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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. TonyJoe, will you be living on base or off base? If your on base call the master at arms, and see what the base rule is about rifles for on base . I know that you could keep a bow on base. The hunting up there is killer. Definitely get in touch with Anderson. Either way good luck in the move. thanks for serving.
  2. That is so cool! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Welcome aboard and enjoy the site!
  4. Genocide, a couple of cameras would get all angles. Sounds like a lot of fun.I'm in.
  5. On that note.... I have a few boxes of 12 gauge are you interested?
  6. I haven't gone wabbit hunting in over 20 years. I'm oiling my old Browing sweet 16 as I'm writing.
  7. Karpteach


    Too bad! I have an older bow just sitting in the garage. It's a 30.5" reach.
  8. Karpteach


    Me too, yikes. Getting a black eye from your scope is painful too! Yea, me too. I have not done either for a while. However, you never know. Torun what's your draw length?
  9. yea nobody here seemed too concerend about the 80 year old lady gettin shot in the face with an arrow while eating a crumpet at her breakfast table? Such is life. It's crazy that animals have become more important than a human.
  10. Bellmore, thank you for sharing. Dang, those rabbits are bif
  11. Geno bring dark sunglasses for your eyes.
  12. If it isn't too hot I'm in. I can't take a chance of melting or feeling that I might need to strip. I would never want you guys going blind. LOL
  13. 3D shooting or fishing is OK. God knows when I shot trap last. That would be funny to watch!
  14. We feed science diet for our lapdog's allergy to wheat. He had a sensitive stomach due to his allergies.
  15. Karpteach


    Welcome aboard and enjoy the site.
  16. Welcome aboard and enjoy the site. Thanks for serving.
  17. Nice! She looks nice and delicious!
  18. What are they trying to kill with that canon? Are they hunting dinosaurs?
  19. Thank God nothing was broken. She has a huge black and blue on her leg and wrist. She split her lower lip and cut and bruised her upper gums. It was the scariest crap I have ever been through. I'm grateful she is ok. Thank you all.
  20. John, NO problem... Except they are not being installed till Aug 16th.
  21. Thanks Dave. She's in xray and we have been waiting for over 2 hours in a empty ER.
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