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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by HuntOrBeHunted

  1. No way is it over lol. Them bucks are chasing.
  2. 2 wheel drive truck,, ?? They make those ?? jkjk.. 4 wheel or nothing when it comes to trucks lol.
  3. More and more people will not be letting others ride on their land. I cant say I blame them half the time. People riding all threw the night, loud pipes ripping threw youre back yard at 1am is not cool. And I ride so I know first hand.
  4. Love hunting on turkey day, I'll be out. Not so much freezing though im dressing super warm lol. Good luck everyone !!
  5. Very nice.. Congrats !!!
  6. I would move somewere between were you are now and the swamp. Try to get in the middle somewere. Deer know theres not much food now so they have to move around a little more but after a million gun shots they seem to wait until night to move for the most part.
  7. On a side note.. Some of you need to chill out a bit, jeez.
  8. Good luck too ya. I'll be heading out in the morning myself.
  9. I thought you were talking about taking a week off of hunting lol.. I was going to say Nooooo lol. Ruts in the air.
  10. No yote hunting for me yet, right after rut ill be out a lot. Normally wait until after deer season but I have been hearing a lot of them and seeing piles of hair loaded poo all over the trails.
  11. They pretty much just run lol. After being shot im sure direction is the last things on their mind lol.
  12. Big 6 is right. Good job to him.Congrats
  13. At least u have some better hunting morals. Good luck with working things out.
  14. Boom ,, Bang... Bang ... Pop ,,.... BOOM.. Lol thats the sounds of rifle season 50 shots later there might be a deer down lol.
  15. Located near Rome. Kayak may be selling today and trailor is pending sale as well.
  16. I pretty much zero my gun one time after I put the scope on it. Have never had to touch one after that. My scopes been on my rifle for about 5 years without ever needing anything !!
  17. Havn't been back since I made this post been busy. 3 wheeler is a yamaha 110 I believe. Runs good just needs a little tlc great for kids to beat on or what not it has a hitch to.
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