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Everything posted by growalot

  1. Headed back...I detached the stand Plat form so no on can sit in it.. just that young doe and tracks in mine just couldn't see them behind me. I am not looking forward to that awful climb home. But I also can' just drop and go any more..damn cams every where ..lol
  2. Fletch..I'd HAVE Taken That Young bie in a Heart Beat Had I been anyplace else but the rose brush here is like a shedding machine I need a bit more meat on their bones to make it worth it.
  3. It is volunteer but my God if someone calls them out they'd best have some Cash on hand and donate deer recovery or not...A ll so put them on the XMAS gratuity list.the Web site takes credit cards and pay pal.
  4. Reel you'd know me in a store..I'd be the one talking to everyone That' ok Bob got the message and told Mr. B... Now don't thank us ...send us some of that luck!..before our toes freeze off....lol
  5. Been nestled in swamp stand since 6:15..left house at 5:20..soaked through. Even phone in outer pocket was wet.32 and cold just drew down on a young doe at 12 yrds broad side...let her pass. Not worth the effort to drag out of this swamp. ..I have some nimrod banging on something to my right..and construction beep,beep,beep......non stop beyond that and a tractor and sawzaw to my left.. I'm in the middle of a freaking construction zone here..oh and frozen half solid.
  6. No I bought one but winds will not be good. I do think the chair blind which is light and easy to use may come out. I have my orange fleece to clip to it for safety..or just use one of the tower blinds or garden popup. It is a complete toss up for I have no patterns to go by as in past years and am completely clueless on how deer will move. I do know one thing. The neighbor with the sanctuary will not be out and anyone hunting her place will have orders to avoid moving deer...she hates the guys behind her. I also know where all the local stands are due to searching for that buck. Also where all the big bedding areas are and heaviest deer trails are..these deer are hanging along back yards big time. In gun that will take out a bunch of deer for sure opening day..
  7. Reading these got me thinking...not just adult deer are lacking here..at least on my place but...no raccoon,just 2 fox all season and I just heard didn't see turkey for the first time. No rabbits not even a stray cat,other than the one chased by a fox the beginning if Oct. BTW was the only time I had good adult doe sightings.. have only heard 2 fights. I can't blame it on a lack of deer..for too many people have told me of the 60 plus deer in the field off our back line. My cams have shown crazy amount . Though I know they are being shot . I also know they have hundreds of acres of safe zones at least during bow season. 50 on one side of me and 100 on the other. Plus a hundred acre horse farm down the road.. I personally think I made an error in my planting strategy this year. I wanted more turkey food and bugging cover thus the grains..but the weather sent them down hill too soon. ..the deer have used and are using the mature oats and other grains..but not like when I Leave corn or sorghum . The clover over seeding didn't do as well as hoped and the hay field seeding was a bust thanks to weeds. .Though it should be awesome clover in the spring.
  8. Well for all the running around and barking he did..nothing. came my way...I did have 2 fawn show up no mom again..then coming home in near dark. I did a slow drag walk on way home. Round upper front fir s and here are 2 adult deer on the edge of oats...Lol figures.10 deer today most fawn.
  9. In old reliable 1 stand. turkey's behind chipmunks all around me...No sign of deer..some a hole released their dog to run property..It making it's rounds now..This happens every single year before the gun opener..so predicatable. Well hope he chases something this way. Next will be the single shot just before dark,real dark, Wed. through Friday. It's almost tradition.
  10. moving on to home or different stand?...rain here tomorrow Id go to a different stand site or climb in a different area
  11. He's on my list so didn't see comment....I was on phone, so consolidated my post...I do not use hangers...trying to hold a cross bow in a small stand and type with large fingers on a tiny screen is ....hhhmmm trying at best...
  12. Frozen deer...love em...you quarter it which makes sawing easy and then you bring one section at a time in and let it get just thawed enough to start cutting...Man it makes for the most uniformed cuts of steak and don't even get me going on how easy thin slicing jerky is... then there is the vacuum sealing a lot less blood to deal with so much easier to package......I'll take processing a frozen deer over non every time...
  13. Nah,...... I look more like Tom Selleck now not then....lol
  14. No No he's not...Mr B Was talking to an acquaintance when they said to him ...Isn't your wife growalot...LOL I told you guys ppl know me ...even ppl I do not know..Anyways he sent Mr B a pic of a very nice buck he got this year ...I know he reads, so I thought I'd let him know it was shown to me and it is a nice deer and he deserved a Congrats....
  15. Bladder and rain coincided to bring me in for a break then out to...... hell I don't know where. I'm not seeing deer so who knows(mature)... I just got the best thing ...should have gotten one along time ago...phone card reader...So much better, read and delete, walk away. No more losing cards, forgetting cards ...just one stop and done...Have 2 cams down now..the one I won from here...sensor is no longer working...That cam lasted for ever! I have to say best one I've owned... Thanks again John... and one of the Bushnells indicator light won't go off...I mean won't..turned off nope, removed card nope, finally detached battery...but I think it ran out at the exact same time because now screen won't show...I'll deal with that after I get a deer...hhhmmm maybe Never!!!
  16. As long as the bladder last lol..realized great partial view of brush pile fencing
  17. Wow...lol done but you quoted so to late! Hahaha... Hey Bob..if your reading.. nice buck congrats, Mr B ,as you know I call him , showed me the pic this morning. Ssshhh....your the first to make the connection...that I don't know please send me that luck...
  18. Rained all night quite in last night stand. Load bolt wont set. I have to reset string in a tiny 49.00 ladder stand. Sit down and 3 fawn feed right to ladder...2 more come down opposite trail they go in different directions. Either mom' locked down or someone is killing deer.
  19. Unreal in stand 10 mins. 2 fawn go to stand I was in this morning and start feedimg..
  20. So excited..did a drag and set buck and doe canisters out turn and 10 yards to right of stand is a new rub .cross fingers
  21. http://homeguides.sfgate.com/late-bearing-pear-trees-28587.html https://www.harvesttotable.com/winter_apple_varieties/ http://www.chestnuthilloutdoors.com/store/p/191-Deer-Magnet-Late-Drop-Grafted-American-Persimmon.aspx
  22. Congrats Nice buck!..good exit wound...is that mark on his face from fighting? looks like it's down to bone
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