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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. If someone is on top of me, slamming my head into the ground while telling me he is going to kill me, I would take any measure possible to end the threat.Given that scenario JJB, what would your reaction be with split seconds to act.

    I doubt his story of the severity of he beating, and I've seen more than my share of people who have taken a beating and never thought they were going to die as a result............much more severe beatings then Zimmerman claims to have endured...................like I said, if ur that soft that a punch in the face is gonna put you in fear of your life, leave your gun in the house and stay on the couch.......................all his injuries were consistent with a school yard brawl.................and he never even got xrays for a broken  nose.

  2. I doubt zimmerman gave it fore thought. He felt brave because he had a gun and determined to follow this suspicious young man not expecting the any confrontation let alone one where he was on his back getting beat. Regardless of how he got into the situation at the point that he fired his weapon in self defense. His actions prior is where you can argue manslaughter which the prosecution failed to do.

    that's the big question, did the beating he supposedly get warrant dpf................from all I've heard he wasn't getting a severe beating nor did his injuries even remotely suggest he did.

  3. there's a big difference between finding yourself in a dpf situation and intentionally putting yourself in one......if this guy was such a pussy, as his defense team made him out to be, he should have stayed in his car...........apparently his thought was that he can just shoot the guy since he knew that's all he had as a personal defense.

  4. my biggest issue with this is, if Zimmerman was such a pussy that he couldn't even punch his way out of a paperbag, and that's how his defense team portrayed him, than why in the world would he pursue him? because he had a gun and he knew that he could fall back on that if things got rough?...the way I see it, most people don't look for a fight if they know their such a mess, unless they're given no other choice, he had other choices but chose the wrong path......they say, don't bring a knife to a gunfight, but in this case don't intentionally bring a marshmallow to a fistfight.

  5. Good - I hope it happens. The least that the state should do for even bringing charges in this case.

    oddly enough, the State never wanted to charge him, but they were pressured to do so...........I don't think this was ever brought out in trial...but with that being said, I can't imagine any parent accepting that.

  6. Right, but that doesn't mean that he has the money or assets to pay in a civil lawsuit.

    yes, but his assets, if he has any will go first, and then they'll go after his income....as little as they can get at a time..................any lawyers want to confirm this? I assume it's like an award in a divorce, you can claim you're broke, but they will garnish your wages to get some sort of payment........if I'm not mistaken, Zimmerman at first claimed he was broke and misrepresented his financial situation because of the funds that had been set up.

  7. Yes, but OJ Simpson obviously had money at the time. I doubt that Zimmerman has any money or real assets? Does he even own a house?

    I don't think it's based on a person's assets, but what the life of the deceased person is worth. For instance, if he had killed a million dollar a year doctor, they look at it as how much financial loss is the family looking at because of his death.

  8. What happens if the new website doesn't bring in enough funds for both George's living expenses and the costs of litigation? His lawyers can apply to the court to have him declared indigent, and the state will have to pick up the costs of litigation (which are different than legal fees.) Those fees could easily run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

  9. How does an average person pay for the legal bills in situations like these? I always thought that the lawyers worked pro bono in these particular cases and the fact that there name was out in the media was goo enough.

    There have to be some fees, why else would his friend have written the book about the incident to help pay for legal fees? and even if he's acquitted, the family will file a wrongful death suit and that will fall on Zimmerman if they win..............look at O.J. Simpson, he was acquitted, but the family still won a wrongful death suit to the tune of a few million dollars.....makes little sense, but that's what happens.

  10. It's probably a good idea to make sure that what or why you're getting involved in something is well worth the potential ramifications..........regardless of how this turns out, Zimmerman's life is going to be a disaster from this point forward, financially and emotionally....and for what? I can only imagine what his legal bills are going to be, and they will be the same if he's in jail or not.

  11.    Then answer me this since...the media manged to ping every stereo type going" "white/Hispanic"...poor young blk kid..ect ect


    Had this been a white/Hispanic woman how "minor" do you think the "experts" would consider her injuries to justify pulling her gun?


    Before you say she wouldn't have confronted him...your incorrect..I'm an white woman who doesn't carry a gun and more than once I've confronted men that were following too close or invaded my space at a phone booth...in a parking lot..ect....

    I've also seen other woman do the same more than a few times....When one has a gut instinct that something may not be right then it's best to confront it...the REASONABLE thing would have been the kids to walk away but he didn't...he Acted the fool for whom ever he was talking to on the phone

    good point, if a woman or child was being attacked in this manner it would seem much more reasonable to resort to such force.  I agree, women seem to have more "balls" then men in many situations.............unfortunately there's only one person able to tell the story of what or who brought on the physical altercation.

  12. Arming yourself is a right, 2nd amendment, no law broken there. And yes a neighborhood watch person should persue, watch and follow at a distance any suspicious person.

    no doubt there's 1000's of communities with neighborhood watch organizations made up of sensible people.............and I'm sure many have someone involved who is over the top and everyone else looks at as a nutjob..................if Zimmerman was such a physical mess and couldn't punch his was out of a paperbag, as portrayed by his defense, and his ONLY way of defending himself in any situation was to shoot, he should have stayed in his car...............and I'm sure right about now he's thinking the same thing, his life will be a prison sentence in one way or another once this is all said and done.

  13. What about if your trying to protect your neighborhood and your on a neighborhood watch, all legal and you have a legal CC permit? Not exactly putting yourself in a situation. Does wanting to protect your neighborhood mean anything and should that be outlawed?

    not sure what they teach at neighborhood watch meetings, but I would be shocked if they tell you to arm yourself and pursue any and all suspicious looking people.........especially in NY.

  14. How bad must one be beaten before they can defend their life, must it exceed broken nose, head lacerations, what exactly is the criteria, oh wait I will answer that, if you have a weapon drawn on a person and you tell them to stop coming towards you and they continue then you can shoot, hence "stand your ground" state, no need to get beat up first, and that's the law. Fla is a stand your ground state, does that not mean anything? Zimmerman had a permit for the firearm and was not doing anything wrong illegal that I could see, or no one saw for that matter, what happened to requiring proof? Why wasn't all the evidence showing Martins character allowed in this case? Im sorry but I have a lot of problems with this whole process.


    All that being said im starting to smell hung jury and that's what im betting on.....

    but he didn't draw his weapon first and tell the kid to stop, he woulda been better off with that scenario.

  15. At what point then is the right to defend yourself justifiable in a "right to carry" state?

    most NORMAL people carry a gun in a "right to carry" state to protect themselves and their families if they are targeted by criminals, they don't go looking to put themselves in that situation...................... with that being said, you can't just be involved in a fight with someone and just pull your gun and shoot them, you have to have the a REASONABLE fear that you're going to die.............from watching the "experts" speak at this trial, Zimmerman had minor injuries.

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