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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I got one in basement ,thats one i can't let go.
  2. Not my favorite memory but one ill never forget is getting bum rushed by 2 raccoons in the pitch black.
  3. I would like to do a food plot next year . Every year after the corn is cut ,we lose all the deer ,except for the mommas with babies . I have a few questions , what crop would be best for after the corn gets cut beginning of archery season ? What kind of things should i research , i have never planted a field before ,i'm as green as the the field im working with. I outlined the area that ihave to work with right below the MX track. Should i consider different crops for this area ? My buddy has an Aliss chalmers with the attachments needed to work a field . I guess ill have more questions as the advice comes in.
  4. I've bought 4 bows off AT in the last few years , i looked around real quick over there, i saw a bowtech assassin for 250 but it was sold . Just wondered if used was an option because guys are selling bows that came ready to shoot well within your price range.
  5. Extending hunting season messes with snowmobile season ,it could get ugly.
  6. Did you hear the pop eye music start playing as you opened the wrapper?
  7. And they wonder why people are getting a modded firebox off amazon or ebay and just paying for Internet only plans. A simple Google search would have more info .
  8. A few times now (at least twice i can recall) I climbed into a stand to find my headlamp hanging there from the previous years hunt.
  9. There's a mag light under my treestand somewhere , I know I dropped and I could not find that thing.
  10. You could find a better deal in the classified section on AT
  11. Work a little OT to get the wife a new vehicle . Thinking about shedding some pounds too.
  12. Some people just prefer the velcro instead of laces.
  13. So my dad dropped me off today. He retires in a week and will be spending the fall/winter in florida . He won't be hunting anymore , I made a point to thank him for 25 years as my hunting partner and mentor . I had to keep it short and sweet ,I know it was emotional for me and i could tell it as for him a little bit. We never really express feelings like that ,never have.
  14. A new scope for my muzzle loader is coming this year , id like one with flip up caps.
  15. He's the kind of guy that would let me bring someone along too , he trusts my judgement.
  16. I declined the invite, my boots took in water this morning during some deep slush trudging.
  17. I have some kind of Frankenstein Irish setters that are warm as all get out ,I get cold feet extremely easy too. The problem is ,the larger the boot,the more noise they make when walking, I try to keep my mucks on for as long as possible because they are so quiet.
  18. Congrats ! You'll know its time to quit hunting when you don't get that rush anymore.
  19. Just got a text from my buddy in java to stop over and shoot some deer,he said he can see them everywhere from his house.
  20. I bought the lanksy kit awhile ago. I'm not a big fan of it.
  21. They're not allowed out during hunting season ,it's safer that way.
  22. Started bow at 14 ,didn't take up gun hunting til almost my mid 20s.
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