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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. That's would be a blast, the problem is I would be 2 neighbors down before I got the kayak stopped and got out ,LOL.
  2. ...and plan C is also a bust . If there wasn't 8 inches of snow on the ground and I had less clothes ,I could make the jump in a couple spot ,not even on a bet would i try it right now .
  3. So much for plan B ,plan A was worse. Already went up to knee getting here.
  4. I have 10x42 monarch 3s , I don't typically use binos very often been they are a nice piece when I do need to take a looksie.
  5. Still waiting... I'm almost ready to just fall back asleep.
  6. Waiting for the rain to turn to ice pellets so I can hike to the top of the hill. I still haven't figured out how to get there without sweating my butt off.
  7. Not sure if it was last year or the year before ,it was only 60-70 yards in a thick area ,it was so long and loud . I almost got out of my treestand to investigate. The same sound tone as a bleat but it just keeps going .
  8. My wife's first question to me was if she was allowed to sleep on the ride there.(not a morning person)
  9. It seems like it's always some kind of family function or something she doesn't Want to miss, I'm always ok with missing functions to go hunting.
  10. Use a snowmobile to pack down the snow ,they always use a pack down snowmobile path.
  11. I've heard that sound in the woods before ,it was a doe and buck having play time.
  12. You're gonna have to change your name to cutsherselfalot
  13. Spring turkey , my wife has been asking me to take her turkey hunting since we were dating, something always comes up.
  14. Now that was a warm hike to my stand . Jacket unzipped ,undershirt pulled up,using my pasty white gut as snow camo.
  15. Oh well ya ... I did that ,I wasn't about to smell it though.
  16. I didn't smell it ,I pushed the snow around with my boot and the color was all through the snow right to the ground .
  17. I'm already looking for trees for archery season.
  18. Why would a deer leave a spot in the snow that looks like orange Kool aid ? I was following some tracks and came across a spot in the snow that looked like orange liquid was dumped on the ground ,not a hint of orange but a solid orange.
  19. My dad missed a nice 6 that was following 4 doe.
  20. I beat ya to it ,just laid my sweaty clothes next to the wood burner.
  21. Fresh tracks everywhere , my dad missed a nice Buck I guess,don't know the details yet.
  22. Those are the days I always get a deer , after I decided not to go,a few hours later I change my mind and make the drive and always seem to get one.
  23. Oh ,I check them, I'm waiting for my garmin montana to show up!
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