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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wooly

  1. I have heard of deer in TX eating their sheds, but I don't think a deer's teeth would be very efficient at chewing off pieces of bone. IMHO, this theory doesn't hold much water. I have found sheds from previous seasons that were chewed by rodents and others that weren't chewed at all. Not one of the sheds I picked up this year, other than a decent 4-pt that is at least a couple of years old, has so much as a gnaw mark. We are pretty luck here in NY when you look at the condition of some of the sheds found in the midwest...they'll literally get their tines chewed off by treerats within a couple of weeks of being on the ground. Sickening!!! I believe that most people who don't find sheds simply because they aren't looking where the bucks were bedding and feeding during the shedding months of Jan./Feb... Ya know, I've read those articles too....but anyone who knows a their chit from shinola about the way deer rip, tear, and chew their chaw is full of BS in saying they eat their horns. Maybe a lick here and there..., but they don't chew them down like crunch and munch. Gotta love how anyone can post anything they want on the net these days and have it percieved as factual. : Untill somebody drags up a pic, I ain't buying it. Just another disgruntled shed hunter IMO. Now that I say this, I'll probably get a pic of a deer chewing an antler tomorrow.
  2. Glad to see it got some of you thinking about it at least. I take quite a bit of pride in my spontainious reaction to a hyper situation although you'd never think it by looking at me. Lots of what I've learned was taught in school over 20 yrs ago and just kinda stuck with me. The rest I just like to read about. Lately, the more I become a loner in the outdoors, I realise the serious troubles that lurk with every step we take for granted on our "home turf". Since this is the camping /hiking forum, I just wanted to make note of general emergency preparedness we all need to be aware of the momment you step foot out the door. Doesn't matter if it's your back 40 or 40 miles into the mountains....it's a reality we all face daily. I'm not sure if it's the paranoid survivalist in me, or the comfort I get out of helping those in need. To this day I've only had to use my kit on myself but have passed out a few band aids along the way. To my credit, I have saved both my sisters lives on my basic know how. One from drowning....the other blue in the face from choking. Maybe it was just the fact that her brother was thrusting her from behind that made her cough it up but hell....it worked. ??? Camping and hiking with family and friends is supposed to mean good times. To have the fun cut short by not being prepared is, well.....no fun. :'( Basicaly, you don't need to have a PHD or doctoral degree in medicine to be a hero even if it is just to remove a simple splinter or bee sting. Have fun and be safe out there everybody! Summer's coming!!!
  3. Last year was my first hunting primarily from a stand so I still have some fears to overcome. On average durring hunting season my pack weighs right around 15lbs. sometimes more. I'd be afraid drilling any part of ANY part of ANY stand would damage structural integrity over the long term for sure and possibly immediate weakening of the stand overall. When I reach the end of my tow rope, I know exactly how high I am and let the weight of my bow and pac keep evenly distributed weight on each side of the top half of the climber while I turn to reposition. Once I get the top seat section planted firmly in the tree at this point, I pull up my gear and hang it from a tree step. Any aftermarket modifications or unnecesary equiptment attached to the stand just seems like a recipe for disaster IMO. ???
  4. Great bucks! I've always liked that pose of the one on the far right. They all look great!
  5. Cool pics FE. I found this guy down along Cattaraugus Creek at Sunset Bay a few years ago. No circus in town that I know of,lol.
  6. That's a great excuse erussel,lol! Highly unlikely...., but a great excuse. Finally, some freshness! On to a new propperty now. #17 came home yesterday. I didn't see much evidence that I'll be packing many out of here but I was happy to be back on a fresh antler. Little 90* spiker. :
  7. I've been putting this one together throughout the summer just in case and always keep it in my pack which I use daily. Have had to dig into it a time or two this summer and last winter, fortunately nothing major. Really doesn't take up much room at all or weigh all that much and feel that I could most likely treat any minor to medium mishaps that I may stumble upon along the way or anyone else runs into using a little common sence and basic knowledge. By some good advice from a nurse on another board I've added a good suppl of aspirin in case of heart troubles. What's in the sack: - various assorted size bandages - large Ace bandage - forhead thermometer - dental floss - safety pins - guaze - waterproof tape - mini folding scissors - cotton balls - Neosporin - Basic first aid handbook - surgical gloves - matches and lighter - compact exacto knife - chap stick - vaseline soaked cotton balls - tweezers - After bite wet wipes - regular wet wipes - aspirin -rubber gloves
  8. Only needed to read the posts on this page to be glad I stayed out of this crap. : WOW! :-[ What a turn-off to a thread. > ..but by the views and replies it works for some of ya.
  9. This may seem like a no-brainer but sometimes I wonder? I spend a lot of time alone in the woods...sometimes for several days and nights at a time, so I always have my first aid kit in my pac and have had to use it more than once. How prepared do you travel in the case of a medical emergency. What kind of situations does your first aid kit cover and for how many people? What do you feel are some of the necessities you never leave home without? What situations are you prepared to encounter while away from immediate medical treatment or a quick transportation source? Minor/moderate/severe?
  10. Love your different critter shots! What are you strapping your cam to for your water sets....something tells me this is not your typical tie it to a tree method you are using. I'm assuming you have some sort of water stake you poke in there and mount your cam to.....just curious how many cams you've lost doing this. >
  11. Get quite a few shots like that myself. I get annoyed by these shots though when you just get a peak at a piece of an antler and nothng else. Guess that kinda leads into the question of scent control while hanging cams. Are you guys sticklers about it or like myself hanging them with a ciggy hanging from your trap, and greasy bacon fingers from the mornings breakfast? I will admit though to having some bucks hang just out of flash range sometimes staring at the cam for several shots. :-\ Usualy not often enough to be of much concern and I can make adjustments to light levels on the computer to show me what I need to see.
  12. What a find WNY! That's what we hike so long and hard for every season, just knowing there's the possibility of hauling in one like that! My first set of the year had 8" bases around the burr. Couldn't believe it when I pulled that mammoth set out of the snow. ??? Man, that horn you got is so nice and clean,.......and fresh! Wanna trade,lol. Great finds to all you guys who've been posting your finds!
  13. Good point....now would somebody like to remind our elected officials of that? ??? They just waste tax payer money. Waste it....destroy it.....what's the difference? :
  15. Now get after his mate! Great find!
  16. Star nose mole.....that was bothering me so I had to look it up. :-[
  17. Good point....now would somebody like to remind our elected officials of that? ???
  18. That's funny! I found this one the other day that a fox dug out....even he wouldn't eat it. I forget the name of this brand of mole off the top of my head, but this is the first one of them I've ever seen here. Check out the snout on this lil dude,lol
  19. Well if that doesn't give ya something to think about I don't know what does. Just curious what my $0.02 would be worth when I reply to a topic like this if they eradicate the penny? Does anyone know how many pennies it takes to equal a pound? I haven't checked scrap prices lately but at one point a couple years ago, copper was going for $4 and some pennies/lb. You could get rich at the scales if you emptied your piggy bank and sold it as #1.....even weighing the piggy bank included as #2 sure seems like it would have beat rolling all them suckers and you'd probably have broke even at the very least.
  20. That cam takes some awesome shots. Do you hack your own or buy them from somebody?
  21. Forgot to mention the 4 dead doe's I also found. :'( Good luck tomorrow G-Man! Take a break and walk off some stress.
  22. Still sweating to the oldies! ;D I don't know what the heck is going on this year. : Thought this guy was a freshy at first glance but he's not. Thought this guy was a match to one from the other day....but he's not. I walk right over this guy everyday for the past 2 weeks. Stopped to light a smoke and there he was! Nice chunky 4pt oldie. On another smoke break. Look down and see the tip of a tine. Then I lost it so I didn't move untill I could find it again. So I found it and then lost it right when I got the cam out for the atl. Snatched this little sucker up quick after that. Broken tine oldie covered in moss. :-/ On way home tried to keep my feet dry so I walked around the puddle instead of through it like I usually do. : Low and behold...another oldie. :-[ Tired of oldies and can't wait to get home. Cross a private driveway and duck under some brush. When I pop up I see this guy staring me in the face. Talk about adding insult to injury....a hanger oldie,lol Well, more like a relocated oldie. And here's all the squill food at home. :-X
  23. Snatched up 6 more oldies today...one is a contraversial hanger beyond recognision.....this is getting rediculous. I can't find a freshy to save my soul. > Pics coming shortly.
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