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Everything posted by mmkay
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
not really sure....i'm old. I suspect I'll find out soon...or just fade to black....... -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Belo - this might help you the government gives us no rights, our creator does. we allow the government to pass laws with the consent of the govened...there are few historic documents you might want to reread.... When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. I’m not sure I follow your thinking. And want to make sure of what you are saying. I always thought the MILITIA part of the second amendment was referred to a standing state/federal army. And the second part of the amendment provided the individual the right to keep and bear arms so that he/she could defend against the government. Are you saying the MILITIA part is referring to a bunch of folks in gun clubs that group together and call themselves a militia? Lastly I thought he word NECESSARY always meant...hey we just fought the English for independence. Their pissed at us. They will come back (did in 1812), the French and Spanish like the new world as well. We the founding fathers understand this, so we need an army….the army is necessary…but we don’t want the government to use it against the people. Do you not think this is what it means? -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
I wasn't speaking about myself. it was a cheap shot...sorry. but Damm it was funny...or at least to me it was -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
First they came for those owning pistols And I did not speak out Because I did not own a pistol Then they came for those openly carrying a gun And I did not speak out Because I did not openly carry a gun Then they came for those with high capacity clips And I did not speak out Because I owned nothing with a high capacity clips Then they came for those owning scary looking guns (AR’s) And I did not speak out Because I had no scary looking guns (AR’s) Then they came for my hunting rifle And there was no one left To speak out for me -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
I think there's at least one -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
back to your question. I think all are welcome on this site...NRA member and non-member thank you for the links. However, both are left leaning anti-gun organizations. Aljazeera and the NY times? I don't think their writing are open minded. Oh well the NY times is laying off its staff today and oil dollars are drying up for Aljazeera, hopefully both organizations will continue to fail and be nothing but a memory soon. But again, I do enjoy hearing from both sides of topic. thanks -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Hopefully they will read the views of all and through their own careful review make up their own minds. some will agree with you other won't. But they all will gain knoweledge that they didn't have when they started. Grasshoper, never assume that because a man has no eyes, he cannot see. -- Master Po -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Just a few quotes for you If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. --George Washington People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. --Soren Kierkegaard Freedom of speech and thought matters, especially when it is speech and thought with which we disagree. The moment the majority decides to destroy people for engaging in thought it dislikes, thought crime becomes a reality. --Ben Shapiro Win your augments through the expression of your beliefs. Don’t silence the dissenter --MMKAY -
Pro-Gun, Anti-NRA
mmkay replied to Curmudgeon's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Curmudgeon - Lots of folks on this site disagree with others. Most of us are civil. MR MVP usually presents his opinion and facts. I guess he points out that he believes those that disagree with him are lacking in intellect. But your suggestion of moderate read / approve some ones post before they are posted is a classic example of what is wrong in our society. I’d rather hear all sides. I see no need for censorship -
I have to agree with you. In my area of the state Putnam/ Westchester and Duchess, 75% of one’s success is determined before you hit the woods. If you get a good farm, or Westchester estate, you are almost guaranteed a wall hanger. This year, my limited sighting were due to not spending the spring and summer knocking on doors getting land owner permission. I’ve found my best years are those were I have at least a dozen places to hunt. This year, I had only a few private parcels and let my nephews hunt them. I went to teh state land. I’ve already taken enough deer in my lifetime. A successful season to me is not seeing anyone on opening day and enjoying the time away from work /wife.
he left after I pissed out of the tree.
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Bow season I saw lots of does. took one. Gun season I hunted at least 10 days and saw lots of other hunters but only two does. My issue was quality of the land I hunted. I lost access to good farms and had to hunt state land. Lots of state land, but it needs to be logged. Not many deer living mature hardwoods, when farms with managed woods lots are near by. However, I have taken a few nice bucks off of the local state land....it's just harder than private farms I actually had a guy sit under my tree stand on opening day with me 30 feet above him. he told me that it was a good spot and that he wanted to hunt it. He stayed there for a 1/2 hr knowing I was right above him. All in all on opening day I had 8 pumpkins walk by within 200 yrds all before 10am. I walked in on a logging road at 4:30 am (2 miles). These fools drove atv's up the same logging road at 6am. So in my area the following would help - log the state land - keep atv's off state land - provide farmers incetives to allow hunters. most farms (200 ac or so) my way get leased by by small groups for about about $10K+ per year. I can't blame the farmer when he's paing close to $30K in taxes
I've seen more bear this year than deer. 7 bear (sow with cubs) and 3 does in total. all seen in Dutchess on state land. albeit, the bear were seen over multiple days and might have been the same critters on different days.
do they reimburse the estate for the resale value of the property? or do they just take the weapons?
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/11/14/buffalo-police-search-for-firearms-at-home-after-funerals/?intcmp=latestnews A plan by police in Buffalo, N.Y., to begin confiscating the firearms of legal gun owners within days of their deaths is drawing fire from Second Amendment advocates. The plan is legal under a longstanding, but rarely enforced state law, but gun rights advocates say, with apologies to onetime NRA spokesman Charlton Heston, it is tantamount to prying firearms - some of which may have substantial monetary or sentimental value - from the cold, dead hands of law-abiding citizens. "They're quick to say they're going to take the guns," said Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association. "But they don't tell you the law doesn't apply to long guns, or that these families can sell [their loved one's] pistol or apply to keep it." King said enforcing the state law is the latest example of authorities targeting law-abiding gun owners, while doing little to secure the streets. "They're quick to say they're going to take the guns." - Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Buffalo Police Commissioner Daniel Derrenda said at a press conference last week that the department will be sending people to collect guns that belong to pistol permit holders who had died so "they don't end up in the wrong hands." The department will cross reference pistol permit holders with death records and the guns will be collected when possible, he said. Derrenda said guns pose a threat if their owner is no longer alive to safeguard them, especially if a recently-deceased gun owner's home is burglarized. "At times they lay out there and the family is not aware of them and they end up just out on the street," he said, according to WGRZ.com. The state law says that if the permit holder dies, the estate has 15 days to dispose of the guns or turn them in to authorities, who can hold the weapons up to two years. LoHud.com reported that violation of the law by survivors is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine. Pro-gun websites took Derrenda's comments as an affront to the Second Amendment, with BearingArms.com claiming authorities could "use the relative's pistol permit as the proverbial camel's nose under the tent to get at every firearm they can, hoping to remove all the firearms from the home while the family is at their most vulnerable." The state law has been in the books for years but not enforced, King said. The Erie County Sheriff's Office told FoxNews.com that it learned about the Buffalo police decision after the announcement, but has no plans to invoke it on a regular basis as the city of Buffalo does. Dominic Saraceno, a Buffalo defense attorney, said he anticipates legal challenges. He is concerned that family members may simply allow police to retrieve the guns while not realizing their value. "These gun collections can value into the hundreds of thousands," he said. "If a police officer came to my door without a warrant signed by a judge, I'm not giving them anything. Most people don't know that and get intimidated." Calls to Buffalo's mayor's office and to the police department were not returned. But the city has employed other programs, including buy-backs, to help counter gun violence. One such program took place in August and netted 840 guns. Critics of these buy-back programs say most people who turn in their guns are likely law-abiding citizens and these numbers do not necessarily estimate illegal guns off the streets. "I say to those critics, again, if we can get one of these guns off the streets that could be used to commit a crime or injure a member of our community, it's a good thing," Mayor Byron Brown told WIVB during the summer
http://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/westchester/2014/11/13/north-salem-wallaby-still-missing-spotted-recently/18982243/ A pet wallaby that disappeared from its North Salem home in March is apparently still on walkabout – as it’s been spotted as recently as a few weeks ago. “People who didn’t know he was missing are surprised to see a small kangaroo,” Susan Saks said of their family’s missing marsupial, Indy. “He’s traveled the gamut of our neighboring towns over the past eight months.” The wallaby has been seen near Patterson, in Lewisboro and about a month ago near the Jaipore Indian restaurant on Route 22 in Brewster. “He knows what dinner is and we’re hoping he shows up at someone’s back door,” Saks said Thursday. If Indy does show up at your door, he’ll likely run away when he sees you, Saks said. But she asks anyone who does see the pet to say in calm voice, “Indy come,” and “home.” “He knows those words and he may come to you after a few minutes,” she said. Indy likes crackers, including Triscuits and Wheat Thins, apple slices and toasted wheat bread. Saks said he’s gentle, friendly and social once he gets to know a person. “It’s nice that he’s still alive after eight months and that he wasn’t hit by a car or attacked by a coyote,” she said. But with winter approaching, Indy’s biggest threat could be the cold weather. Temperatures that dip below 10 degrees could be fatal. Indy is about 6 years old and became part of the family after their son rescued him from someone who had kept him in a cage. Indy was living in a large fenced-in area on the Saks’ Titicus Road home when, they think, a deer may have scared him and he ran. Wallabys look similar to – but are smaller than – kangaroos and are also native to Australia. They are pouched mammals with long tails and powerful hind legs for jumping. They eat mainly grass and plants. Anyone who sees Indy is asked to call Saks at 914-669-0006. “If you can, (save) the number in your phone under ‘kangaroo’ or ‘wallaby’,” Saks asked, “because people may see him a few weeks but may not have the number.”
Would like to hunt Coyotes in 3N
mmkay replied to rjmjr911's topic in Small Game and Predator Hunting
There are bears, coyotes and bobcats in 3N. Most are targets of opportunity. Most folsk just see them when they are sitting on a deer stand. Chances are you’ll see many coyotes, before a bear or bobcat. But if you put in enough days (years) one will eventually walk by. As other have said you can just go after them, but they are not easy to call in and if you get one to come in and kill it the others quickly learn. Lastly, as mentioned before there are lots of foxes….those buggers are kinda easy to get ps - I live in Putnam. I heard coyotes almost every night. -
in my years I've taken 100 or so deer (westchester / putnam and dutchess). can't remember the last one without ticks. they all have ticks. just hang the damm thing in a cooler and ticks will drop off. skin it and cut it up ASAP if you want. but there's nothing wrong with the deer meat. he's not eating it raw is he? tell you're friend to take his skirt off! just cut the damm thing up come to think of it, every rabbit, bear, woodchuck, squirrel and other fury woodland creature, I've shot have had ticks.
Climber the more the better. I have a half dozen cabled locked on various pieces of state land. Always buried in leaves and branches at the base good trees. hiding them keeps others honest
old enough....pull the trigger
help me out here folks... dogs chasing bears is not ok and not ethical hunting dogs chasing phesants and grouse is ok and ethical hunting I see no difference. in the end the goal is to get a clean shot at the animal regardless of if its in a tree or flushed from the underbrush.
I forgot about wearing orange...very important!... this is my perferred warm weather outfit. all kidding aside...wear orange something orange...helps the other hunters see you way before they get right on top of you...most of the time, they'll turn and leave once they see you
VOTE today tally
mmkay replied to Huntscreek's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
wife and i were 25th and 26th to vote this morning @ 7:15.