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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Thanks , ill have to look into that route .
  2. That seems to easy , are those legit ?
  3. I need to replace this steel drain from the shower with pvc . What is the correct way to go from steel to pvc ? The other end after the trap is steel vent up to the roof and steel drain line . My plan is to leave the steel vent pipe and just do the steel drain. I will need to go from steel to pvc at both ends.
  4. I recently turned down the opportunity to go to a salsa dancing class , i gotta draw the line somewhere .
  5. Ive had dirtbikes for 30 years , never had any issues with carbs looking like that from just sitting over the winter . Its that worthless cornfuel theyre pushing on us. The snowmobile is my fault for never riding it .
  6. Same here with the vacuum cleaner running nex to it . I really wish I was in a position to go. That 4 hour drive would suck but it's probably the best shoot you can attend.
  7. Kinda messed up they are still actively pushing groupons.
  8. Your shoulder just let out a sigh of relief.
  9. I immediately thought of my dad . We walked into the woods one day for an afternoon hunt ,the whole way in the woods ,his GPS was beeping from low battery, I finally asked him if was gonna shut it off and he had no idea what I was talking about.
  10. Cleaning my ears is part of the daily regiment, I get way too filthy at work not too.
  11. If you hurt your hearing running a surface grinder ,it' time to hide that wheel from the boss and resurface the magnet before anyone finds out what happened . Maybe find the part too,wherever that landed.
  12. I am definitely no expert in birds . I'm just gonna post a picture and you guys tell me what kind of bird it is.
  13. I'm flanked by 3 different stamping presses hitting 2000 tons all day . I make sure to stuff my ear plugs in real tight . They test us every year and as far as I know, no hearing loss yet.
  14. Not a bad place at all, we went there about a month ago ,it was hard to talk over the garbage band that was playing.
  15. There' a hawk inside the plant that catches and eats pigeons constantly. About a month ago ,I refused a job because the hawk was in the rafters eating a pigeon and was dropping feathers ,blood and sh1t on the die I was supposed to be working on.
  16. I guess it was a hungry one !! It was a redtail ,I think it's the only kind I've ever really seen in this area.
  17. I remember they only had 2 kinds ,plain and melt your face off hot.
  18. Is that the sals in Depew? We used to get wings from sals when I worked at PCB.
  19. I have a 20,30,40 yard pins on my HHA . The floating pin (top pin)is good for 70 yards,i wonder if i set the dial to 70 and use the middle pin if that would be 80 and the bottom pin would be 90?
  20. I wouldn' even know how to get my sight to go out to 100 yards.
  21. I was sitting outside on break ,minding my own business. I saw a hawk in the tree and watched him for a bit . He didn't do anything and I got bored looking at him and turned towards the building. About 30 seconds later ,10 feet in front of my face , hawk comes flying in and snags a pigeon from the air . It actually startled me it happened so fast . I was gonna attach the picture I took but decided not to after typing this . Pretty cool to see nature at work.
  22. You sure do have good taste in generators .
  23. The yellow film that gets left behind from the corn fuel is horrendous ! The float bowls on my snowmobile need to be cleaned every year ,it's like a hard yellow shell . The stuff is garbage. Even the ethanol treatment doesn't completely solve the issue.
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