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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by growalot

  1. OMG....Did anyone sleep...I tossed turned from 1: 45...quick shower and headed out..Good luck stay safe.
  2. Sorry I have passed..and more than once.. That timer doesn't buzz in my pocket I don't shoot...I only go out way early during gun to avoid being shot... Ps.. having a slug whizz past my ear.hitting a branch infront of my face causing it to snap back hitting me as I watched the slug ricochet downward cutting a dog wood in half,20 mins. Before legal light as I sat in a 16 ft stand,showed me even that is false hope...
  3. I don't know how! I Shoot open sights, a bead I paint with neon orange nail polish.. no way I could see that bead before good light...everyone must have light gathering scopes...LOL
  4. Cubed fresh chicken breast...sauteed in olive oil with a pat of butter. Add 8oz.chunked portabella,onion,garlic,and 2 roasted red peppers chunked. Seasoned with a dash of Cumin and garlic,then drizzled . Lightly with yogurt garlic dressing..heat through til chicken is done,mashed sweet potato with cinnamon and green beans...started with a mixed green salad.
  5. It's that time again..here opener is 7:08 I predict I'll hear first shot at 6:20 and there will be 5 shots before our areas opening time..
  6. I Have a 243 and it kills fine ,that said.. you want a double lung and you won't get much blood trail
  7. Looking across corn field next to house fat corner O glass a oe and talk 8 I can't stand it!
  8. Trying the garden stand one last time...hunters son is here so perhaps he pushed a few across...something has the dogs barking across street..nearly no windage qiuet..something I need..maybe luck is changing???bought 2 different scratch offs and won on both. ..have done that in 4 months.......congrats on doe and good lu to the rest of us.
  9. Well I believe I suggested a solution to such problems a few times...my orange material gets put up after dinner to night on all blinds and a couple of ladders..scissors...and a box of tacks..Oh in blinds as well...that way they can' tell if I'm actually in it or not..You could tell them you have a bag of America rock salt he could feel free to pound
  10. Alzheimer did a study on this: http://www.charliealsheimer.com/ca/articles/art_theywalk.html http://www.bowhuntingmag.com/tactics/far-bucks-really-travel-rut/ I know here I pattered deer and they had 3 day rotations...They would show up every 3 days til dead...I once had a buck by my stand that was shot 3 miles away down in the valley a week later
  11. Back in checked cams and pulled one ...not one pic and as soon as I got the one cam inside it started working again...LOL With all the rain then 24 degrees with 12 mph winds...everything was crunchy out there and freaking cold!!...Off to get Thanks giving stuff...I have no idea who is doing thanksgiving... But might as well be prepared. Thank God!!! I just got a message...Daughters doing Thanks giving...Seeing I have now lost my "hunting camp vacation" which really ticks me off...I should go to camp and leave him here..I really needed to have her do that gathering....Man The only time of year I do not have to cook for anyone for a whole week...Gone, no deer in bow..first ever since I got my first bow buck......hhhmmm neighbor will not be hunting their land thanks to the guys behind them...and I apparently didn't plant enough of what ever they want to eat....I have a lot of thinking to do before next season...I also need to go down and tweak camp so these guys get their acts together...WTH What you guys age slower than woman in your teens and faster in your 50's?? 4 older and 3 younger(30's) all cancel their hunting ......LOL I'm done venting on my last deer less day of bow season....
  12. As per usual I'm out here freezing watching the deer walk the property line on the neighbor sanctuary side...does seem to be back with fawn again. Give it to 8: then I ave things to do...looks like camps. A bust for all the guys...No one hunting opening day...What a messed up year.....First time in over 50 years.
  13. Funny you said that...15- 20 mins. Later it's bang bang bang bang...it goes on the whole time I'm packing to leave...then the whole time I'm checking cams ...It's the guy across the street from the big field...next thing I hear is his 4 wheeler start up and he is driving out back into his woods.. I'm in the big field trying not to spook a doe and twins on my way to read a cam card..after a while ...mind you it is now dark...I hear him drive back and see the garage light go on... I get home and Mr B is now there and says what . The hell! .. neighbor going a bit over board.. that's when tell him what happened.. Mr sceptic.... says you should call the DEC... then says no... I said and what would they do... Ps..BTW CAMS had 2 nice 8's(last night) and I saw that doe and twins 50 yrds. And a buck In upper plot.. all after hours and on the way hone...surprise!!!!! .
  14. Dammed if there just wasn't a single shot and it sounded like it was blind our house...Mr B isn' home yet so it wasn't him. .
  15. Well the radar was right and it's a nasty little storm on me now had to shut west windows to a slit..that is what I love about these pop ups..... adjustable ZIPPERED windows. Wide for bow and then the small gun ports,that are also zipoered.
  16. Man wind gust lay this blind down ...I'm' right on the west facing ridge with a hard west wind and blowing rain..sorta where the upper ridge flows down to here then the hill drops away again but is flatter to my left looking down hill. .. open and thick with oaks to my right maples left. Anyways glad she ' nailed down. Hard to tell..2nd pic drop down hill 3rd looking up hill
  17. Been out in the new popup tower..checked cam on way in and one of the big 8's are still cruising..10:30 pm.though.I ran a drag line all the way here and have done a few estrus can beats. . I'm literally circled by 5 trails ...deer have been running them so let's hope one of the boys do as well,it cross checks. I'm not expecting to see anything though..basically out here flying the bird at my aging aches and pains and damn back nerves. . Ps ...55gal. Plastic roof liner s working
  18. Best wishes and prayers on their way...God Bless
  19. If your walking to sit in a blind or carrying a chair blind...wear the rain gear but pack the warm dry wear with you so you can change and not be sitting g in wet outer wear....make sure you have visible orange
  20. My 20 ga. Browning open sights...she's gotten me a lot of deer. In hill country with both open and thick woods and ppl all around me, closer shots feel safer to me than the 243. To easy to get a sky line with longer shots here.
  21. Congrats nice buck... No morning hunt here woke again to no feeling in both arms and hands...So these sits are messing with the nerves in my back. Of course it was suppose to be steady rain and windy...it's beautiful out..warmer light breeze no rain...That sums up my bow season this year.
  22. I did some tree surfing tonight over shot plot nothing..That said right at close I was packing up and saying wait for it wait for it and sure enough! Wed. before open 1 single shot at two different spots on the hill then someone actually practicing...Tomorrow night there should be at least one right at dark...Lol I mention this a few days ago.. Before someone says coyote...I've been out every single night and never a shot..go figure...
  23. Congrats and may there be many more first for you in your hunting career.
  24. I want to thank you for starting this thread...I thought hey maybe Mr.B would use it...I got the new one I bought out to check it out...and no hole in the umbrella rod so no way to keep it in the holder...Looks like the drill is coming out...I would have never checked .....It's a big game one..
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