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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wooly

  1. OMG- these are great! Dial up has slowed me down, I never knew we had so many,LMAO! Round 1: NYantler vs. bubba vs.
  2. That looks great for the money. I payed the same for an oak plaque antler mounting kit alone last year. Nice mount and sweet deal you got there!
  3. Nice... , but only one buck a bottle?
  4. This is true.., but if we just sat there with our thumbs up our azzes what good would that do,lol
  5. With all due respect towards everyone here and the deer we've "slashed". A lot of guys here have said things along the lines that they could never do it, or it's too dangerous and not worth risking injury. I certainly can't say what each and every one of your own limits are when it comes to what you're all capable of. What I will say, is many of you who haven't been in the situation may just not know yet how you'd react or what you're truely capable of. It's almost like that burning building theory where a passer by doesn't think twice before running inside and rescuing those in need of help. It just happens as a natural knee jerk reaction. I agree with you all, another bullet is the easy answer but in my opening post I asked to hear the circumstances leading up to the knife becoming your finishing tool. Sometimes like they say.., chit happens, and we're left to improvise with what we have on hand when it comes to making split second decisions. Over time we've found ourselves sitting at the top of the food chain as THE apex predator by no mistake. A lot of that primitive instinct we all posess goes way back to times before we became the "soft" hunters we are today...IMO. I think some of you may just be surprised at how you'd react when you don't have much time to think about it.
  6. Hard to believe you have absolutely no late season food sources unless you hunt in an over populated, over browsed park. You don't need giant food plots to sustain whitetails durring the late season. Many a big buck has been killed over micro browse locations if you take the time to learn what and where they are on your propperty. Remember, this time of year a deers diet is turning towards more woodsy browse so if at the very least you've got any young sappling growth within reach of a standing deer you're gonna have deer taking advantage of them. Things will become much easier for you to see and understand if we ever get some snow on the ground. Take advantage of it to find out for sure. It is also quite possible your deer are using another area or preferred food source not on your propperty. This is what you need to scout out even if that means just taking a drive around town.
  7. Well, seeing I never get anything I really need I'm gonna try some reverse psychology this year.... I'd like a hula hoop!
  8. I just copy the pictures here...stories of big antlers do nothing for me.
  9. Found this on awesomeantlers.com. Supposedly green scores 219
  10. He recovered better than I expected!
  11. I'll make sure my daughter never dates any of these outlaws! That's a good background checklist to start with.
  12. I can always rely on the ol' muzzy! Thanks bud. Looks like time is running out and about 20 votes short, but keep them coming if you haven't yet. Appreciate all your help, just wish I'd have found out about this sooner. You've all been a great help!
  13. How the heck should I know...what do I look like Miss Cleo?
  14. You da man cummins,thanks!
  15. Thanks to you too Steve. I see BIG bucks in your future,lol
  16. You will be rewarded with a Sabres Stanley Cup victory this year!
  17. Thanks for your time mossy725! Hope we can squeak out a few more votes here!
  18. You guys ROCK! Thanks John- will do!
  19. ryanrobb52-thanks. I'll make sure Santa puts a little something extra in your stocking this year,lol
  20. tughillhunter and 13BVET- thanks a bunch guys!
  21. Nice bucks! I like those rubbish racks as much as big clean headgear! Good luck.
  22. I have a good buddy trying to win a facebook contest and was wondering if I could get a little help from some of my buds here to help him pull it off. Voting ends tonight, so we're kinda pressed for time. If you fellow Facebookers could take a minute to vote, it would be greatly appreciated and maybe we could return the favor someday. Instructions are in his post below, I believe the prize is a new bow. Thanks, Matt I
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