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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. https://huntingny.com/forums/topic/34024-spine-tester/#comment-492192 This site is really weird latley ,here's the link.
  2. I made a spine tester,pics in this thread.
  3. I get down right away and find the arrow ,do the usual checks on it and find the start of the blood trail and mark it. The amount of time I wait after that would depend on the situation.
  4. We had run ins with guys like that at 2 diffrent spots we hunt , they talked like they were buddies with the owner,not knowing that both the owners are my best friends and I know that my dad and I are the only ones with permission. Always really friendly and respectful but at the same time ,lying through their teeth.
  5. Didn't mean to quote this post but it's the only way it will clear it so when I need to actually post in this thread.
  6. Now I replied to this topic and it didn't pull up the quote that it does in the live from the stand thread.
  7. If I try and reply in the live from the stand thread , it automatically wants to quote a post from someone else else in a different thread . Is it on my end or the site?
  8. I shoot those in 30-06 , amazing results on deer and very consistent at the range.
  9. What happens when you don't see anything during a hunt and the xbow is locked at full draw? Curious what the technique is .
  10. That's great ,how old is your button buck?
  11. I got bum rushed by 2 raccoons in the pitch dark, I yelled and they took off. My buddies dog had 6 coons stand up to him until he grabbed the closet one and shook him to death. I'm guessing the same pack.
  12. Doe and fawn just came by at 20 yards,fawn went passed my camera and then sniffed it out and went back to check it out
  13. Sat all day minus 2 hours for lunch and only the saw the welfare mom and her 2 kids.
  14. Let's try this again , dead calm and no rain.
  15. I wish one of those little drones would appear in front of me with plate of hash browns and bacon.
  16. Again? You do know you only get so many of those before you get to the "prize" at the bottom.
  17. Sitting in Cuba today , rain has held off so far . No sightings yet except a cat.
  18. Hopefully this break in the rain will last for the first hour of legal light.
  19. Jeremy K

    Tag alongs

    And talking ,no talking!
  20. Jeremy K

    Tag alongs

    Ah man, I thought this was about the girl scout cookies.
  21. Open Pizza box in your lap in the treestand ,bow or gun set aside ,perfect recipe for seeing the buck of a lifetime ... and not be able to get a shot.
  22. Cliff bars for me ,pre opened and put in zip lock bags . I never forget my snacks ,I forget my release before my snacks.
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