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Everything posted by growalot

  1. The signed date DEC slip in back tag...Good luck
  2. What a night...nothing until right at close and I look up the lane way and see a deer crest a small knoll. I had to unpack the binos and saw it was a big buck..I believe the one I had kicked up...it was getting dark fast and I needed to get that decoy out of the field. I Didn't want to spook him...he made a scarpe and marked his hocks then moved a bit closer to feed, about 80 yrds out. I could count his tines..it was the 10 pt..I decided to finish packing up and unplugged my extra battery from my phone...Well that lit the screen and hear a snort and 3 flags go up behind the decoy..I was so intent on the buck I never saw them come in and it was pretty dark..Well at least inside the blind..out side was way lighter out. Anyways the buck lifted his head and stretched out his neck as far as it could go. The wind moved the decoys head and he swung and bound away.. Now I know what time during the day he could move and that he will come up the lane way...t h e doe came in from the opposite direction..Will get the climber out tomorrow if I don't get a buck in the morning at the swamp
  3. One hour to go..hoping decoy doesn't' scare doe away. The apples are all but gone now..Wind just stripped the trees.....though..they have been hitting the left over garden veggies digging beets ,carrots and munching hard on kale,broccoli and brussel,collard green leaves...They have to walk past the blind to get to gate..Good luck guys.
  4. ZUKE...opener of cross bow is tomorrow. ..maybe that's' what he meant?
  5. LOL they can see the decoy moving around at the road...I can hear the cars breaking and one backed up...hahaha. I must have him in just the right spot or my garden corn stalks should block his view
  6. Temps are droppng again and the winds picking up..skies starting to look like snow. .tomorrow in the swamp will be mighty frosty. I have French veggie, venison soup in the crock pot ..man will that be good tonight!
  7. OMG!!! It doesn't look real...take him out..now you know what's' happening to your doe..he's breaking them and the yote are cleaning up...lol
  8. Doesn't' it figure! Earliest I've gotten out in the afternoon and there he was..and where? Well in that brush behind the decoy bedded next to my brush blind watching the clover plot/apple trees. He wasn' moving fast so maybe some of the others he's been around will show ...up..
  9. First thing I did was kick out a good racked buck going into blind..no snorting . I decided not to change plan and I set up bobbin head buck with buck in rut scent and doe on either side in trees ind blew in good..until I set him up near dead calm now. LOL leveled very well so he is still wagging his tail and turning and bobbing his head
  10. Temps just dropped and fog rolled in..stop raining!....
  11. Turtle.. first thanks for the respectful request. That said if you do not know what NYODN stands for, it is a hunting paper with local state and some out of state news, named ..NEW YORK OUTDOOR NEWS. The full article can be read there. Now The DEC put out this ban proposal weeks ago..They even called for public opinion on it. That can be found on line ..Normally I would link it for you ,but can't from this Kindle. It's just what the title suggests ban on urine based deer lures being used in NYS..another CWD deterrent in their minds. This really isn't news...other than the year given. ps... on that note you should get that paper..it has what I think is a hhhhmmmm..... wild article on how PA plans to ship positive deer from quarantined farms to a specially built high fence hunting facility ..for high fence trophy only hunting...got to read it to believe it...
  12. Thunderstorms rolled in around 3a.m. it is still raining hard and not due to stop until 10 a.m.... I pulled card from cam under last night's stand on the night of the 1st it was a buck parade all night. 7 different buck strolled and fed by. Fork horn to the big boys. Several 8 pts. They are out there...just not in day light...thundering out now...
  13. It's only pointless if you've been brain dead for several months..anyone up on DEC proposals knows what this was about and could respond with intelligence unlike your little ditty. They put out a public opinion call weeks ago.
  14. I may be on the verge of giving up..Lone doe at 5 ,but stayed in neighbor's hedge row. Then I saw it walk away..Though maybe it's going to pick up fawn...Sure enough about 5:35 she shows out by road with triplets. Long short they made it to the fence opening With one fawn on high alert looking my way..Why thank you you $!!--#---?/+) chipmunk. He decide to scurry here and there right under my stand making a racket. Then she caught something down the lane way towards Rivers blind. She spooked taking mom and siblings back into the hedge row....I waited and waited hoping it was the big buck ,when my alarm buzzed the close. I lowered the bow and strapped on the quiver,detaching to descend. 2nd ing down I look towards the lane way and catch a big body Danm! I decided if I hurried as quiet as possible I could get out before he came around e corner of the woods. 2 more rungs and clank...I froze and see two heads popup. Next thing 4 big doe are turning tails up with 3 fawn running back down the lane way. 11 deer and all so close.. 4 on neighbor 7 on us...I wonder why the one group spooked that fawn..
  15. Clouding up again maybe they'll show early at, least road isn't as busy. 16 ft up be,ing attackw8 by a yelooww jacket ..W WTH!!!
  16. Glassed nieghbors hedgerow. .deer may not cross tonight either..his wild grapes are just loaded..with the frost and cold they have,to be like candy now. He's in his lower woods cutting..should have deer up my way hopefully early.
  17. I never said there was anything wrong with them..I've killed plenty using it..I've just don't like that shot.
  18. Well I' not going through the last few years posts. That said wrecall at least 4 mentions..and I Talk with a lot of ppl and I'm on more than one site ..What ever I' not getting into a -is ing match with you I'm hunting
  19. I have stands on and off my iine.. I have them facing and not...and never shot over my line....though that' me.. I set a timer for opening and closing daily...I' in such a stand now. Watched many a deer walk past that decided to not cross fence line...and the fence is open during bow here..
  20. He said the neighbor took him the next day...You can see the bolt sticking out of him I'd assume him saying that ...it was still there...
  21. So as mentioned I chat ppl up while in line...1 1/2 getting tags...had lots of chatting to do So couple of things lost deer...yep came in wouldn't present a shot so I drilled em through the breast...never found arrow blood nor Then a shot a buck one lung no blood and buddy found him... up in a tree head rack most of body shredded and gone...we have cougars up there...Wow you should have him post some pics on line.....buddy is doing euro mount...that's just 2....
  22. Nice buck with a bow and great first,bow buck IMO Congrats!....
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