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Everything posted by wooly

  1. wooly

    shed hunting?

    Cool shots Red! Gotta be one left in there for ya somewhere! Hope you can sniff it out before the competition.... I wouldn't expect an antler spends much time on the ground there before somebody scoops it up and takes it for a ride down the highway!
  2. Yeah, trigger speed for this unit is around 3-4 sec. Not much you can do to correct that. I heard they had a problem with the 15sec. delay between pics being closer to 30sec. There's supposed to be a download ugrade for that but it doesn't seem to be a factor in 2 shot burst mode. The recovery time is minimal between shots...I'd say no more than 3 seconds from flash to flash. Resolution is also supposed to be better on it's lowest setting so that's what I shot these at as well. Never experienced the white-out pics with the L-50...like you say, probably the walls bouncing too much flash over exposing things. This unit did take a little getting used to even with the simple controls but once I got it figured out I actually preferred this cam over others in some situations. Good luck with it.
  3. So much for the forum picnic this year,lol Geno, be sure to take lots of pics....we don't wanna hear none of that... "you shoulda seen the other guy" stuff!
  4. Phewww- I thought you ate the poor boy to end his suffering,lol
  5. Here's a nice buck I got on my L-50 this fall Doc. If you decide you want another let me know. This one is for sale. My opinion is this cam shoots a little heavy on the yellow tinted side. I wanted to experiment with difusing the flash with some homemade filter to see what I'd get, but I never got around to it.
  6. wooly

    shed hunting?

    Hey, I have a few of "natures tooth-picks" that look like they could be the mate to that one! Funny you saved it- only an antler addict would hold on to a piece like that Not so sure this shed hunting stuff would be much of a hobby if they were all in that kinda shape,lol
  7. I got a litter of 3....8 yo boy, 5 yo girl, & 3 yo boy. Still got about 15yrs of payments left on them before their mothers will admit I'm not the papa,lol
  8. Congrats to your little shed huntress! Can't start a shed pile without the first antler! Sometimes that's the hardest one to get out of the way!
  9. Thanks Red! I headed back to where I found the last 2 freshies today. I wanted to take a look down lower in some pine stands but didn't find anything in there. Pretty uneventful day right up till the time I was ready to head out. I got to the site where I found the kick stand antler on the side hill the other day, and decided to do a quick pass through the thickets about 50yds away. Glad I did! There lied the mate to the kickstand horn! #17! Reunited at last! I'm taking the day off to rest my leg tomorrow...took a spill today and got a sore knee out of it.
  10. Probably be another one chewing on the carcass tomorrow, I wouldn't loose any sleep over it....this is why the wild turkey should have been the symbol of America. Just a damned bird for crying out loud,lol If your ECO's are not responding to your complaints, it's because they're busy conducting an autopsy on a bird they already know the cause of death to,lol
  11. I must have passed by these antlers 5x's already this year! No telling how many times last year! Todays rain washed away all the snow and really made the "oldie green" POP! lol I had both in the same ATL 5ft apart but you couldn't really see the 2'nd one all that well. Anyhow, now that they've dried out back at home they don't look half bad and the green has toned down quite a bit. It's a nice tall rack with a good sweeping mainbeams....#15 & #16!
  12. I think this thread should be re-named "personality disorders"...every one is unique as it's individual poster,lol That's all I got to contribute here! Carry on!
  13. Yup- not exactly what I consider prime shedding grounds but I know some of the areas on the fringes that hold some massive bucks but also see heavy pressure from other shedders. It's hard for me to leave a sure thing in my own neighborhood with potential to find antlers from bucks I can actually hunt but I've been tempted to try some of these spots from time to time. I really hope you find a few in there this year. Sounds like your already having a good time out there and finding a bunch of interesting things. That's a big part of the fun to me! Whatever you do, NEVER disclose your primo shed hunting grounds! Good luck my friend!
  14. Absolutely Red! If his noggin was still bloody, his antlers are in the area. I can't say it was the same buck or not but you now know you got sheds on the ground there. If you'd like I will come help you look for them but I'm not sure my skills are good enough for them Buffalo bucks,lol Good luck if you get back after them!
  15. Thanks a bunch guys! Good luck next hike to you both! My good fortune continued today when I rescued #13 & #14 for the year! I've been meaning to check this place out for several years now but never got around to it. Well, it looks like I'll be making time to get back in here now. Got a couple antlers to match up now and saw 2 more bucks with at least one antler. This one was kinda cool. Looks like he was coming down the hill and.......BOOP... it just popped right off and stuck here! ...and out of the snow. After that I kept heading down towards a goldenrod patch I bumped some deer towards. The trails and beds in here were thick and fresh. I kept checking all the empty beds when I finally found where a buck had lost an antler and put it under his pillow for me......"the antler fairy", lol! The bare spot to the right is his bed. The base on the shed was still blood pink. At the end of the day I was a pretty happy hiker!
  16. wooly

    deer calls

    I got one of these after season from the info-mercial. I've only used it post season so far trying to peak any deers interest to my camera but it does have good sound and tonal range and volume from fawn bleat right through to the mature buck grunt. What I really liked about the call was how easy it seemed to clear a frozen reed with the slide of the switch. I've tested it in single digit temps and have yet to have it freeze up on me unlike some of my other calls so in that regaurd it's already a winner in my book.
  17. Thanks again gang! Feels like I've been going through a bit of a slump here lately so I decided to hit a new piece of woods today one block over from my usual area. Last year there was a cornfield above this freshly logged area. I never got a good look the way I would have liked to with all the traffic in there so I picked apart the treetops today when I stumbled on another good 8pt set. When I saw tines, I immediately began scanning a 10yd circle around it for the mate. I was a little discouraged when I didn't see it but as I sat down to take the ATL pic, there it was 3 ft away between the first one and the big tree trunk. I didn't recognize it right away with the tines chewed thin. Once I dug them out they were in pretty decent shape for a set of 1 yr old antlers. #11& #12
  18. Nice find WNYB! You don't see them stick the landing like that everyday- pretty cool! Good to see you break the ice and looking forward to seeing what else you bring home this year!
  19. That goat looks frozen solid...better pour some anti-freeze on it so the doggy don't chip a tooth.
  20. Awesome as usual Dave! Love #2 and #6! Do the crows ever gang up on your hawkie? I see a lot of that with the hawks around here.
  21. LMBO- she was probably releived he didn't charge her for the mothballs and a can of tuna!
  22. $140 TYD anybody? Bottom price for both...last offer.
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