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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I was able to do some reading last night and came across the same info multiple times . I really think after reading and hearing people's responses that I'm gonna end up with a Henry H010CC in 30 30 .
  2. It looks like its pointing forward an awful lot ,could be cause it's blurry?
  3. Sounds like I got some research to do after so many recommendations,I appreciate all the feedback so far.
  4. I got a few people saying the mossberg 464 is an excellent choice for a new unit without spending a ton of money.
  5. I won a gun at a gun raffle over the weekend ,we'll I don't want the gun I won and decided to put the gift card towards a lever action of some sort and was wondering your take on the different calibers , I would like to hunt with occasionally.
  6. Keeping it nicely shaped ? Sounds like you could have been some use in the big curtain debacle thread that was started last week.
  7. You don't put a car cover on a Ferrari , no beard for me .
  8. They can eat all the Robin's they want to, when I step in their crap though, it's personal.
  9. Does it say anything about the 2 cats that keep crapping in my yard and wrecking the birdhouse?
  10. That's long gone ,It has a QAD dropper on it now.
  11. Ours just touch the floor but I know the wife cut and sewed them that way.
  12. Hang them sideways ! She'll never ask you to hang curtains again.
  13. Elite I 31 ,this thing is gonna drive me to drink.
  14. I hit a doe In the chest (facing me) at 190 yards last year with my 30-06 168g and it made an absolute mess of the chest cavity . I just won a savage arms rifle Saturday at a gun rifle and I can't decide between the .243 or .270 . I know the 30-06 is over kill.
  15. That reminds me of a story my dad told me grow. He said when he was in his early 20s ,him and my uncle would close the Angelica hotel and drive back to camp,instead of going to sleep,my dad would put on his camo and go sleep at the base of his tree,when he woke up ,he would get in his stand and hunt.
  16. Chalk up another one to the hail marry club.
  17. He came around the house and was face to face with the bear , the man suffered a injured knee and scratches . That dude didn't get attacked by a bear ,he got his a$$ run over by a bear as it was escaping his yard.
  18. Some people considering wounding a deer and not finding it to be the least prideful thing you can as a hunter. Other people weren't raised properly.
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