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Everything posted by growalot

  1. He's not even in the slow lane!...LOL
  2. My chestnuts and the neighbors down the road are dropping their hulls now...huge chest nuts...I have Cortland they hold late..3 of my wild yellow are still holding the frozen apples...don't know what they are...I planted red and golden Delicious because they hold late and I believe Asian pears hold late If your going to invest...invest in the Dunstan chestnuts...Now if you want freebies...get an "island" of what ever crap tree and or dogwood bushes.... going then transplant wild grapes to them...or if you have a tower blind allow them to grow up that... Deer will hit those wild grapes hard especially after a frost you just need to confine them to the island so they don't mess with good trees. Do it right and you will have a great bedding spot as well in a rather short time compared to trees...Dunstans producing very well 3yr in and second year in... Then there are the hybrid persimmon so you know you'll get fruit...Get the cold hardiest you can and hybrids produce way sooner. they need male to female ...hybrids avoid that.
  3. Pulled cams on the way out for a potty/coffee break...had a good sized 6pt walk past stand I shot the buck last week from...and a small 6 on the apple tree cam...Plus the spiker I saw on neighbors.....not a single doe this morning...going to try middle of woods stand here in about a half hour...
  4. Been sitting here watching tanker truck after dbl tanker truck filled with manure going p the hill on the road behind us..No such luck as to hear them spreading on the field kitty corner to us..hope they are working their way down the hill. 4 single and 3 dbl. That's a ot of crap....
  5. You can have everything going for you but if you don' have luck that year all the rest is for naught...
  6. One small spike running up on neighbors To bad it's not cold enough to shut these crow up again . This is the time I'e been getting cam a ton ..come on.
  7. Quiet walk in and had a deer parallel me on.the way in. Close on other. Side of brush fence. Deer were walking all around in the dark. Now all squirrel. Here' to hoping they all didn' move off
  8. Showered fed and about to get dressed...32 and it rained here last night...checked two "stations for here one says wind is due N the other due W and the hourly says it's suppose to be EsE and SSE...so who the heck knows...I wont until I hit the road...lol... Cams have 3 new buck , a 7pt and 2 nice 8's that have cruised through in different areas during day light so it's a toss to the winds. Trails should be pretty quiet with a bit warmer temps and the rain last night...it was still dripping at 3:15 when I let the dog out...Good Luck to all of us deer less ppl and Congrats to the ones that have connected...
  9. Well I was the first to say avoid posting a lost deer ..then had one..One I was sure would be found due to the shear amount of blood spray...I would have had to be all but blind not to follow the blood trail to the golden rod field. So I did the right thing and called deer search. Now even he wasn't sure of hit...The Deer was stopped,what I considered a slight quarterering to. Remember I don't like quartering shots.. So slight means just that. I aimed behind the shoulder.He dropped and spun hard at the shot and I hit opposite shoulder. The dog easily followed the blood trail throughout the golden rod..with visible blood to a live deer 9 hours later. Jumped it and the tracker is amazed at the amount of blood . Agreed it was at least one lung and good exit wound. ..He bled hard for nearly a mile once jumped and we still lost him after 2days of tracking and fresh blood. 2days because the tracker asked to come back. Now I aimed where we are taught,waited as taught,got help as taught...but I couldn't do any thing about how a deer will react at the sound of a bow,vertical or x bow release. After two days the tracker and I had gone through what we had seen ..He stated they prefer seeing shots farther back, even catching some gut. That the shot hit front of one lung. Now on the heart side and slight quartering to one would think a shot would take an angle of lung toward liver.hitting both or all 3. But a drop and spin changed that. Point is unpredictable things can happen at a bow or a gun shot that we can't foresee no matter how much we practice or how we analyze a shot before we take it . Doing our best to find them needs to happen. BTW when he called in the search to the DEC they asked him how many they've been on and how many recovered...
  10. Mr.B has a couple ..loves them for plowing with the tractor during the winter.
  11. Congrats!... No hunting here,alarm went off and I went to get up,no feeling in my right arm. I stayed up and tried getting the circulation going ,figured I slept wrong...nothing but a tingling in fingers. I'd been hit by an 8 ft widow maker a couple of days ago,landed straight across the top of that shoulder. Hurt like hell at the time but shook it off. Lucky I suppose I had the leaf blower on for the padding on the shoulder pads absorbed some of the impact. I've been on ibuprofen, but didn't take any yesterday...May be more swelling than I thought... Hope to be out later...Good Luck all..
  12. Quietly walked back at dark and 15 yards to my right 2 deer turn flagging me and head to neighbors sanctuary...then I get to Apple tree clover plot and there are the fawns and doe...So I decide to stalk up to them...I got with in 25 yrds when one fawn caught me and the fawns ran...It took my full walking to scare off the doe but None of these deer blew. I took out my grunt tube and grunted across the rest of plot past t h e garden...I had pulled cam card where they feed past gully stand..noticed cam battery showed dead..cold got it..pulled card hoping anyways and it was empty..just gt 60 New batteries in the mail the other day...
  13. Hahahaha...sure best 15.00 I've ever spent..LOL
  14. So sad I have to laugh dragged ever calm in..walked past first gully stand then turned and to second gully stand..Doe and 2 fawn come trotting down. Hit drag and follow it back the way I came in, feeding..I think cam caught them.SOB!...literally walked to stand ladder. Lol
  15. So glad I finished leaf blowing yesterday..near silent walk in to back of property and 2nd gully stand...first sit here this year.winds picked up out of ESE and that is near perfect for an evening sit
  16. Thanks Hocky...I know activity has kicked up here too but It'ds the stain hocks I was wondering about...like in the post how my morning went...buck in second pic...hocks still white...and the bige buck looked to have light staining on his......Several here have little to no staining on their hocks...many are 6 and small 8's
  17. Thank you to all the vets still with us and to all those whom have passed...Thank you for your service and sacrifice that goes far beyond the days you were in service. Thank you to all of your family members and friends, for they all were impacted as well by your call to duty...God bless all of you...
  18. I just got through going over the buck pics I have gotten in the last week...some have no staining and even the bigger boys have very little staining...HHmmmm that's really not usual when they are in a good rut...what are you seeing out there?
  19. I got in Oh so quiet until last 50ft...sat with excellent views for a good ways...nearly no wind...9:38 my feet felt like they had water blisters they were so cold. So I got down and grabbed cards...BTW I saw nothing 2 cams have wrong dates but the times are right then the open field pic is today at the correct time. 3 different stands and the cams were right next to them...I'm pretty sure had I checked others..I'd have found the same thing...LOL First pic I was 100yards away on other side of bedding, open field I was 250 yrds away and then where he made a fresh scrape was the apple tree cam.....all this morning... Last night 100yrds from where I sat this morning the big guy walked through...headed to path would would take him right past the stand I was in this a.m. I am thinking I might as well give up ...lady luck is clearly flying me the bird...
  20. Mind you been snowing all morning..fresh tracks everywhere but where I was and this
  21. I'm thinking feet may last until 10 a.m. ...maybe..man guys are on the birds in conesus lake mananament area.
  22. Add cold feet to that... not even the crows are sounding off now...had ine,squirrel but he didn't last long either
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