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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Due to.... please correct me on county..I may be wrong...Sullivan County deer feeding ruling the DEC was suppose to change the wording of the feeding ban law ...did they ever do that?...For it was my understanding that to abait further court actions they were...backing off the enforcement of the existing law in the rest of the state...I ask this knowing full well the difference between feeding and baiting..just tom avoid that discussion. 

    I think that ruling was exclusive to that case, they made no changes to the law as a result.

  2. Apparently you did. Go back and read every crossbow debate on here and other places. Im sure youll actually find people saying that compounds offer some advantages over crossbows and crossbows offer some advantages over compounds.

    I will go back and look, not really looking for what people say, that would make my head spin.............I'll go look for how the bills were presented

  3. I dont recall ever hearing anyone say there is NO advantage to them. Thats just typical NYB misinformation that they spread to try and push their agenda.

    I was under the impression that the crossbow advocates are saying that crossbows are a primitive weapon and offer no advantage over a compound.......I didn't get that from NYB, in fact they say there is a HUGE advantage, that's why they don't want them..........did I miss something?

  4. whether my neighbor plants a 5 acre clover feild, or dumps a 50# bag of corn on the ground it's going to affect me,


    but I still mind my own business,


    more people should try it

    the big difference is one is legal and one is not, if you saw your neighbor walk out of his house and go to his stand carrying a crossbow would you feel the same way?...if you saw your neighbor dragging a buck that you've been watching all year,and knew it was taken by illegal means, would you feel the same way? if you knew your neighbor used a spotlight to kill one or two does a year is that ok?

  5. Then I miss under stood...probably due to the specific conversations to them being allowed in bow season vs allowed in gun...Also due to the reference of NYB having Sweeney's ear.


    What has been tried a few times  has not worked.....trying a different strategy IMO seems to be the only logical course of action...Have the NYB ppl ever said no CB in small game? Do you think given a opportunity to be looked at as a compromiser, Sweeney would block such a bill?

    At this point just getting ones foot in the door should take priority...Having them listed as a legal implement in NYS small game puts them on the list of legal implements...just limited for now...That would be the opening needed.....

    I was just saying that having an advocate speak up to have crossbows legalized for the physically challenged hunter would be a good way to get a foot in the door to have them legalized for big game......if there was a big enough voice for this, they might get someone's ear as opposed to having able bodied hunter's pushing for it at this point.

  6. I know guys in NY that have made calls to the TIPP line and spoken directly to DEC officers about feeders that are directly viewable from the road, and nothing is ever done. The DEC just doesnt have the staff to do much about it.

    I would guess that feeding / baiting is an epidemic in NY, unless there are some other allegations to go along with the feeders, they can't won't or can't look into every complaint.....we have a neighbor who calls on anyone about anything, we've always been visited by the NY State PD, DEC or whoever, looking into everything he calls about..........all unfounded BS, but they say they have to follow up on all calls.

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  7. If this were a scenario in a legal state, it wouldn't. People think baiting is some huge unfair advantage that draws in monster bucks from three counties over. It's not. Most people how bait don't have walls full of big racks. Some do, but it's much more likely a by product of the ground they hunt rather than the bait or their skill set.


    If someone were baiting nearby, I'm simply going to make cover and bedding. He can wonder why those mature bucks show up at night, and I can enjoy filling tags. If anything, his "heavy baiting" makes my life easier.

    we're taking NY were it's not legal, if it weren't this topic would be a non-issue..........back when feeding deer was legal, I had a non-hunting acquaintance who bought a piece of property and took up feeding the deer regularly, what began as 1 or 2 visiting, turned into 8-10 does that showing up and actually began bedding within sight of the house, they had no reason to leave, I always believed the best way to find the bucks is to find the does.......I would find it hard to believe this didn't affect people who hunted around this area in some way or another............if it's illegal, that's it, why should some scumbag get an unfair advantage over the rest of the hunter's who follow the rules, and I would guess that the guy baiting is doing so just to kill any deer, and would probably have no problem shooting that mature buck after hours or out of season if the opportunity was to present itself.

  8. I'm sure there's no shortage of hunter's in NY who use some type of bait to assist them in their hunting..........if there wasn't a viable market here for that crap, I'm sure the shelves wouldn't be stocked in every large sporting goods store..............it would be interesting to see how much the corn sales increase right around hunting season.

  9. It doesn't matter. Let me repeat that ..... "It doesn't matter". I don't care what they say. I only care how they vote. The point that will be made and must be made is that a vote for gun control has consequences to the legislator's career. It is a fear factor that has to be put back into the career path of politicians. They must be re-educated to the fact that they work for their supporters and must vote in accordance with the fact that they are our representatives. It is a message that has made the NRA the powerful voice of gun owners for all these years. Politicians feared our gun lobby, and that fear has to be put back in their minds if we are to keep this anti-gun steamroller off our backs. My suggestion is not really anything radical. It is simply making the vote work again to restore representative government. This is not a call to arms or any of that other wacky stuff. It is simply using the system as it was intended. Very simple ..... you want to vote anti-gun, you have a huge block of voters to contend with. You can use them as support or opposition ..... your choice. There is no politician that will risk any votes, not to mention an organized, dedicated, unified significant percentage of the voters in their district. The draw-back to all this ...... gun owner apathy. We have many that don't vote at all let alone voting as a single issue force. Can it be done? I think it can with enough anger and passion whipped up by the pro-gun organizations and we as individuals. How important is this issue to us? Maybe after the next election, we may find out. But I will say that those who do not vote against these known anti-gunners really should have nothing to say about any problems they encounter with gun issues.


    By the way, I intend to publish that voting record of the NYS Safe Law as soon as I figure how to cut and paste an Excel spreadsheet  on this forum. I tried and so far the formatting on this forum is very unfriendly to spread sheets .... lol. I'm working on it.

    now I got what you're saying..........I think that many think if they vote in the right people, they will have all this nonsense reversed, but I don't see that happening.

  10. And that is a problem that can be laid at the feet of the apathetic NYS voter. At some point we have to band together as "single-issue" voters that vote out every legislator that vote for pro gun control bills. The next elections are as good a time as any to start. Yes we are the minority, but it is hard to defeat a dedicated and unified minority. We have to re-ignite the anger over this law at a time when votes count. We have the voting record and that should make election decisions easy.

    the only problem now, is no matter who gets voted in or out, I can't see any politician saying, "assault weapons and high capacity magazines for everyone!"...........I think the best we can hope for is to keep what we have and maybe sensible modifications to what has already been made law.

  11. It seems to me that those that are concerned with the handicapped and aged and infirm would have made that their first priority and crafted their first round of legal incursions into bow seasons limited to taking care of that problem by itself. I won't predict how NYB would have reacted to that kind of bill, but I will say that nearly all of the opposition from rank and file bowhunters would have disappeared had the bill simply been written in that fashion alone. But I think that crossbow proponents use the handicapped issue only as "sympathy" side issue to push their real agenda. Frankly, if someone had posed a bill that allowed the handicapped and aged to use crossbows in bow season, I would not have written even one letter opposing it. I suspect that most bowhunters are of the same opinion.

    good point.......... if an organization of disabled hunters started the movement to have crossbow's added to the archery season, based on the needs of the physically challenged ONLY, and had a politician to bring the fight to Albany for them, I would think Albany would look pretty bad if they didn't give it serious consideration.

  12. The politicians on that list need to be told what disabled means and that the crossbow is something that would allow the disabled hunter a way to continue hunting and that would mean more money to New York State. Haven't they heard of word the word discriminate? I will send them email and explain it to them. I guess some in Albany are "Thick as a Brick"

    I've come to the conclusion that they don't take the time to read individual letters, it's more a matter of quantity than quality........and until NYS makes a crossbow a legal implement, and as of now I don't think they will be allowed in any season, there are provisions for disabled hunters to hunt during archery season using the legally allowed implements.............as pathetic as those provisions are.

  13. We have this Dairy Mineral Mix... would it be good for my deer "herd" if I fill a "cow mineral feeder" with it? but just so happen to place it far enough from the barn that the deer wont be scared to use it along with the cows...


    Here is whats in it...

    Mono Sodium Phosphate, Mono-calcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Certified Organic Alfalfa Meal, Certified Organic Kelp Meal, Potassium Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Dried Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation Product, Dried Aspergillus oryzae Fermentation Extract, Dried Fermentation Products of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin D3 supplement, Vitamin E supplement, Polysaccharide Complexes of Zinc, Manganes, Iron, Copper and Cobalt, Certified Organic Vegetable Oil, Calcium Carbonate



    It any good?

    I'd be a little concerned giving deer a product that's engineered for cows.........especially if they get a large dose at once.

  14. I know you may find this hard to believe but some of us lawyers have morals. I would not take a case like the walmart situation because I would not want the bad publicity nor would I want to be known as the d-bag lawyer who represented the scumbag. This why I don't handle criminal matters. I can't bring myself to do that no matter what the potential fee may be.

    I was using "you" as a generic term, I didn't mean to suggest that is how yourself or all lawyers operate.

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  15. Speaking as a lawyer, I beg the question - are we a litigious society where people will sue at the drop of a hat? Absolutely! But I can't fathom any lawyer taking a case like this on behalf of the suspect's family. The cop was clearly justified in doing what he did to save that little girl. The only reason I can see a lawyer taking on a case like this would be for publicity, albeit bad publicity.

    On the other hand, in the Hempstead accidental cop shooting of the hostage, if the family can prove that the cop acted with reckless disregard for the safety of the girl, then there is a strong liability case. If recklessness cannot be shown, then there is no case. This is because cops, and firemen, who are acting in the course of their employment when they accidentally injure or harm a third party, have qualified immunity from suit as long as their actions do not amount to recklessness. Otherwise cops would do nothing in situations like this for fear of being sued.

    Sorry for the legal lesson....

    right, but right or wrong, if the family files a 20 million dollar lawsuit, and you know they'll walk away with at least half of that, you'd be willing to take the case based on your cut of that pay out..........and like I said earlier, it's why anybody is in the business they are are in..........even if recklessness can't be shown there will more than likely be a wrongful death suit...........and once again, not bashing your profession at all.

  16. I'm sure they will get some money in a lawsuit, they will find a lawyer to represent them and in the long run it's cheaper for a municipality to pay out  then it is to fight a long drawn out court battle........and this is in no way a dig at anyone who may be a lawyer, we all pick a profession to make make money.

  17. Agreed. But you cant compare that cause the dirtbag in Hempstead had a gun. I think the cop was wrong in Nassau County incident. Here I think he did the right thing. Point blank compared to across a room. And You know the old saying. "Never bring a knife to a gun fight."

    I don't think I can make the call that the Nassau cop was wrong, from reports he had the gun turned on him and that's why he fired...........tough situation, I can't say he should have allowed himself to be shot if that's how he perceived what was going to happen,  like they say, you can you from a hero to a zero in a split second...........I'd rather go home to my family and deal with the rest as it plays out, either way two families will be forever changed by that event.

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