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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. hey guys just wondering if anyone hunts private land on long island and if so how did you get it? asking owner? wineries? farms etc?

    I've found that the landowner's either allow only a select few to hunt or they let anyone hunt................tough to get a spot all to yourself unless you have connections.

  2. just checked it out, my guess is the simple fact that there was a gun involved, if you can articulate that you feared he may get the gun, then you may be justified in the shooting............in the Zimmerman trial, the defense said that once the physical fight started, it could have became anyone's gun during the struggle.......oh, that and it appears to have been a black male doing the shooting.

  3.  Do you remember the Roderick Scott Trial? There wasn't even any "contact" in that case. The Grand Jusy wouldn't even entertain a Murder charge. They knocked it down to Manslaughter and the Jury let him off after hearing the evidence. That is a NY case.

    I'm not familiar with that case, what I posted are just general guidelines as layed out in the penal law........like I said, there's dozen's of other scenarios to be considered, each on their own.

  4. How can you legally shoot in areas closer to houses? Is there a special permit required or something?  I thought that 500 ft rule for rifles applied to bows too.

    the only way is if you own the house or have permission from the owner.

  5. if the cost of ammo is not a concern than go ahead...........30-06, 270 or 308 is more than you need in NY and the ammo is considerably cheaper, and if you don't mind the pounding it delivers.

    • Like 1
  6. I'll be honest, I haven't read any of the 7 pages of this thread. However, here's my opinion on the topic:


    What went on before Zimmerman and Martin began fighting is clearly debatable from both sides. However my opinion below is only based on once they started fighting:


    IF Zimmerman truly felt he might die that night, it was him or Martin who would die that night.


    IF I was in the same situation and truly felt there was even a 1% chance that I might get killed, I would much rather take my chances on trial for murder than already be dead and buried.

    and Zimmerman was able to articulate his fear of dying very well.........Zimmerman's statement's were, Martin told him he was gonna kill him, he tried to smother him and he went for his gun.

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  7. once again reaching...What I said was...


    Now which one of your two statements are you going with here...I'm confused...




    In NY, there's a distinction between "physical injury" & "serious physical injury", and of course "death"..........there's been more than one scenario discussed here, so if I misread one or two, my mistake. If someone swings at you with a fist, that's considered physical force and you probably won't get away with shooting them.........if someone swings a bat at you, whether or not they connect, that's considered deadly physical force, because it's capable of causing death or SPI, and you can justify the use of deadly physical force to protect yourself.......and of course there's dozen's of other scenarios that can be brought up, but that is the basic guidelines.

  8. You really didn't say that right?...OK I'll admit it ...my original assumption ......



    May have been wrong....Here's an Idea....grab a knife and charge a police officer...If he doesn't kill you ...you were right...LOL

    they can shoot if the force being used or about to be used against them is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury............unless I'm mistaken, you said just if they perceive a risk of any injury. But like you said, I was wrong about the law too, but if you read what Deerthug posted, it pretty much says exactly what I said.........in fact it's copied right from the NYS Penal Law.

  9. Really? Check your sources. Usually they are charged together if the threat of harm actually results in a harm.

    so where does harassment come into play? the verbal threatening of someone.............my source is the NYS Penal Law.

  10. Actually "assault" is not the actual contact. Assault is defined in layman's terms as a threat of imminent bodily harm. "Battery" is the actual physical contact which can range from an unwanted touching to an all out beating.

    you won't see anyone charged with "Battery" in NY.......

  11. No physical contact required

    that isn't from the NYS Penal Law....better check your source... and if you hold a gun to someone's head in NY and threaten to kill them, it becomes another crime, not Assault.

  12. For one thing I said lets get back to the statement and again reaching...but since you did so....

    let me tell you in NYS an assault occurs when a person is verbally threaten and feels that they are in danger...go look it up

    Now this isn't a reach...verbal assault and a continued approach when you see the person is prepared to lethally defend them selves....you bet that such a shooting  would fly in NYS


    When Officers bring guns and a wild person see this and approaches with a knife... bat ..big stick ...they are taught to shoot to kill...not wound and there is a reason for that....They have a right to defend them selves before getting injured or even the possibility of injury.... as do civilians...Now as far as legal precedent ..I'm sure there are many many cases in law that support such a defense..again you should look them up...

    actually, in NY when you verbally threaten someone it's considered Harassment.........Assault is when you physically injure someone........and Police are not taught to shoot to kill, they are taught to shoot until the threat is removed...maybe you should go look it up..........and a Police Officer cannot just shoot someone because they "might" get injured........

  13. You are really reaching and by the way just because someones opinion differs from your doesn't make them racist...BUT...you forget your showing  that the "racist" coin carries 2 heads


    Now back to the above statement...You bet that a person cornered and a woman coming at them... make verbal threats and not stopping when they see your gun...should expect to be shot...

    I'll assume you don't live in a bubble...but even a woman or a 15yr old that is half your size can kill you...and all they really need to have is a knowledge you may not...like where to strike a vein...or where to bite...because hepatitis and aids kills as well.... just a whole lot slower...a blow to the temple or your artery in your neck...a shot to the wind pipe...


    I put a guy in the hospital because when he went to strike me I was fast enough to sink teeth into his forearm and locked my jaw...he was twice my size and it took two other guys to get me off him...I bar-tended and managed clubs for a few years and the one fight no one wanted to get into was a woman's fight...Also I testified in front of a grand jury when one guy did get involved...and ended up with one of the woman biting half his face off and then kicking his ribs in...W e'er talking a athletic foot ball player...Wrapping a clean bar towel around his face to try to keep it together wasn't fun....NO ONE SHOULD EVER UNDER ESTIMATE ANY THREAT when cornered...

    I don't know how the race thing is displayed as my quote, I just responded to it with the "Oriental comment....................................if you shoot and kill someone in NY, outside your home or business, you should really have a better defense than to say they looked like they had AIDS, Hepatitis or appeared to have the knowledge to kill me.

  14. Blacks topped the list. Asians actually rated lower than whites. The list went blacks at top. Then mexicans then whites then asians. Just saying what cnn said that's all

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

    don't Mexican's fall under the Hispanic category?.......I find it hard to believe CNN used the term "Mexican".

  15. The race war will never end. Wether your racist or not the pure factual numbers don't lie on criminal actions and other things. Cnn had stated a few years back on live tv the percentages of whites, blacks hispanics and orientals of by the the age 25 how many would be dead or in prison. Guess who topped that list and guess who bottomed the list out? The media fuels it very much so. Either way the kid was a punk wanna be gang banger and I feel no remorse for him. You go looking for trouble you better expect to pay the ultimate price. How many honor students get shot? Pretty simple case of ones life choices becoming their demise. Oh well. One less person to cause the state to spend more money on in future court dates and probable incarnation.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

    I'm gonna guess the Orientals topped the list...........or did you mean to say Asian?

  16. No beating required in a "Stand Your Ground State" ...what part of that is so hard for you to comprehend.  For that matter no beating even required in a none stand your ground state like NY, If you have no escape route and someone is approaching you when you have your gun drawn and that person refuses to stop you can shoot him, no broken noses, no head lacerations, nothing....I give Zimmerman credit for even taking the beating he did, which even confirms to me he was jumped.

    so you're telling me, that in NY, if you are a 6ft 200lb male and a 5ft 100lb female or an 80lb 15 yr old is just making verbal threats against you, and you have no escape route, you can draw your gun, order them to stop and shoot them when they refuse your order? good luck with that one.

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