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Everything posted by growalot

  1. Too many likes so I'm just going to say THANKS EVERYONE! I am actually going to doe hunt in the morning..Then Bob And Thor will be back and we'll take up the trail again.
  2. Well no deer and Bob And Thor asked to come tomorrow to continue..long and short deer went opposite I thought.and a long ways before bedding..but we kicked him out in front of us. He was just pumping blood out both wounds.. Bob had been afraid the hit was worse but he said the new blood was definitely lung..We Went well over a mile and went from the top of hill to the bottom when he was crawling on his hands and knees though rose and swamp. Then we rounded the corner of neighbors to get to road and came face to face with their un tied dog. BOB was backing away with Thor when the dog decided to charge.. I jumped in front of him arms wide telling him he was a good dog. He stopped and paced back and forth as I backed away ..we got to the road through my cousin's place then called M r B for a pick up....So Bob hopes we'll find him dead tomorrow, he told Mr B we was surprised he made it this far and we could see he we digging in hard...Wow does my back andknees hurt..and I'm picking rose thorns out of me..Both Bob And Thor were troopers...some of the water was deep..Thor only had to correct himself a few times and did it on his own. It was dark when we got to the cars...
  3. I have already criss crossed the upper field section trying to stay away from last blood for search... but I want the meat and not sure how good it would be after a whole day and night...even though cold.. with the guts in him
  4. Well, no call back so I'll head out with peroxide... He was hurting before he ever left the property and going slow...he should have bedded down There was nothing to push him... I can't get that big old doe out of my head... I'm thinking those guys never bothered looking because they knew she would see them and won't ask.
  5. Yes Congrats to everyone who's gotten deer today....I was a wonderful Wonderful day to hunt Thanks guys for all the well wishing...I have some decisions to make here soon....
  6. Chef.... Could have gotten liver .....but I shot him on his right side and he was favoring his left leg when he walked away...Then there are the bubbles I found in some puddles and that blood is leaving both sides of his body at a walk not run. Then you have the time..I took these now 2:15 about and he was shot at around 7:15 this a.m. ...It tends to darken as it dries.. Oh and one spot that was a liter red foamy blob
  7. Ya I was nose to the ground but it just got too tough...I did pick up 1 single drop( wiped off on my finger ) at the edge of a mowed trail That got me on a trail directly across from the one and That's how I found that doe..not her blood here ribs were gone and most of rear end ...I hope a dog can pick it up just too thick and too much water to be ruining the trails..I don't think he could have gone far and It looked like he wanted to bed before he even left our place.. There is also a electric horse fence on the other side of golden rod...I have to say knees kiling me
  8. It's the neighbors and she said take the Gator but it is so wet in there and a lot of very woody brush and berm type stuff... The trail was spraying both side right until the golden rod... I hope deer search calls back..I'm sick over this...speaking of neighbor and her granddaughter both home with pneumonia.....I felt bad having to tell her about that doe...They are like pets to them...the guys behind her put up that camp tent with stove and an out house on her back line...she kept telling me to go look go look...Laugh out loud... No wonder they refuse to go on their land during hunting season. Might head out and take stills
  9. Sorry last post was on phone after I had been search and then went back to video blood trail... don't know how to get it to the computer..... any how I could barely see the screen... pretty bright out there Thanks no not the big boy and I honestly can't say points... sun was rising and he came down at a fast clip..I grunted and he stopped behind the pines then came in angling towards me...I just saw the rack was at least out to his ears then I concentrated on putting the correct line on him for what I had previously ranged... I followed him and when he lifted his head and stopped I squeezed the trigger... he dropped and spun at the shot and I heard a click click clicking as he ran.. he stopped behind the pines and I thought he was down... so much blood I aimed behind the shoulder a little but not too low. Well finally got them they gave me another number and I'm calling now...he has to be in that golden rod...Just left a message
  10. Shot a buck this morning..not good news. No bolt little blood until he hit the slashings...he looked ike he was about to go down then started moving toward nieghbors. Stopped again head down hen very slowly alked away...I quietly looked for bolt then left...gave it 21/2 hours and went to track up where he stopped he started spraying both sides..up trees this went on until he hit neighbors golden roI tracked just 5 ft in and backed out...went to nieghbors or here now and we talk a long while then I headed in in opposite direction glassing...I found a giant wee r 2 dead doe neigh or not happy she knows who shot it...they literally pitched a tent with stove on her back line..rather ticked about hat as well. I called deer seasch and I think lines off hook...this is a huge golden rod field with tons of trails as 2x's as many beds. ...none I found with blood..hes' dead..I just cant' find him took video of some trail. Oh bubbles in blood just slight quartering to 34 yrd shot..he was limping on opposite leg ..I'm upset..deer search unreachable.
  11. 2 beds right under stand 3 more farther up plot.buck out fighting behind house and have the dogs barking. Here ....crow and squirrel.
  12. No getting in quiet today..even grass was crunchy..so easy to hear deer and I did. Up in neighbors sanctary behind apple tree thought chasing until heard fight 5 min later I look to see 2 of the big boys running across road 10 yrds off hedgerow past the house and veer into our woods..so much for this morning...and it's not even legal open yet..
  13. headed out ...Going to try a morning hunt across from the apple tree cam...haven't been in that stand since week one ...the apple tree has a new scrape at it....25 degrees...a tad chilly all deer showed up after dark last night...gosh shocked ,I'm shocked.. Well I had fun watching that "root ball bear" last night maybe I'll see some real wild life today...lol
  14. Come on! What they stopped eating at dusk?..its old here they have to be hungry
  15. Do bears just sleep on the ground in heavy brush?... About 70 yrds away in the swamp... Never mind... I think it might be blk.dirt from an up rooted tree..explains fuzzy appearance lol..man wonder how many deer got by before I figured that out hahaha
  16. If I had any luck they are going to get that date and bring him back here to the clover. ..but alas..I was born on April fools day and have little, other than bizarre, luck...
  17. Just watched a doe and fawn cleaning each other..alas they then went in the opposite direction...surprise, surprise
  18. 21 and 13 here...Ohhh ya time to get the good thermals out...maybe the Cabelas cold gear...
  19. I stand corrected Biz...they are open till 9pm...I was trying to recall from memory because there were instances we only had to be open till 6pm when I was an inspector... So yes just checked 9pm
  20. 90 at 11:30.....could be a whole lot better... 2 up on town council 3 running...man I can only pray...
  21. Congrats Listen guys putting this here because a lot of ppl are reading this section...There are 3 important proposals on the ballot today I think polls close at 6pm ..not sure... but you should really get out and VOTE ...
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