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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. And I used to like you ..... between you and FSW I am taking some heat today. Going to my safe space now!
  2. https://rickyoungoutdoors.com/basic-ultra-light-bino-harness/ love this harness. So light and does not inhibit movement at all. Easy on off. And holds binos secure to chest. No issue shooting a bow or gun with it on. I got rid a an FHF harness in favor of this. So much easier. All elastic so no need to adjust for heavy or no layers either.
  3. The later the season goes, the more likely you might catch one on the closest preferred food source. I agree with grampy, they are likely hunkered down in the thick and nasty and holding until dark or close to it. Push those areas or hope to catch one coming out early to feed. WE had a lot of bucks visiting a late season food plot last year just before dark around this time and after.
  4. Only you would set the standard so only you can win. Geeze.
  5. You snuck up close enough to take a pic of the one in your avatar! So much easier when you shoot em first.
  6. I like to do military presses with the carcass and then compare it to what I can do with a barbell and weights. Its the most accurate way for me to measure the dressed weight of a deer - well except weighing the deer. We all have our own methods.
  7. My apologies to you Treeguy. I hope you and lamp are very happy together. Sincerely.
  8. Don't forget handsome and charming - at least that's what my wife tells me. lol
  9. When I visited my wife's family home in Guatemala first time, I noticed a small deer rack on the wall. Her father who had passed away killed it. I asked how and she said with a sling shot (like a david vs goliath sling shot - stone and leather strap). Knowing that there is now way they could afford a gun, I believe it. He won honors of the best hunter in the family immediately. lol
  10. This year can I borrow one of your ARs when we hunt the dogs. "Promise" to return it! And I am sure "lamp" feels the same way about you.
  11. Grampy, You were a great example this year of how to adjust when needed. No point in sitting and waiting in your usual stands if something has caused a change in movement. Move with the deer. Its one of the reasons we have so many stands set as many were set to adjust to deer movement in a given year/time and we leave them up just in case it happens again or the movement is more regular than we realized. I have somewhere around 22-23 stands on my 40 acres for this very reason (along with wind specific stands in the same area) and plan on adding a couple more next season.
  12. The only other thing I will add is that when the time IS RIGHT, hunt it hard because that area may only remain hot for a few days. We tend to see patterns on properties on when they are hot year after year and that is when we want to push the envelope. Same with stands on properties. Some we know are good mid-late Oct. stands while other get hot first week of Nov. and even some areas that can be late season producers.
  13. Can't speak for the great hunters, but I do agree less time in an area can result in more productive hunts. I only hunted my property 4 times this year. Saw deer each sit and killed a nice buck last sit (knew he was around the week prior from cam pics). Timing sits without burning stands out is big factor in success IMO. One of the reasons you see guys that love to hunt mobile. Take your shot and move on without burning an area out with scent. That's not as easy to do when hunting small parcels of private land so keeping pressure off until the time is right on each property is critical. BTW - we have tons of stands and part of the reason is to spread pressure out when needed. WE will hunt outskirt stands early to avoid pressuring properties. Nobody hunted the stand I killed the buck from until the day I killed him.
  14. So getting back on track. Who is in favor of full xbow inclusion? Lol
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