Someone in the predator/small game thread used this technique and was successful with a coyote. and the coverage of these are about the same as a trail camera.
Yeah I agree, until people get on here and complain that they never shoot a deer bigger than a spike. Just saying if people want changes, it starts with their choices.
Anyone having any luck with calling coyotes these days? Seein alot of trappers and guys with dogs seem to be having the best luck with getting the yotes.
I've just heard alot of stories about guys broadcasting corn seed and it not growin well. I've had a alot of sucess with brassicas and clovers so i just dont want to waste the plot if im not able to grow the corn correctly.
Looking for someone to come and plant a corn plot for me on my property this year? im located in genesee county. i can plant and grow every other type of plot food just dont have the knowledge or equipment for corn. if anyone is willing and interested please let me know.