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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. I do not know how brave you people think or know you are? I for one would be scared shiteless if I had a 1300 lb. bear who is A known killer charge or walk in front of me. I think that their might be a possibility that I would wet my pants..... To say the least. Do not get me wrong I would not freeze.. just would be soggy.
  2. Joining m wife's family in Huntington for a day on the water and some fishing. Wishing all a happy fourth, and God Bless America.
  3. Ooooh yeaaa, I guess I need to be more focused.
  4. On what eating a fawn or my cousin.
  5. That is so cool. This is just evidence that we compete with nature for the deer. Hopefully we win.
  6. Welcome to the site!
  7. Too many bungholios out there And you MUST mistreat some of them!!!
  8. Johnthat would be great! Please count me in for something like what you are proposing. I think that we have enough people on region one to pull this off!
  9. Thanks for the update John. I guess we just can't get it together???
  10. At least that's one benefit of getting old.
  11. Easy guys! Fawn is my cousin, AND trust me non of you would like to EAT her! ;D on a serious note I think that it would be a great tasting piece of meat.
  12. Yeah Gino it was a show on Animal Planet.
  13. John, glad you are getting a kick out of this. However, I am the one missing out on the culture and conversation that I have been missing from the gatherings. Are you fellows still meeting? I would like to partake in the knowledge of my LI'ers. I hope this impresses you for an invite. LOL
  14. I guess i' ve been in the twighlite zone! I can't believe I have been missing out. What is the deal.
  15. You said it Doc! These wackos are going to tie all hunting together.
  16. "Ignorance of what the enemy is planning is what gets you killed" words of one Master Chief Woleznekie US Navy. These are the words that I have taken away from my time in the Navy. I think it applies in the hunting controversy today. If we do not know how these fools are preparing to battle us, we will not be ready. If the bill that will be introduced this summer becomes law it will jeopardize hunting, ALL HUNTING, not just canned hunts. This was found from a TEXAS hunting website, I hope it opens some of our eyes. [/color][table][tr][td] The HSUS Applauds Introduction of Federal Bill to Combat Captive Hunts New undercover investigation to be shown on Animal Planet next week, highlighting need for federal law The Humane Society of the United States commends U.S. Reps. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., and Brad Sherman, D-Calif., for introducing legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives that cracks down on the inhumane and unsportsmanlike practice of shooting exotic animals penned inside fences. The Sportsmanship in Hunting Act of 2011, H.R. 2210, would prohibit the interstate transport of exotic (non-native) mammals for the purpose of killing them for trophies or entertainment in fenced areas smaller than 1,000 acres, and would also ban remote-controlled hunting offered via the Internet. Original cosponsors of the bill also include Reps. Jim Moran, D-Va., George Miller, D-Calif., and Jim Langevin, D-R.I. “There’s absolutely nothing sporting about hand-raising tame animals, trucking them across the country, drugging them, and shooting them inside fenced pens or from the comfort of your keyboard,” said Michael Markarian, president of the Humane Society Legislative Fund and chief operating officer of The HSUS. “The Humane Society of the United States is grateful to Representatives Cohen and Sherman for introducing this important bill, and we urge responsible hunters and animal advocates alike to help put the lid on canned hunts.” Captive hunts, which are also known as canned hunts, are held at private trophy hunting facilities where hunters pay to kill semi-tame, captive, exotic animals—even endangered species—as guaranteed trophies. Because the animals are fenced in, they have no chance of escape. Animals at captive shooting facilities often come from private breeders, animal dealers and even zoos and circuses. Many hunting groups are critical of captive hunts because sportsmanship and fair chase are absent, and because transporting these animals across state lines can spread diseases to native wildlife populations. “Canned hunts are cruel and unsportsmanlike,” said Rep. Cohen, who has led the fight to stop captive hunts in previous sessions of Congress. “The practice of killing tame, exotic animals within the confines of an enclosure where the animals have no chance of escape is contrary to the principles of fair chase, sportsmanship and common decency. Captive hunts are out of step with common principles governing responsible hunting and should be banned.” [/td][/tr][/table]
  17. They got a senator in DC to sponsor a bill, to be introduced in the summer session. The Humane society is a piece of crap group trying to end hunting and all animal OWNERSHIP. The scary part is a senator listened to their BS and is helping them.
  18. Animal planet is running a show called hunting right now. It's exposing the canned hunt. It is also making us hunters look like we only kill tame,hurt or stunned animals.
  19. Those are some big arse chucks. Great shooting.
  20. Most definitely, Happy Fathers Day to ALL. ;D
  21. Welcome aboard! This is a great place to visit.
  22. WOW, I never would have expected that they do not kick like a mule. I'd like to know how it goes for deer!
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