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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Lots of money to be made off us hunters.
  2. The ol frog in the pot of water theory , government loves that approach .
  3. My best friend is in town and stopping over . I don't touch the stuff ,I bet I haven't drank a 12 pack in the last 10 years combined . I'm a vodka or rum guy.
  4. I found a Montana 650T on archerytalk , he wanted 275 ,i tossed him an offer of 200 and he took it. I'm still having trouble down loading the satellite view map.
  5. I had one of those otter boxes on my last phone ,it was too thick and bulky . The phone i have now is supposed to be more rugged ,we'll see about that.
  6. As it stand right now ,the Z and the Pure will always have a home with me . The I31 ,that was one i couldn't get rid of fast enough.
  7. I was gonna shoot the Z28 again this year and low and behold i see this gem pop up . I've been looking for a synergy since i sold the impulse 31.
  8. What method of payment are you most comfortable using ?
  9. I'll get to use my new garmin to calculate the area of said food plot too.
  10. I'm still waiting to hear what we are trying to fix .
  11. My dad is going back down in a couple weeks to grab the cameras , I'll set him to do get a soil sample while he's there.
  12. Snowmobiles have an extremely regulated noise standard ,that argument holds no water, I see way more Harleys that are loud as heck and nobody complains about that. They also have a very nice and we'll marked trail system across the state . Blaming a couple bad eggs on the entire snowmobile community is much like blaming all gun Hunters for a few bad eggs.
  13. Money goes along way in this state . You should look into the dollar figures generated by the snowmobiles. State and local are making a killing when the season is good . Without looking it up ,I would say snowmobiles generate way more revenue then hunters ever will on a local scale.
  14. I would like to hear your reasons for changing the seasons , if you mentioned already, i missed it and apologize for skimming through.
  15. I was reluctantly thinking that the past few seasons . They do come back and visit the pines during the season , we get some really large diameter trees rubbed throughout the season . I think i found a tree that will allow me to get on the edge of the pines this year.
  16. It sucks seeing these guys and then they vanish,no pics at all.
  17. I may have to post a picture if i can't explain it properly . We have 6 trail cameras every year and we have their travel route , in order for the deer to get to where ever they go on the neighbors property ,they leave the thick pines (or hang out in the corn),over the tracks and through the corn field . With out the corn field ,they either need to take the road or go through the over grown apple orchard ( some smaller bucks can be seen there sometimes) My buddy does a lot of firewood in the orchard so its usually busy in there. I honestly don't know if its the great coverage of the field they like or the food source , the only thing i have control of is the food source . We're seeing 4/5 year old bucks right up until the corn is gone which usually is about the start of archery.
  18. Probably depends on the shop ,any good bow technician would look it over while he's working on it . I can't imagine there is any bow shops that are busy right now.
  19. Getting that perfect kill shot off during an adrenaline rush is very hard I think .
  20. Ya ,Southern tier . There was a couple crops I read about that breakdown after the frost and become sweet tasting .
  21. That would be great . My buddy let's me do whatever I want in his woods,he's completely on board with a food plot,he just told me to research it .
  22. Not so much looking to hunt over the plot ,just trying to keep them around . Just out of site is a large cornfield,once that corn get cut ,we lose all the deer.
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