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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I had one on my dvr for awhile I used to show people . The guys shoots a nice Buck, it dies almost immediately, as he is kneeling by it talking ,the same doe is still in the background walking around eating that was there before he shot the buck .
  2. Ya , it was a bunch of prep work, the ends just didn't justify the means.
  3. Mehhh, it wasn't my favorite . Thats one recipe that won't make it in "the book" my wife and i used to cook together a bunch before the baby , we're trying to get back into it now that he is becoming more independent . There was a lot of spices that i've never heard of but the 2 flavors that stood out was the coconut milk and the salmon.
  4. I hear ya , had to be one of the worst repairs I've done . We just bought a house and I did it in the garage with no heat .
  5. My all time special favorite gun , my dad has a Colt .38 that was his fathers . In due time it will become mine and some day my son's.
  6. The system on the 99 chevy was used from 95 -00 . If the line is replaced from the master cylinder to the abs block it is very easy to get air in the system. It's a horrible design ,it mounts underneath the drivers seat on top of the cross memeber ,all the fittings were rusted to the lines and you can't get wrench on the fittings . It was a cut and socket job for all of them
  7. That's why I don't go to a garage ,I've never had an issue bleeding brakes either until I had all the lines off that chevy . You could do some research and you'll see that In fact you do need a tech 1 scan tool to actuate the valves in the abs to release trapped air in the block or do what I did.
  8. I have a bow holder that has a couple hinges on , that would make it nice for adjustability . Maybe a tray with a border around it attached to a similar type arm . A water bottle mount maybe . I just hate fumbling around to get stuff out or turn around to grab stuff off hooks .
  9. Same here ,I left those in so that the abs would go off and get the air out of the abs block after doing the brake lines . Afterwards I cleaned the mounting area and put new sensors in.
  10. I'm looking to put a shelf/organizer with each treestand this year . Let's get some ideas together ,as far as construction ,ideas for what and how much stuff we typically would like laid out . As far as construction ,I would like to do something that anybody can put together with basic garage tools , I could easily weld some frames together but not everyone has a welder . Just as an example ,if it were made from pvc ,everyone could get a length of pvc and some 90s and build one . Maybe have it attach to the tree via a simple ratchet strap. Put your thinking caps on gang.
  11. I did all the brake lines at the same time before realizing you need the computer to cycle the ABS to get all the air out of the system. I decided to take a few drives around the block with the old faulty ABS sensors still in and return home to do another round of bleeding ,I think it took 3 tries.
  12. Same here ,only waist deep but we didn't want anyone to think there could be possibly someone underneith still. My father in law had his 4 wheeler and sled go through on Simcoe and he had to hire a helicopter to retrieve it that day , big money to hire a helicopter .
  13. Saw a neighborhood kid fall through the canal once ,that was scary,seen him hit the ice from underneith a couple times before finding the hole he went through. Also my buddy busted his snowmobile through on a creek crossing , we had to leave to get a winch to yank it out and wrote a small message on the seat written in mud that said : OK COMING BACK FOR IT
  14. Momma went out with the girls for her friends birthday ,so... i had some chicken nuggets ,Archer had Mangos and a gourmet blend of pears,zucchini and peas. Rupert had dry kibble.
  15. Nothing really fancy for me , a whitetail hunt like you would see on TV ,bucks chasing doe ,deer just tromping around all day ,every where you look. I usually save my pipe dreams for a nice secluded trout stream trip some where , tent camping on the bank of nice scenic trout steam. We used to do that every weekend as a kid down in shongo ,next to the genesse river.
  16. https://www.asphaltandrubber.com/news/kawasaki-pr-rep-fired-trump-tv-show-statements/
  17. My buddy found one in Java , same deal ,just mail it back in.
  18. I would look into getting that brake to work also ,could save your butt on a decline someday. Those BMX brake levers on the freestyle bikes have a little button to lock the lever ,might help when pushing/dragging a deer on to the platform.
  19. I was thinking the same concept when I thought about building a platform between 3 limbs.
  20. I'm gonna guess the chains will be limiter straps to keep tree movement down and causing the fasteners to wiggle lose.
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