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Everything posted by HuntOrBeHunted

  1. I was going to get a drop away but ended up sticking with what I know best and thats a whisker biscuit. I like them for the reason they hold the arrow in place very well. I use a little bit of lube to make it quiet when drawing back.
  2. Over my way all afternoon. I know the deer still move in the am but I havnt seen many.
  3. Did you find her ? I would be out looking some more before dark. If the arrow passed threw the chances of her living are slim to none.
  4. Just keep hunting and pushing on. Whats happen happen in real life people miss. I missed the biggest buck I ever took a shot at lol go figure right, but hey it never made me doubt myself. Keep hunting, shoot a big one and you will be right back on top !!
  5. The deer I got this year was loaded !
  6. Steve I do agree in some ways but then I think of the recoil in a smaller rifle like a 243. then I compare it a 12g with a hunting slug. Recoil pad or not theres a ton of difference in kick I would say.
  7. Not using any myself if I do it will be closer to the end of this month. A little buck bomb when ruts in full swing is about as far as I go.
  8. Just make some spare time for them after the deer season. Couple bucks on a decent call and you might be able to hang that thing up.
  9. My first rifle was 30-06 it was ok for my age at the time but I ended up getting a 270.and loved it. Why not a 243. if you're deer hunting its a good round. I know a lot of people disagree but thats fine, my uncle has a bad back and shoulder and can not have much kick and the 243 is nice a doing the job. Deer always are found and some time pile right up like they got hit with a bigger caliber. I would try and have em put some rounds down see what he likes see if the kick has a effect in his groupings. Good Luck
  10. I dont see why they wouldn't. There has to be someone on this site that knows a good butcher.
  11. Thats a lot of the same things I use but not to sure if it will give it the sweet taste.
  12. Hunting is hunting unless you're paying to hunt a farm it not that easy getting on the deer. I just shot my doe a week into bow season on public land up north. I have seen deer almost daily, ton of doe no bucks yet.
  13. Herb's has it. The only ammo I cant find is 22. But other than that 7.69x39 is around 223. I never had a problem finding rifle ammo.
  14. Sounds good. Ill try seeing if I can find a good one. I may try it myself. If you find one that comes out good put it up !!
  15. Good job. You going to try and upload the pics again?
  16. The way I hunt the bedding areas down is start by finding a main run were you can see fresh deer poo and see lots of tracks. I stay off their beaten path but follow it. I have found 90% of deer bedding areas in thick brush were they get away from the sun, rain, snow... When you find that area you will see spots of the brush that are beat down were the deer curl up. Look for loose hairs is a good way to know thats a bedding area. Thats how I do it, it seems to work pretty well. Good luck.
  17. I missed before I made thats for sure lol. Never a loss though I learned something everytime !!
  18. Dont give up for anything. No lie I missed my first two deer I ever shot at in my life. First one a big 8 point. And i missed with a scoped rifle lol. Hit the back yard or were ever you shoot and make sure you're shooting a decent group and then get right back in the woods. Good luck !!
  19. Play the wind. I never use that spray.. Ever. I know theres no way to get a deer without the magic spray lol. I leave my hunting clothes outside the whole season. And I have a few deer under my belt so it's not like im saying I dont use the spray but also have never got a deer. It may sound stupid but it's logic... How many bottles of that spray did they have a couple hundred years ago when people had to hunt to eat.
  20. Hunt is far from over. I really hope you find em. Good luck.
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