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Everything posted by wooly

  1. I had an experience a couple years ago on unposted propperty. Simply put, the landowner called the DEC...the ECO came to my house and issued a warning because the land was not posted propperly. About a wek later I got a certified letter from the landowner describing the boundary lines which at that point were clearly marked by his signs. ECO explained at that point that any further intrusion would be considered trespassing.
  2. Just got some extra time on my hands till Mondays late season opener and got me to thinking... What commercial sponsors would you guys like to have free access to their list of products. Maybe get to take their annual new gear to the field for hands on testing every year. Basicly, what one manufacturer do you think you would get the most enjoyment from sponsoring YOUR outdoor activities. For me it would be Nikon. Pretty sure a full line up of camera equitment, binos, scopes, and other gadgets could keep my outdoors enthusiasm in check throughout the four seasons of the year!
  3. I suppose I'd part with my a$$ scratcher collection too if there is needy member here who would get good use outta them,lol My guess is there will be a long line real soon so get 'em while they're hot. I might have to break out the a$$ scratcher stretcher for some of yas.!
  4. Awesome shots Dave! Love the one with the blurred wings! When does "hawky" get a real name...or is that it?
  5. Just wondering, if you donate your deer to Hunters for the Hungry..do you get to keep the rack or do they boil that down in their soup stock?
  6. Lol- we give in too easy, but at least everybody's happy!
  7. At 50yds I'm surprised you didn't reach for one of your ninja throwing stars,LMAO
  8. Was that buck on a leash? Hard to imagine that kinda scuffle would take place perfectly centered in front of a trail cam,no?
  9. Deck the halls with balls of white-tails....fa- la-la-la-la, la- la-la-la!
  10. Most importantly no matter what type of terrain or food sources your hunting, getting to and from your stand (and remaining) undetected is paramount,IMO. Once the sounds of the final shots of the regular season are done echoing through the timber, deer will soon come out of their holes getting back to their old habits and the feeding frenzy begins! One minor screw up this time of year will be just enough to send them back into hiding for the rest of the short, late season. Plan your routes accordingly and play the wind as always.
  11. wooly

    Broken Antler

    Can't hurt to look! I'd deffinately be out there looking for it. Chances are he broke it off fighting so check the places where the deer would gather to feed or staging areas. From the sounds of it, missing a 3 point section should be relatively easy to spot like a shed antler. If he's missing 3 individual tines it will be a little tougher, but I'd never say impossible. I've found a few broken racks and tines while shedding.
  12. Wow, a few of the replies here lead me to believe some of you more uppety fellas feel that less fortunate folks don't deserve the same treatment you take for granted any given day. That's too bad. I know quite a few folks that can't afford some of the luxuries mentioned here.., like your cable, 2 tanks of gas, or a couple meals away from home. $75 to them may as well be a million, so in essence, they take a gamble with the money they don't have and hope they don't loose everything else they squeek by with. I obviously don't know all the circumstances surrounding this family, but I would hope that if they are legitamately just a poor family with another obstacle to overcome, that some charitable organization or someone in a better position would lend a helping hand. Whether you live in a cardboard box or a multi million dollar mansion you stand a chance to loose it all by no choice of your own or even at the hands of someone elses doings. I dare anyone hear to say you've got it all under control and it could never happen to you because you pay your bills,LMAO! Who's brave enough here to tempt fate and perhaps find themselves and their families in a tough spot for the holidays? Plain and simple, this fee is a crock! Makes me wonder how many exceptions have been made, and who it's been waived for. Something tells me the boys at the department are all fat and happy or there would have at least been a garden hose running from the neighbors trailer. Of course, this is all JMO!
  13. I'll second that. Affordable, accurate, and easy to maintain. I'd hesitate to call it a beginners ML though..it's deffinately a performer.
  14. I guess I'm not as nice as some of you guys. I'd have pulled the stand and left the hunter a note where to reach me. If he wanted the stand back he would remove the bait, no questions no compromise. Knowing full well what he's doing is illegal, I highly doubt he'd have a problem with that. Justice is served.
  15. Fiii-ga-roooo, fi-ga-ro, fi-ga-rooooooo. Just warming up a bit... I'm recocidering now that I know what kind of groupies Pygmy takes a liking to. Vaginas and pulses would be an upgrade to some of the dead f$&* I've been with,LOL
  16. There was mention of a cock fight here somewhere Skillet?? Maybe I'll just skip the whole singing gig since Stevie Wonder's coming too.I wouldn't want to embarass anybody at their own game
  17. There it is fellas! Time to sell the truck and house., kick the ol' lady to the curb., kiss the kids goobye and dedicate the rest of your pathetic lives to BIG BUCK HUNTING!!!!! Great post!
  18. Yeah, that's what I was kinda curious about any liability issues with an out building on the propperty.
  19. That's a great looking blind growalot, I was just being a little sarcastic. I've got a couple nice(to me) blinds I've built just using debrise I picked up in the woods. I aint complaining, got it all for free. Dave6x6, do you insure that thing? I'd be a little nervous not living in something that nice.
  20. I'm all for government funding so every wanting hunter can have one of these. ..but then again, they'd probably start popping up in cemetaries across the state,lol
  21. I used to have a couple Wildgame Innovations cams that used the bungees. I was constantly breaking,loosing, and overstretching them. On those cams I started using 3" drywall screws through the bungee holes. Nice solid mount to the tree and a little more security comfort assuming not everybody usually carries a screwdriver with them. Worked good enough for my peace of mind.
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