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Everything posted by NYBuckHunter27

  1. Do you buy your oats online? how late can they be planted?
  2. Yes in the end we all want the ability to shoot what we want, when we want. hopefully legally...
  3. that is scary actually, unless your a trophy hunter or have certain standards for your own personal reasons, most guys will be flinging arrows at anything with horns come the end of bow season just to not waste the tag. talk about reverse management...
  4. your buck tag is statewide, but idk if the either sex tag is WMU based or not. When applying for doe tags is the only time you have to declare what WMU your in.
  5. i do have to admit though, whenever a thread is posted about ARs or trophy hunting so many of you guys are like "cant eat the horns, and i'm a meat hunter" and all that, but look at you now, alot of you want the ability to shoot a buck now that's its been taking away from you. Before you guys could care less if a deer with horns even existed.
  6. Poaching or out of season hunting/shared tag use/no tag use/ or crossbow use during all of bow-season/baiting... already takes place without these new doe changes, i believe the illegal activity will only increase. People already have a hard-on for the government/DEC, you really think they're not gonna shoot that buck or doe on the back forty, drag it up to the barn and cut it up before it even gets cold. you guys who think every hunter or person who hunts is a saint are seriously misguided, go to a local coffee shop this weekend and just listen i'm sure you'll hear what guys future plans are. Go during the actual season, and i'm sure you'll hear some real interesting stories....
  7. We traded rifle inclusion for a loss of 4 weeks of good bowhunting here in 8G....
  8. Bushnell, Browning, Moultrie, haven't tried Covert yet but definatly will. Wildgames are absolute pieces of junk, worst experience with those cams.
  9. thanks guys. think ill hold off for another few weeks, if i remember right they really started hitting it harder in September.
  10. Looking to mow my clover plot one more time before the season, whats the latest i should mow it?
  11. Easton FMJ's, like hitting them with Thor's hammer
  12. i like it, but simply guys just wouldn't check the deer.
  13. Going to stick with the factory hornaday loads as i do not reload, thank you for the info though.
  14. From what I've seen in the past, the local deer herd probably wouldn't let it go to seed, they are on these plots from August-Feb if you have enough forage. But i don't use whitetail institute seed so i cannot say, hopefully i was not too early with my planting.
  15. http://www.deergro.com/what-is-plotboost/ I was thinking of trying this product, instead of a pure nitrogen application. i used the plot start, and i must say my plants are off to great start, idk if that is from the rains we had or this product. but just an idea for you.
  16. Well it is still going on, not much i can do about it. it is my parents property after all, i just have to make due with what im given. Trail cameras are still showing deer, obviously more in the mornings. My mother still continues to walk the dogs anywhere from 6-8pm and pretty much every night... i guess we'll see what happens when the season rolls around.
  17. Urea is commonly used for brassica plots which is what im assuming hes is going to need it for, i am also interested in this if you find some locally.
  18. Sunny here, cooler temps. if my seed didn't wash away or fall in too deep this should be the best start to a planting i've ever done. hopefully see some sprouting next week!
  19. Planted mine this morning, raining now. hopefully its not too much rain
  20. What happens if planted too early? too much browse pressure or lack of growth? you guys are making me second guess now lol
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