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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by growalot

  1. Still a lot of areas with poor coverage...We can't talk to our son just over the hill if he's not standing in just the right spot and we have a complete dead zone in an area between camp and home... I hope he is found and remember phone or not you should always tell someone where your general area will be and stay in that area...I even leave a note for MrB as to what section of land I will be on here at home.
  2. Ahhh I thought you lived in NY...Pa has a really long season ...Good Luck drop a long beard
  3. pouring and fog here...radar shows we have a bit of time before it would be even a little OK to go out...and man those storms last night were bad...It at least rained cats because we found 2 on our porch ripping open a bag of chicken goodies I put out to take down to them this am. Mr B caught them running around the end of the garage.....Too dad it did ran dogs too ..The country..everyone's dumping grounds, balloons , appliances cats and dogs. Second this lets up a little I'm out.
  4. There is one heck of a thunderstorm rolling through .......from radar it will be around a while heavy heavy rains and winds..suppose to end at 9 a.m....If they aren't moving then they never will be...
  5. Just to tick guys on hunting sites off.....JOKE! It's a natural drive..an excuse for all the things I do that lead up to the actual hunting...
  6. It dawned on me...of course I wasn't going to get a deer in warm weather..Mr B bought me that dang commercial Frig. Now he says.. with the temps getting real cold you should get a deer..the Gator will be back from getting repaired Monday so you'll have it to get one out...there goes the rest of bow season...
  7. I was referring to the guys hunting around our area....I went to see grandson and cruised the local hunting areas...ones with no cabins but cars parked up in their lanes ways and along the road...wind is also crazy here.
  8. I can't believe the number of guys out in this torrential down pour hunting....hope if they get shots they are perfect ones....
  9. Storms rolled through at 4 shook the house to the foundation..woke us from a sound sleep then the alarm went off....I said no WAY . Radar shows another line coming through...good luck out there
  10. Had a doe and triplets go into the food plot above me...walked under a stand that I'd considered but the wind wasn't good for...Now I know how they are coming into that plot.not up from bottom of hill as in past years...from across the road on top....wind is wild out there now...hi m Northumberland be interesting...Congrats to. All with deer down. I WROTE TOMORROW MORNING SHOULD BE INTERESTING
  11. Nothing ..someone rapid fire shooting behind us.
  12. Sitting in new ridge stand ,not comfy with cross bow,but can see plot above me. Down hill unto oakflats woods on either side. Buck usually run doe here during the rut and cruise it prerut..but so much has changed..we'll soon see...good luck ..
  13. No other way to put it...Why ain't that a beeouch!......LOL
  14. Last night was crock pot French vegetable, Venison soup and OMG it was good soup...All veggies from our garden plus red potato, garlic and basil...in a venison and no salt beef stock...sprinkled with 5 mixed Italian cheese and served with hot buttered bread...Dark chocolate ice cream for dessert.
  15. I got home at noon and to add insult to injury on what I thought was going to be an eventful morning, I lost decocking bolt. So tired from hour long climb back up that hill and home I was too lazy to turn my target. I though hey 20yrds will stop it..nope!..blew right through and buried it's self several yards behind target and I think in the woods.I looked and looked ...I've hit that center circle too many times I guess... Oh well an excuse to use Amazon points so ordered 6 carbon express pile driver bolts... Will go back out this afternoon... I got a good look at trails and yep I have had someone in using the stand...First year I have not taken the bolts out of platform and tie strapped the base to rail so no none could get to seat... thanks again for that idea Eddie it's worked for several years... will have to do it again before gun season...They have really trampled the trails down ...may explain why I saw just one lone buck and no other animals save birds and the red squirrels
  16. At 11a.m. I'm done..I actually could sit this stand all day but chores to do'..and wind is starting to swirl. .perhaps just too wet here now?? That buck stayed on high dry side going up hill.
  17. Such a quiet walk in . Just streams running..mud trap was a stream and the underground ones under stand are gurging loud. One 7 or 8 pt sired down wind at 9pm.nothinh else but birds and reds. Veggitation very flat on trail..think someone' been hunting my stand
  18. Opener here is 750...but I'm headed out now...3/4 mile down a steep hill crossing to creeks and a mud trap before boot sucking swamp...figure 45 min walk....was light enough to see but dark as ink now...good luck
  19. I Have been waiting so long to hunt th at swamp stand..afraid of how wet it will be but have a drier(relative) party in. Should be nearly no wind and low thirties...the moon should make for a no light needed walk in. They bed there and the surrounding lands will be packed with guys pushing them to safety.. Any possible way in by a trespassers would push deer to me. Either way I'm good, because New stand placement gives me a much better view. I really have a good feeling about tomorrow.. fingers crossed..good luck everyone.
  20. Yes we were and it was so kwel. I can't believe I couldn't see those doe they were so close..
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