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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wooly

  1. Hmmmm.....not so sure sleep's a good idea about now. The day before this I was at a local cemetary taking some photos. Rumor has it the place is haunted. : Tonight while watching the Sabres beat up on them Canadians, the doorbell rings but nobody's there. I think somethings trying to take me to the other side,lol. ??? ??? ???
  2. Noticed he was missing too. ??? Probably just out gearing up for the upcoming crossbow opener. : Hope all's well on Eds end.
  3. Yup, lesson learned and life goes on. Alimony and child support payments will be on time again this week. :'( Now where was that hole again?
  4. Thanks Pygmy...it was scary...very scary to say the least. My dumb ass should have known better to not test the ice with a spud ahead from the visual warnings it gave. I'm normally really good at recognizing and avoiding situations like this but this one caught me by surprise with no time to prepare for it before the ice breaker.
  5. Be carefull out there everyone. I got a good reminder today of just how cold out it still is even with this warm up. Slipped out for a quick hike this afternoon and was running a little late to make it home before dark without a light on me. I decided to take the easy path by walking the frozen creek back towards home when I got on some skinny ice without realizing it. It doesn't look like much, but my feet never hit bottom and the only thing that held me above the surface was my pack getting hung up on the ice behind me in the hole. Talk about an eye opener . I had water up to my armpits, my cam around my neck got submerged completely but somehow still functions, the only thing that saved my azz was that dang backpack of mine. Fortunately where I went through was a downed tree under the snow I pulled myself back up on to get out. Let me tell ya....it wasn't easy as I thought it'd be. The water here is about 6 feet deep in the summer so I don't know what it is now but I'm only 5' 9".
  6. I had to go back and check to compare this year to last. Last year after season I found exactly 24 dead deer. My best guess was 50/50 split unrecovered and winterkill. This year I'm happy to say I've only found one dead doe so far that appeared to be a roadkill. Quite the turnaround for the better and a bit of encouragement towards this falls prospects. Generally the deer are looking to be weathering the winter rather well in my neck of the woods.
  7. Sure he was...what a co-inky-dink. : Pretty cool little find mbucks27.
  8. Huh??? ??? You don't like me squirrel pics?
  9. Got mine on the jobsite years ago from my co-workers. All my thick wool winter layers made it look like I weighed 100lbs more than I did so the guys started calling me woolybear...like the catterpiller. Skinny little chit under all that insulation but I never complained about the cold the way the guys in their carhardts did. The nickname stuck with me year round in and out of work after that and I don't think half the new guys that came along knew my real name. I use woolybear on some forums but most just call me wooly for short anymore so I stick with that as my handle now. ;D
  10. Sounds like a plan for future good times Geno. My buddies never took much interest after the fishing poles and cold suds got put away. They'd rather hang at the local watering hole "chasing tail" than chasing whitetails around the woodlots with me. That's ok though....I still score more often than they do and bring home the biggest racks! ;D
  11. Lol- what can I say....it's a manly contact sport!
  12. Here ya go Doc. Pretty simple to figure out where to start....... trying to decide when to stop is the hard part. Highly recomend this piece of equipment right here. Start with whatever color you like but......
  13. It's really refreshing to see there is still interest in this type of primitive construction with todays advancements in technology. Thanks to all for participating!
  14. Great looking point G-man! Long as we've brought deer leg bones into the equation, here's a spear point I carved out of a legbone I found. It was meant to be a frog poker but I haven't put it to the test as of yet. I'm sure it will work just fine for that though. ;D You can get bone to such a fine point it's scary! Pics aren't all that great...., pulled some stills from my cam corder but you get the point! Remember, I'm just a hack with an imagination. I 'd be deadly if I knew what I was doing. I suppose I coulda just sharpened a stick and called it a frog spear.......but what kinda fun would that have been?
  15. Deffinately need to check out Letchworths Stone Tool Show. Actually, my mentor sets up shop there every year to perform. As for the spall....I suppose TV glass over an inch thick would qualify. That's what these points were made from. My percusion is very crude and I destroy alot of potential pieces in the process. For the most part, all my learning has been done through trial and error trying techniques I've watched on you-tube and a site called Paleoplanet. Some good tutorials there to get any interested greenhorn started making the chips fly. Some day soon I hope to sit down with an experienced knapper and learn a few tricks of the trade the right way.
  16. Super sharp knife Dinsdale! What a beauty and helluva unique handle!
  17. Thanks guys. Points this size usually take me between an hour or two. Most times I pack my kit with me and do a little chipping along a stream bank in the spring when the bugs aren't so bad.... or when I'm hiding in a blind waiting for a photo opp on a field edge. It's a good time waster when spring gobblers go silent mid morning but you know they'll be back. Chances are I'll never get good enough to hunt with one of them but the primitive feel of the craft is quite satisfying making things from the trash that litters the woods. For now they make nice necklace charms tied off on a string of leather.
  18. Do we have any flintknappers here? A friend of mine on another forum had peaked my interest in it last year when I purchased a antler handled knapped knife he created for my pops. I've made about 2 dozen glass points so far out of everything from beer bottle bottoms to trash television glass . Here's a couple of my latest creations. Hoping to graduate to actual flint points this spring.
  19. Thanks WTBD. If your talking about the green one that's a luna moth. Eventually I'll get around to adding ID's to all the pics that aren't obvious.
  20. Thanks for taking the time to check it out and all the great comments! I'm just a hack photo nut that likes to drag my camera everywhere I go and hope for the best. I'm hoping to maybe upgrade eqipment this summer and work on technical aspects better....what started as a hobby is quickly becoming a passion that consumes most of my time trying to learn more about through trial and error for now. I also get to spend a lot of quiet time alone in the field just watching the way nature works even durring off-seasons so even my bad days behind the lens aint so bad. Thanks again for looking.
  21. Just opened up a Pbase account to store and share some of my nature photos in a better organized fashion. If ya's get bored sometime stop by, check it out, and let me know what ya think @ http://www.pbase.com/wooly/root
  22. Pretty good haul so far WNYB! Great finds in this snow, congrats. Pulled my cards today and still getting bucks packing both sides. :
  23. I remember a few seasons back I killed a little forkhorn and a yearling for the freezer. The following year I killed my best buck to date. Just sayin thanks to the qdm guys for letting that one walk. I'd of been happy with another crotch-horn.
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