermans own statements

  9. Physical Evidence

    • Physical evidence is one of the most common types of evidence found at a crime scene. Physical evidence consists of the actual physical objects found at the scene. This can mean large items such as damaged cars, broken glass or smashed doors. It also includes items that are minuscule in size, such as hair or clothing fibers. An investigator may also collect weapons such as knives or guns, or fired bullets and spent casings. Depending on the scene, physical impressions may also be found, including tire tracks or footprints. A suspected burglary may lead the investigator to look for tool marks on the doors or windows. Finally, physical evidence also includes fingerprints and lipstick impressions left on glasses or cigarettes. If it can be touched, picked up or moved it constitutes physical evidence.

    Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_5267922_types-evidence-crime-scene.html#ixzz2Z8r8RiHX

  10. Don't forget the testimony of the eyewitness who said he saw  Martin on top of Zimmerman.

    If you believe that  Zimmerman, the police and the eyewitness, were all lying and that the physical evidence was all somehow B.S.....so be it. But the jury didn't.

    if I'm not mistaken, physical evidence would be blood, DNA, and the like..........totally different then eyewitness accounts...............I totally believe the police and some of the eye witnesses.

  11. That's not true. That is for outside of the home.

    NY has a limited castle doctrine as well. The NRA is a very large proponent of the castle doctrine, so would a NRA sticker on someones door get the same scrutiny as my "tame" sign?

    I understand that proper judgement needs to be made in the use of deadly force. I'm very on point and vigilant.

     I appreciate your concern, I'm not just gonna start shooting willy-nilly! lol

    I'm fairly confident that if you're in your home and someone breaks in, intent on committing a crime, the need to retreat goes out the window.........at that point, where are you expected to retreat to?

  12. There was a case in Oneida county a few years ago that never sat well with me. The defendant was represented by an attorney with the same last name as me, but I am not related to him, FYI. I could be misinformed, but from the news info, I understood it as a man in his sixties with a baseball bat was confronted by a bigger man in his forties after he himself retrieved a baseball bat. The result was that the older man was killed and the other charged but acquitted.


    The details I remember from the news is that the older guy actually gifted the younger guy, even though not related, some land to build on, near his own home. Because of fast driving, the older man installed some sort of speed bumps or makeshift speed bumps on this private road which enraged the younger guy or  prompted him to remove them - depending on which story teller you believe. Reportedly the older man confronted the younger with a bat when he observed the younger messing with the speed bumps. According to the (at the time defendant) the older man gestured toward banging up his vehicle. I remember something like the younger guy retrieved a bat and then got between the auto and told the older guy "Don't".  I would remember the news details if they were clearer, but they were not and left me  unsure  if I believed this guy actually acted in self defense. Off course, I wasn't at the trial and only listened to news reports...

    so the older man was the first to produce a bat and threaten the younger man, correct?..........if so, the younger man could easily articulate that he was meeting the force threatened against him with the same force...once again only the survivor can tell the story.

  13. and another thing to factor in, is where you live.........not every area in NY allows you to carry a handgun outside your home, if that was down where I live it may have had a different outcome, almost impossible to get a permit for full carry, so just the simple fact of taking it out of your home for reasons other than what you're licensed for would put you in a bad spot....not to mention some areas have a different mindset on citizens carrying guns......sad, but true.

  14. JJB...it was justifiable use of lethal force just because Scott was rushed by the kid.

    I don't have enough info on the case to say yes or no, but if you point a gun at someone and they still come at you, it's very easy to say that he feared the kid could get his gun. It's all about articulation as to why you felt the need to use deadly force.

  15. Physical evidence

    ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!! that was the only problem I had with the trial. I think it was more on Zimmermans statements and those of the police who investigated..........I think his articulation of the fear of his life is what got him the acquittal.

  16. And his nose was broken and he had cuts to the back of his head. The jury found the injuries consistent with those of a person being punched in the face and having his head slammed against the concrete.


    Like it or not this case was jam packed with reasonable doubt and thats what the jury decided.

    no doubt...like I said, he was able to articulate that he was in fear of his life.

  17. Yes, they are sick of the deer ruining their plants. However, I am not hunting for free. I did pay $500, so I will probably try to get 3 bucks (2 with xbow, 1 with shotgun) before taking 3 does out.

    ok, just a thought....I was thinking if you can show them you're helping them solve a problem they may be more inclined to invite you back next year for the same price or maybe for free........once people see they can make money, they may look around for someone to make even more, but more than likely if they live in CT and have that kind of property money isn't an issue for them...........good luck. 

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