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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. The lanes are maybe 15 feet long and use a ball that is a little bigger then a softball. We did a few games and did a few games of skeet ball also . We both agreed if we didn't take advantage of having a baby sitter for a few hours then we would be gigantic losers .
  2. Thanks everyone !! Grandma watched Archer so my wife and i went to Kyoto for dinner and then did some mini-bowling .
  3. Last 2 years of bow season weather was terrible for hunting ,at least on the weekends it was.
  4. 9:20 !!?? You guys are troopers!!
  5. The average age of the protesters is 49 years old ,the number of people who voted for hillary at these protests is 89 percent. These protests are nothing more then the people who are still butt hurt that sea hag didn't win .
  6. Quick hijack, this probably represents 3 percent of the track that he has . Finished 0roject will be on a 4x12 table that lowers from the garage ceiling with ropes.
  7. Pizza from a box . Then its off to my buddys house ,he recently came across his old slot car tracks ,like enough to build 10 tracks !!
  8. When the "rush" is gone it's time to hang it up.
  9. I bought a Henry 30 30 last year and took a decent 8 point with it this past season . No scope ,i would guess it was an 80 yard shot ,never left the field he was in . It did a wonderful job.
  10. Made some Salisbury steak ,I couldn' get the gravy to thicken like I wanted ,maybe a bit more corn starch next time.
  11. I went down south a few years back ,handed out some resumes to various shops . One place, the guy ran out and flagged me down for an interview on the spot . The money wasn't enough to even consider relocating.
  12. I get it between my shoulder blades ,one time it happened drying off from the shower ,damn near put me to my knees and took my breath away . It feels like a knife sticking in my back . I've pulled muscles before and that seems to radiate more where the other is a very specific area.
  13. Try ice ,probably pinched a nerve . Some ibuprofen and ice fixes my back when it gets tweaked.
  14. During hunting season ,they sleep in the middle of the trail at one of our locations. Once the frost starts setting in ,you can always see where they were laying down .
  15. Or buying booze , why are people convicted of a DWI allowed to continue to buy booze .
  16. Background checks for everybody , gun owner or not . Can't vote or buy a gun without the back ground check.
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